Post by The Sandmen on Jan 30, 2018 6:02:51 GMT -5
Clay Guida glares at his opponent from the opposite corner.
Nate Diaz looks very relaxed.
This is the first time they meet inside the cage
A pretty fair match today. I can't say who will be the one who will be raising his fist after the match.
The referee of the bout is John McCarthy.
Round 1
Guida and Diaz move forward as the bell signals the beginning of the fight!
A shot seen throughout the arena!
Guida stumbles back, his corner is screaming! Nate Diaz is coming in again!
Guida's Nose is bruised after the punishement he's received!
There is a small laceration on Clay Guida's Nose
Diaz grabs his opponent by the waist and tries to take the fight to the ground
Great takedown by Nate Diaz
Nate Diaz is in open guard over Guida
Guida tries to close his guard around Diaz
He is not able to do it
Nate Diaz is in open guard over Guida
Guida tries to close his guard around Diaz
He succeeds!
Nate Diaz is in closed guard over Guida
Guida measures the resilience of Diaz's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in Diaz's side.
Nate Diaz is in closed guard over Guida
Diaz shows no signs of slowing down. He's in great shape.
Nate Diaz looks to posture up and open Clay Guida's guard...
Nate Diaz forces Clay Guida to open his guard.
Nate Diaz is in open guard over Guida
Diaz is in open guard over Guida... he fakes a move and then tries a kneebar!
Guida rolls on the ground trying to get free and after a few kicks of his own he escapes.
Poorly executed technique. Clay Guida looks to counter!
Clay Guida isolates an arm in a kimura attempt!
Diaz blocks the hold and uses the opportunity to pass Guida's guard.
Nate Diaz is in half guard over Guida
Clay Guida attempts to move to full guard
Nate Diaz keeps good control and remains in half guard.
Nate Diaz is in half guard over Guida
Clay Guida attempts to move to full guard
Nate Diaz keeps good control and remains in half guard.
Nate Diaz is in half guard over Guida
Clay Guida attempts to move to full guard
Nate Diaz keeps good control and remains in half guard.
Nate Diaz is in half guard over Guida
Nate Diaz is cooling the fight on the ground
John McCarthy stands the fighters up due to a lack of activity.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Shanghai Arena (Shanghai, China) are cheering for the fighters.
Clay Guida takes a few seconds to recover his breath...
The clock says 2:10 in the 1 round
Guida fakes a punch and shoots a takedown!
Nate Diaz didn't see it coming and has been put on the ground!
Clay Guida is in open guard over Diaz
Guida has a high cardio that helps him make great performances.
Guida positions himself for a round of ground and pound and tries to finish the fight with some precise elbows!
One, two, three! Diaz's being punished here!
Clay Guida is in open guard over Diaz
Diaz tries to move on the ground and shows Clay Guida a crack in his guard which he uses for a big elbow!
Bang! Diaz's forehead receives a strong elbow that rocks his head against the mat! John McCarthy knows he may be calling off the fight soon!
Clay Guida is in open guard over Diaz
Diaz tries to close his guard around Guida
He succeeds!
Clay Guida is in closed guard over Diaz
Diaz reaches under and rolls for a kneebar!
Guida blocks the attempt and uses the opportunity to seize half guard.
Guida is trying to counter now!
Clay Guida fakes some punches
then lands a big punch to Diaz's face!
The clock says 3:05 in the 1 round
Clay Guida is in closed guard over Diaz
Guida is in closed guard... Diaz tries to roll on the ground!
Clay Guida uses his leg to keep his position on the ground
Clay Guida is in closed guard over Diaz
Diaz tries to stand up!
Guida doesn't allow him!
Clay Guida is in closed guard over Diaz
Diaz tries to stand up!
he is now on his feet
John McCarthy halts the fight to stand up Nate Diaz. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Shanghai Arena (Shanghai, China) are cheering for the fighters.
Diaz decides to launch some tentative punches
Nate Diaz takes the best of a brief punching exchange.
Guida is holding Nate Diaz's right leg... He's trying to take him down.
Nate Diaz shows great balance while pushing away Clay Guida
Guida misses a step and Nate Diaz sees an opportunity to counter him!
Nate Diaz attempts to cut off Guida with punches
Guida reels from the strikes.
Diaz fakes a punch and shoots a takedown!
Clay Guida didn't see it coming and has been put on the ground!
Nate Diaz is in open guard over Guida
Guida tries to close his guard around Diaz
He is not able to do it
Nate Diaz is in open guard over Guida
The fans are in for a real treat now. It's always fun to watch Nate Diaz work his BJJ game.
Diaz is in open guard over Guida... he fakes a move and then tries a kneebar!
Guida rolls on the ground trying to get free and after a few kicks of his own he escapes.
Diaz misses a step and Clay Guida sees an opportunity to counter him!
Guida attempts a triangle from bottom! Nate Diaz slips out. Guida quickly turns his hips over and switches to the armbar! He's throwing everything at him.
Nate Diaz slips out and backs away to avoid danger.
John McCarthy halts the fight to stand up Nate Diaz. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Shanghai Arena (Shanghai, China) are cheering for the fighters.
The clock says 4:20 in the 1 round
The fight is still up for grabs at this point.
Guida fakes a punch and shoots a takedown!
Nate Diaz didn't see it coming and has been put on the ground!
Clay Guida is in open guard over Diaz
Clay Guida pushes Nate Diaz against the fence and then tries to improve his position.
Guida jumps and tries to free his leg! Diaz doesn't allow this but Clay Guida is able to get half guard here.
Clay Guida is in half guard over Diaz
Guida sits over his knees and pushes away Diaz's leg!
Diaz closes his legs around Clay Guida's leg. Guida is not able to move away now!
Clay Guida gets sloppy and Nate Diaz tries to take advantage...
Diaz measures the resilience of Guida's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in Guida's side.
The clock says 4:55 in the 1 round
Clay Guida is in half guard over Diaz
Nate Diaz attempts to move to full guard
Nate Diaz manages to switch to full guard.
John McCarthy tells the fighters to go to their corners as the round is over.
That round was a toss up.
Round 2
Clay Guida and Diaz engage in a wild exchange of punches!
Both fighters are missing terribly.
Nate Diaz tries to show his boxing skills with a one-two combo
and those punches are landing on Guida's face
Diaz wants to close the range and tries to grapple...
Nice move. He shoves himself over his opponent and secure a single collar tie.
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Diaz pushes Clay Guida againts the fence and begin a relentless combination of punches. The crowd is on it's feet!
Guida cannot escape Nate Diaz's clinch! Nate Diaz is just brutalizing Guida with punches time and time again!
The fighters are clinching.
Clay Guida launches a few punches towards Diaz's ribs while holds him in a double overhooks!
Nate Diaz receives a couple of blows in the ribs.
Crushing shot to Diaz's body! He's holding his side
The fighters are clinching.
Clay Guida tries a Foot Sweep takedown on Nate Diaz
well done Diaz falls hard on the mat
Guida is standing while Diaz is on the ground on his back
Nate Diaz launches an up-kick intended for Clay Guida's head...
It lands flush with Clay Guida's head snapping it backwards due to the impact!
Guida is standing while Diaz is on the ground on his back
Nate Diaz kicks his legs trying to keep Clay Guida away.
Clay Guida takes a kick to the body.
Guida is standing while Diaz is on the ground on his back
Diaz tries to hit Clay Guida with a kick to his knee from the ground.
Guida dodges that
The clock says 1:40 in the 2 round
Guida is standing while Diaz is on the ground on his back
Guida opts to jump inside Diaz's guard.
Diaz didn't see that coming. Clay Guida is in open guard over Diaz now.
Clay Guida is in open guard over Diaz
Nate Diaz is a submission wizard. He has forgotten more BJJ than most fighters have learned.
Diaz throws his legs up in a triangle attempt!
Clay Guida realizes the danger and stands up to avoid the attack.
Guida climbs to his feet and is standing now.
Guida is standing while Diaz is on the ground on his back
Guida decides to go after his opponent and jumps inside Diaz's guard.
Diaz did not see that coming! Clay Guida is in open guard over Diaz now.
Clay Guida is in open guard over Diaz
Clay Guida storms over Diaz with a biblical punishment in the form of elbows!
Guida doesn't stop and viciously hits again and again Diaz's face with his elbows!
Clay Guida is in open guard over Diaz
Nate Diaz sits up and gets an arm around Guida's neck!
Guida pushes Nate Diaz back to the ground.
Nate Diaz gets sloppy and Clay Guida tries to take advantage...
Guida tries to jump to side mount.
Nate Diaz jumps and show some wrestling skills as he positions himself for continuing the fight in side control.
Nate Diaz is in closed guard over Guida
Diaz tries to improve his position on the ground as he sits on his knees and tries to break the closed guard.
Guida leans and gets Nate Diaz's arms as he brings him to the ground again.
Nate Diaz is in closed guard over Guida
Guida measures the resilience of Diaz's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in Diaz's side.
Nate Diaz is in closed guard over Guida
Diaz is in closed guard... Guida tries to roll on the ground!
Nate Diaz uses his leg to keep his position on the ground
The clock says 3:10 in the 2 round
Nate Diaz is in closed guard over Guida
Diaz use some of his wrestling skills to escape from the closed guard!
After a few tentative moves, he jumps to side mount! The crowd in Shanghai Arena (Shanghai, China) is cheering him!
Nate Diaz is in side mount over Clay Guida
Guida measures the resilience of Diaz's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in Diaz's side.
The clock says 3:30 in the 2 round
Nate Diaz is in side mount over Clay Guida
Guida tries to show some ground skills
Clay Guida put Diaz in half guard.
Nate Diaz is in half guard over Guida
Guida is a savvy submission specialist. It's an honor just to watch him work on the ground.
Clay Guida tries to close the guard.
Guida put Nate Diaz in closed guard.
Nate Diaz is in closed guard over Guida
Diaz is in closed guard... Guida tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! He is now in full mount over Nate Diaz!
The clock says 3:55 in the 2 round
Clay Guida is in full mount over Nate Diaz
Diaz is using some of his ground skills to escape from this...
He pushes Guida's knee away and tries to roll! Nice move to get half guard!
Nate Diaz is in half guard over Guida
Guida measures the resilience of Diaz's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in Diaz's side.
Nate Diaz is in half guard over Guida
Nate Diaz doesn't want to continue the fight in this position and tries to get back on his feet
He can't do it because of Guida's moves.
Nate Diaz is in half guard over Guida
Nate Diaz doesn't want to continue the fight in this position and tries to get back on his feet
He can't do it because of Guida's moves.
The clock says 4:35 in the 2 round
Nate Diaz is in half guard over Guida
Diaz tries to stand up!
Guida doesn't allow him!
Nate Diaz is in half guard over Guida
Clay Guida tries to close the guard.
Guida put Nate Diaz in closed guard.
The ref stops the action. The round is over.
You have to give that round to Nate Diaz.
Round 3
Nate Diaz charges at Guida throwing flurries left and right.
Not many punches are hitting, but the ones that land are huge shots! Guida is rocked!
Clay Guida tries to bring the fight to the ground
Diaz goes down.
Hard blow to Diaz's mid-section, he seems hurt
Clay Guida is in open guard over Diaz
Guida positions himself for a round of ground and pound and tries to finish the fight with some precise elbows!
One, two, three! Diaz's being punished here!
Diaz's Left cheek is bruised after the punishement he's received!
Clay Guida is in open guard over Diaz
Guida moves on the ground...
..and gets to half guard.
Clay Guida is in half guard over Diaz
Nate Diaz tries to close the guard.
Nothing from this effort.
Guida tries to get some advantage after his opponent miss move...
Clay Guida tries to pass Nate Diaz's guard...
Clay Guida manages to get his leg free and moves to side mount.
Clay Guida is in side mount over Nate Diaz
Diaz tries to show some ground skills
Guida uses his strength to keep Guida at a disadvantage
Clay Guida is in side mount over Nate Diaz
Clay Guida looks to mount Nate Diaz...
Clay Guida slides his knee across and gets to mount.
The clock says 1:30 in the 3 round
Clay Guida is in full mount over Nate Diaz
Nate Diaz tries to roll to his side and trap Clay Guida in his guard...
Clay Guida keeps good control and remains in full mount.
Clay Guida is in full mount over Nate Diaz
Diaz tries to move on the ground and escape from the full mount!
Clay Guida doesn't want to lose his adventageous position and he struggles to mantain the full mount.
Poorly executed technique. Clay Guida looks to counter!
Guida goes for an armbar!
That Armbar looks tight...
Nate Diaz breaks the lock and pushes away Clay Guida, who rolls over his back and gets to standing position.
John McCarthy halts the fight to stand up Nate Diaz. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Shanghai Arena (Shanghai, China) are cheering for the fighters.
Diaz grabs his opponent by the waist and tries to take the fight to the ground
Great takedown by Nate Diaz
Nate Diaz is in open guard over Guida
Diaz tries to move to full mount
Diaz's ground game is not enough to provide him any advantage
Nate Diaz is in open guard over Guida
Clay Guida launches a few punches to Diaz's cheek from the guard.
Those punches sure are annoying because Diaz tries to cover his face,
Diaz's Left cheek is bruised after the punishement he's received!
Nate Diaz is in open guard over Guida
Diaz is in open guard over Guida... he fakes a move and then tries a kneebar!
Guida rolls on the ground trying to get free and after a few kicks of his own he escapes.
Guida is trying to counter now!
Clay Guida gets an arm and tries to apply an armbar. Diaz spins out, but Clay Guida was ready for that and quickly switches to a triangle choke!
Diaz struggles to free himself
That Armbar to Triangle looks tight...
Punishing hold!
Diaz tries to break the lock slamming Clay Guida against the mat!
Clay Guida doesn't allow Nate Diaz to escape. He is tightening the Armbar to Triangle
Crippling lock!
Diaz is too good and managed to back out of danger.
Nate Diaz is in open guard over Guida
The fans are in for a real treat now. It's always fun to watch Clay Guida work his BJJ game.
Guida measures the resilience of Diaz's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in Diaz's side.
Nate Diaz is in open guard over Guida
Guida tries to close his guard around Diaz
He succeeds!
Nate Diaz is in closed guard over Guida
Diaz tries to stand up!
Guida doesn't allow him!
Nate Diaz is in closed guard over Guida
You can hear the excitement from the crowd. Clay Guida can end the fight with his ground and pound.
Diaz is in closed guard... Guida tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! He is now in full mount over Nate Diaz!
Clay Guida is in full mount over Nate Diaz
Diaz tries to move on the ground and escape from the full mount!
Clay Guida doesn't want to lose his adventageous position and he struggles to mantain the full mount.
Clay Guida is in full mount over Nate Diaz
Clay Guida storms over Diaz with a biblical punishment in the form of elbows!
Guida doesn't stop and viciously hits again and again Diaz's face with his elbows!
Diaz's Left eye is beginning to swell
There is a small laceration on Nate Diaz's Left eye
Clay Guida is in full mount over Nate Diaz
Guida is moving on the ground...
Ouch! That was a headbutt! Did he do that intentionally?
John McCarthy didn't see the foul!
Clay Guida is in full mount over Nate Diaz
Clay Guida throws the leg over and rolls it over into an armbar!
That's more than Diaz can stand! His arm is outstretched and he taps before getting an injury.
Winner is Clay Guida by Submission (Armbar) at 3:52 Round 3
Statistics: Clay Guida
Punches 0/4 (0%)
Kicks 0/0 (0%)
Clinch strikes 3/5 (60%)
Takedowns 3/4 (75%)
GnP strikes 28/33 (85%)
Submissions 5/5 (100%)
Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)
Time on the ground 586 s
Statistics: Nate Diaz
Punches 14/18 (78%)
Kicks 0/0 (0%)
Clinch strikes 4/4 (100%)
Takedowns 3/1 (300%)
GnP strikes 2/2 (100%)
Submissions 6/6 (100%)
Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)
Time on the ground 632 s
Clay does the doin's in this one.
Nate Diaz looks very relaxed.
This is the first time they meet inside the cage
A pretty fair match today. I can't say who will be the one who will be raising his fist after the match.
The referee of the bout is John McCarthy.
Round 1
Guida and Diaz move forward as the bell signals the beginning of the fight!
A shot seen throughout the arena!
Guida stumbles back, his corner is screaming! Nate Diaz is coming in again!
Guida's Nose is bruised after the punishement he's received!
There is a small laceration on Clay Guida's Nose
Diaz grabs his opponent by the waist and tries to take the fight to the ground
Great takedown by Nate Diaz
Nate Diaz is in open guard over Guida
Guida tries to close his guard around Diaz
He is not able to do it
Nate Diaz is in open guard over Guida
Guida tries to close his guard around Diaz
He succeeds!
Nate Diaz is in closed guard over Guida
Guida measures the resilience of Diaz's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in Diaz's side.
Nate Diaz is in closed guard over Guida
Diaz shows no signs of slowing down. He's in great shape.
Nate Diaz looks to posture up and open Clay Guida's guard...
Nate Diaz forces Clay Guida to open his guard.
Nate Diaz is in open guard over Guida
Diaz is in open guard over Guida... he fakes a move and then tries a kneebar!
Guida rolls on the ground trying to get free and after a few kicks of his own he escapes.
Poorly executed technique. Clay Guida looks to counter!
Clay Guida isolates an arm in a kimura attempt!
Diaz blocks the hold and uses the opportunity to pass Guida's guard.
Nate Diaz is in half guard over Guida
Clay Guida attempts to move to full guard
Nate Diaz keeps good control and remains in half guard.
Nate Diaz is in half guard over Guida
Clay Guida attempts to move to full guard
Nate Diaz keeps good control and remains in half guard.
Nate Diaz is in half guard over Guida
Clay Guida attempts to move to full guard
Nate Diaz keeps good control and remains in half guard.
Nate Diaz is in half guard over Guida
Nate Diaz is cooling the fight on the ground
John McCarthy stands the fighters up due to a lack of activity.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Shanghai Arena (Shanghai, China) are cheering for the fighters.
Clay Guida takes a few seconds to recover his breath...
The clock says 2:10 in the 1 round
Guida fakes a punch and shoots a takedown!
Nate Diaz didn't see it coming and has been put on the ground!
Clay Guida is in open guard over Diaz
Guida has a high cardio that helps him make great performances.
Guida positions himself for a round of ground and pound and tries to finish the fight with some precise elbows!
One, two, three! Diaz's being punished here!
Clay Guida is in open guard over Diaz
Diaz tries to move on the ground and shows Clay Guida a crack in his guard which he uses for a big elbow!
Bang! Diaz's forehead receives a strong elbow that rocks his head against the mat! John McCarthy knows he may be calling off the fight soon!
Clay Guida is in open guard over Diaz
Diaz tries to close his guard around Guida
He succeeds!
Clay Guida is in closed guard over Diaz
Diaz reaches under and rolls for a kneebar!
Guida blocks the attempt and uses the opportunity to seize half guard.
Guida is trying to counter now!
Clay Guida fakes some punches
then lands a big punch to Diaz's face!
The clock says 3:05 in the 1 round
Clay Guida is in closed guard over Diaz
Guida is in closed guard... Diaz tries to roll on the ground!
Clay Guida uses his leg to keep his position on the ground
Clay Guida is in closed guard over Diaz
Diaz tries to stand up!
Guida doesn't allow him!
Clay Guida is in closed guard over Diaz
Diaz tries to stand up!
he is now on his feet
John McCarthy halts the fight to stand up Nate Diaz. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Shanghai Arena (Shanghai, China) are cheering for the fighters.
Diaz decides to launch some tentative punches
Nate Diaz takes the best of a brief punching exchange.
Guida is holding Nate Diaz's right leg... He's trying to take him down.
Nate Diaz shows great balance while pushing away Clay Guida
Guida misses a step and Nate Diaz sees an opportunity to counter him!
Nate Diaz attempts to cut off Guida with punches
Guida reels from the strikes.
Diaz fakes a punch and shoots a takedown!
Clay Guida didn't see it coming and has been put on the ground!
Nate Diaz is in open guard over Guida
Guida tries to close his guard around Diaz
He is not able to do it
Nate Diaz is in open guard over Guida
The fans are in for a real treat now. It's always fun to watch Nate Diaz work his BJJ game.
Diaz is in open guard over Guida... he fakes a move and then tries a kneebar!
Guida rolls on the ground trying to get free and after a few kicks of his own he escapes.
Diaz misses a step and Clay Guida sees an opportunity to counter him!
Guida attempts a triangle from bottom! Nate Diaz slips out. Guida quickly turns his hips over and switches to the armbar! He's throwing everything at him.
Nate Diaz slips out and backs away to avoid danger.
John McCarthy halts the fight to stand up Nate Diaz. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Shanghai Arena (Shanghai, China) are cheering for the fighters.
The clock says 4:20 in the 1 round
The fight is still up for grabs at this point.
Guida fakes a punch and shoots a takedown!
Nate Diaz didn't see it coming and has been put on the ground!
Clay Guida is in open guard over Diaz
Clay Guida pushes Nate Diaz against the fence and then tries to improve his position.
Guida jumps and tries to free his leg! Diaz doesn't allow this but Clay Guida is able to get half guard here.
Clay Guida is in half guard over Diaz
Guida sits over his knees and pushes away Diaz's leg!
Diaz closes his legs around Clay Guida's leg. Guida is not able to move away now!
Clay Guida gets sloppy and Nate Diaz tries to take advantage...
Diaz measures the resilience of Guida's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in Guida's side.
The clock says 4:55 in the 1 round
Clay Guida is in half guard over Diaz
Nate Diaz attempts to move to full guard
Nate Diaz manages to switch to full guard.
John McCarthy tells the fighters to go to their corners as the round is over.
That round was a toss up.
Round 2
Clay Guida and Diaz engage in a wild exchange of punches!
Both fighters are missing terribly.
Nate Diaz tries to show his boxing skills with a one-two combo
and those punches are landing on Guida's face
Diaz wants to close the range and tries to grapple...
Nice move. He shoves himself over his opponent and secure a single collar tie.
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Diaz pushes Clay Guida againts the fence and begin a relentless combination of punches. The crowd is on it's feet!
Guida cannot escape Nate Diaz's clinch! Nate Diaz is just brutalizing Guida with punches time and time again!
The fighters are clinching.
Clay Guida launches a few punches towards Diaz's ribs while holds him in a double overhooks!
Nate Diaz receives a couple of blows in the ribs.
Crushing shot to Diaz's body! He's holding his side
The fighters are clinching.
Clay Guida tries a Foot Sweep takedown on Nate Diaz
well done Diaz falls hard on the mat
Guida is standing while Diaz is on the ground on his back
Nate Diaz launches an up-kick intended for Clay Guida's head...
It lands flush with Clay Guida's head snapping it backwards due to the impact!
Guida is standing while Diaz is on the ground on his back
Nate Diaz kicks his legs trying to keep Clay Guida away.
Clay Guida takes a kick to the body.
Guida is standing while Diaz is on the ground on his back
Diaz tries to hit Clay Guida with a kick to his knee from the ground.
Guida dodges that
The clock says 1:40 in the 2 round
Guida is standing while Diaz is on the ground on his back
Guida opts to jump inside Diaz's guard.
Diaz didn't see that coming. Clay Guida is in open guard over Diaz now.
Clay Guida is in open guard over Diaz
Nate Diaz is a submission wizard. He has forgotten more BJJ than most fighters have learned.
Diaz throws his legs up in a triangle attempt!
Clay Guida realizes the danger and stands up to avoid the attack.
Guida climbs to his feet and is standing now.
Guida is standing while Diaz is on the ground on his back
Guida decides to go after his opponent and jumps inside Diaz's guard.
Diaz did not see that coming! Clay Guida is in open guard over Diaz now.
Clay Guida is in open guard over Diaz
Clay Guida storms over Diaz with a biblical punishment in the form of elbows!
Guida doesn't stop and viciously hits again and again Diaz's face with his elbows!
Clay Guida is in open guard over Diaz
Nate Diaz sits up and gets an arm around Guida's neck!
Guida pushes Nate Diaz back to the ground.
Nate Diaz gets sloppy and Clay Guida tries to take advantage...
Guida tries to jump to side mount.
Nate Diaz jumps and show some wrestling skills as he positions himself for continuing the fight in side control.
Nate Diaz is in closed guard over Guida
Diaz tries to improve his position on the ground as he sits on his knees and tries to break the closed guard.
Guida leans and gets Nate Diaz's arms as he brings him to the ground again.
Nate Diaz is in closed guard over Guida
Guida measures the resilience of Diaz's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in Diaz's side.
Nate Diaz is in closed guard over Guida
Diaz is in closed guard... Guida tries to roll on the ground!
Nate Diaz uses his leg to keep his position on the ground
The clock says 3:10 in the 2 round
Nate Diaz is in closed guard over Guida
Diaz use some of his wrestling skills to escape from the closed guard!
After a few tentative moves, he jumps to side mount! The crowd in Shanghai Arena (Shanghai, China) is cheering him!
Nate Diaz is in side mount over Clay Guida
Guida measures the resilience of Diaz's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in Diaz's side.
The clock says 3:30 in the 2 round
Nate Diaz is in side mount over Clay Guida
Guida tries to show some ground skills
Clay Guida put Diaz in half guard.
Nate Diaz is in half guard over Guida
Guida is a savvy submission specialist. It's an honor just to watch him work on the ground.
Clay Guida tries to close the guard.
Guida put Nate Diaz in closed guard.
Nate Diaz is in closed guard over Guida
Diaz is in closed guard... Guida tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! He is now in full mount over Nate Diaz!
The clock says 3:55 in the 2 round
Clay Guida is in full mount over Nate Diaz
Diaz is using some of his ground skills to escape from this...
He pushes Guida's knee away and tries to roll! Nice move to get half guard!
Nate Diaz is in half guard over Guida
Guida measures the resilience of Diaz's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in Diaz's side.
Nate Diaz is in half guard over Guida
Nate Diaz doesn't want to continue the fight in this position and tries to get back on his feet
He can't do it because of Guida's moves.
Nate Diaz is in half guard over Guida
Nate Diaz doesn't want to continue the fight in this position and tries to get back on his feet
He can't do it because of Guida's moves.
The clock says 4:35 in the 2 round
Nate Diaz is in half guard over Guida
Diaz tries to stand up!
Guida doesn't allow him!
Nate Diaz is in half guard over Guida
Clay Guida tries to close the guard.
Guida put Nate Diaz in closed guard.
The ref stops the action. The round is over.
You have to give that round to Nate Diaz.
Round 3
Nate Diaz charges at Guida throwing flurries left and right.
Not many punches are hitting, but the ones that land are huge shots! Guida is rocked!
Clay Guida tries to bring the fight to the ground
Diaz goes down.
Hard blow to Diaz's mid-section, he seems hurt
Clay Guida is in open guard over Diaz
Guida positions himself for a round of ground and pound and tries to finish the fight with some precise elbows!
One, two, three! Diaz's being punished here!
Diaz's Left cheek is bruised after the punishement he's received!
Clay Guida is in open guard over Diaz
Guida moves on the ground...
..and gets to half guard.
Clay Guida is in half guard over Diaz
Nate Diaz tries to close the guard.
Nothing from this effort.
Guida tries to get some advantage after his opponent miss move...
Clay Guida tries to pass Nate Diaz's guard...
Clay Guida manages to get his leg free and moves to side mount.
Clay Guida is in side mount over Nate Diaz
Diaz tries to show some ground skills
Guida uses his strength to keep Guida at a disadvantage
Clay Guida is in side mount over Nate Diaz
Clay Guida looks to mount Nate Diaz...
Clay Guida slides his knee across and gets to mount.
The clock says 1:30 in the 3 round
Clay Guida is in full mount over Nate Diaz
Nate Diaz tries to roll to his side and trap Clay Guida in his guard...
Clay Guida keeps good control and remains in full mount.
Clay Guida is in full mount over Nate Diaz
Diaz tries to move on the ground and escape from the full mount!
Clay Guida doesn't want to lose his adventageous position and he struggles to mantain the full mount.
Poorly executed technique. Clay Guida looks to counter!
Guida goes for an armbar!
That Armbar looks tight...
Nate Diaz breaks the lock and pushes away Clay Guida, who rolls over his back and gets to standing position.
John McCarthy halts the fight to stand up Nate Diaz. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Shanghai Arena (Shanghai, China) are cheering for the fighters.
Diaz grabs his opponent by the waist and tries to take the fight to the ground
Great takedown by Nate Diaz
Nate Diaz is in open guard over Guida
Diaz tries to move to full mount
Diaz's ground game is not enough to provide him any advantage
Nate Diaz is in open guard over Guida
Clay Guida launches a few punches to Diaz's cheek from the guard.
Those punches sure are annoying because Diaz tries to cover his face,
Diaz's Left cheek is bruised after the punishement he's received!
Nate Diaz is in open guard over Guida
Diaz is in open guard over Guida... he fakes a move and then tries a kneebar!
Guida rolls on the ground trying to get free and after a few kicks of his own he escapes.
Guida is trying to counter now!
Clay Guida gets an arm and tries to apply an armbar. Diaz spins out, but Clay Guida was ready for that and quickly switches to a triangle choke!
Diaz struggles to free himself
That Armbar to Triangle looks tight...
Punishing hold!
Diaz tries to break the lock slamming Clay Guida against the mat!
Clay Guida doesn't allow Nate Diaz to escape. He is tightening the Armbar to Triangle
Crippling lock!
Diaz is too good and managed to back out of danger.
Nate Diaz is in open guard over Guida
The fans are in for a real treat now. It's always fun to watch Clay Guida work his BJJ game.
Guida measures the resilience of Diaz's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in Diaz's side.
Nate Diaz is in open guard over Guida
Guida tries to close his guard around Diaz
He succeeds!
Nate Diaz is in closed guard over Guida
Diaz tries to stand up!
Guida doesn't allow him!
Nate Diaz is in closed guard over Guida
You can hear the excitement from the crowd. Clay Guida can end the fight with his ground and pound.
Diaz is in closed guard... Guida tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! He is now in full mount over Nate Diaz!
Clay Guida is in full mount over Nate Diaz
Diaz tries to move on the ground and escape from the full mount!
Clay Guida doesn't want to lose his adventageous position and he struggles to mantain the full mount.
Clay Guida is in full mount over Nate Diaz
Clay Guida storms over Diaz with a biblical punishment in the form of elbows!
Guida doesn't stop and viciously hits again and again Diaz's face with his elbows!
Diaz's Left eye is beginning to swell
There is a small laceration on Nate Diaz's Left eye
Clay Guida is in full mount over Nate Diaz
Guida is moving on the ground...
Ouch! That was a headbutt! Did he do that intentionally?
John McCarthy didn't see the foul!
Clay Guida is in full mount over Nate Diaz
Clay Guida throws the leg over and rolls it over into an armbar!
That's more than Diaz can stand! His arm is outstretched and he taps before getting an injury.
Winner is Clay Guida by Submission (Armbar) at 3:52 Round 3
Statistics: Clay Guida
Punches 0/4 (0%)
Kicks 0/0 (0%)
Clinch strikes 3/5 (60%)
Takedowns 3/4 (75%)
GnP strikes 28/33 (85%)
Submissions 5/5 (100%)
Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)
Time on the ground 586 s
Statistics: Nate Diaz
Punches 14/18 (78%)
Kicks 0/0 (0%)
Clinch strikes 4/4 (100%)
Takedowns 3/1 (300%)
GnP strikes 2/2 (100%)
Submissions 6/6 (100%)
Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)
Time on the ground 632 s
Clay does the doin's in this one.