Post by The Sandmen on Jun 22, 2018 8:36:34 GMT -5
Holly Holm looks calm but knows she has a tough fight coming up.
Germaine de Randamie doesn't look concerned about anything her opponent brings to the table.
This is the first time they meet inside the cage
A pretty fair match today. I can't say who will be the one who will be raising her fist after the match.
The referee of the bout is Mario Yamasaki.
Round 1
The bell announces the first round!
Solid low kick from Holly Holm.
For sure, that had to hurt!
de Randamie hyper-extended her left leg
A right hand from Holly Holm
misses its target.
Holm misses a step and Germaine de Randamie sees an opportunity to counter her!
Germaine de Randamie throws a looping left hand...
That lands on Holm's chin! That stops Holm in her tracks!
Holm has a small cut in her Right eye
Holm moves aside and launches a furious low kick!
Germaine de Randamie checks the kick.
The clock says 0:45 in the 1 round
Germaine de Randamie moves forward looking for some grappling action
de Randamie has her opponent in a text book double collar thai clinch!
The fighters are clinching.
Holm launches a knee!
Holly Holm hits de Randamie's hard just below the ribs!
Germaine de Randamie pushes away Holm trying to keep the fight at striking range
Holm stumbles backwards and Germaine de Randamie circles to get the center of the cage
Solid kick to the leg from Holly Holm
de Randamie checks it.
de Randamie launches a solid middle kick
that wrenches Holm!
That punishment by Germaine de Randamie has left Holm staggered! Germaine de Randamie should try push forward now and finish this!
Holly Holm goes with a looping right hand while Germaine de Randamie jumps back and jabs
Holm only hits air and the subsequent exchange is fruitless.
Incredible haymaker from Germaine de Randamie!
You can see Holly Holm's head being snapped backwards!
The clock says 1:50 in the 1 round
Holm shows no signs of slowing down. She's in great shape.
Holly Holm moves forward and launches a high kick!
de Randamie ducks under.
Holly Holm gets sloppy and Germaine de Randamie tries to take advantage...
de Randamie feints and moves forward to hit with a hook
what a crushing shot!
Holm's Chin is bruised after the punishement she's received!
There is a small laceration on Holly Holm's Chin
The fighters size each other up in the center of the cage.
Germaine de Randamie seems fresh. She may still have a lot of gas in her tank.
Germaine de Randamie launches a couples of jabs and then a big hook!
Holm blocks the jabs but the last punch hits hard on Holly Holm's cheek! Holm stumbles and the falls to the mat!
There is a small laceration on Holly Holm's Left cheek
The clock says 2:20 in the 1 round
de Randamie is standing while Holm is on the ground on her back
Holm doesn't stop bleeding.
de Randamie moves backwards and gestures for Holly Holm to stand up.
Holly Holm is on her feet again.
Germaine de Randamie charges at Holm throwing flurries left and right.
Not many punches are hitting, but the ones that land are huge shots! Holm is rocked!
Holm has a small cut in her Left eye
Terrible one sided match... Holm was not ready to fight a fighter of Germaine de Randamie caliber.
de Randamie fakes a punch and shoots a takedown!
Holm sprawls and remains on her feet.
Germaine de Randamie throws a looping left hand...
That lands on Holm's chin! That stops Holm in her tracks!
Holly Holm's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes.
Holly Holm is measuring de Randamie with her jab.
de Randamie isn't fazed.
Holm misses a step and Germaine de Randamie sees an opportunity to counter her!
Germaine de Randamie's mind is definitely in the fight, Holm just got nailed! Germaine de Randamie saw an opening and delivered a big right hand
Wow! Holm is going to have a headache after this one.
The two exchange wildly
de Randamie is connecting with a few punches
The clock says 3:15 in the 1 round
Holly Holm's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes.
Holm follows Germaine de Randamie
only to get counter punched in a big way! Holm needs to stop playing Germaine de Randamie's game or she'll get knocked out!
Holly Holm seems hurt! She stumbles backwards and she's an easy target for Germaine de Randamie!
Holm doesn't stop bleeding.
Holm stumbles backwards staggered and Germaine de Randamie launches aggressively over her opponent throwing some wild punches!
Holm is knocked down after a couple of punches, hitting the mat hard! Is she out?
That punishment by Germaine de Randamie has left Holm staggered! Germaine de Randamie should try push forward now and finish this!
de Randamie is standing while Holm is on the ground on her back
de Randamie launches a kick to Holm's thigh
Loud pop!
The clock says 3:50 in the 1 round
de Randamie is standing while Holm is on the ground on her back
Holm tries to stand up!
de Randamie doesn't allow her!
de Randamie is standing while Holm is on the ground on her back
de Randamie launches a kick to Holm's thigh
Loud pop!
de Randamie is standing while Holm is on the ground on her back
de Randamie launches a kick to Holm's thigh
Loud pop!
Holm hyper-extended her left leg
The clock says 4:25 in the 1 round
de Randamie is standing while Holm is on the ground on her back
Holly Holm doesn't want to continue the fight in this position and tries to get back on her feet
She can't do it because of de Randamie's moves.
de Randamie is standing while Holm is on the ground on her back
You can see Holm's blood making stains in the mat.
Holm tries to stand up!
de Randamie doesn't allow her!
The clock says 4:45 in the 1 round
de Randamie is standing while Holm is on the ground on her back
de Randamie launches a kick to Holm's thigh
Loud pop!
de Randamie is standing while Holm is on the ground on her back
Holm doesn't stop bleeding.
de Randamie moves backwards and gestures for Holly Holm to stand up.
Holly Holm is on her feet again.
The buzzer sounds, marking the end of the round. The ref tells the fighters to go to their corner.
That was a close round.
The cutman is working on Holm's face.
Round 2
de Randamie has a high cardio that helps her make great performances.
Holly Holm is a bloody mess!
Germaine de Randamie tries to show her boxing skills with a one-two combo
and those punches are landing on Holm's face
Holm's Mouth is bruised after the punishement she's received!
Holm seems a bit groggy... her movements are not very coordinated now.
Holly Holm continues to bleed from that cut. It could be affecting her vision.
A solid combination from Germaine de Randamie
connects with Holm.
Holly Holm continues to bleed from that cut. It could be affecting her vision.
The two exchange wildly
both landing but without much steam behind the shots.
The clock says 0:40 in the 2 round
de Randamie has a high cardio that helps her make great performances.
Germaine de Randamie moves forward and launches a high kick!
Vicious high kick!
Mario Yamasaki has seen enough! The fight is over! Holm was not intelligently defending herself!
Winner is Germaine de Randamie by TKO (High kick) at 0:52 Round 2
Statistics: Holly Holm
Punches 3/12 (25%)
Kicks 1/4 (25%)
Clinch strikes 1/1 (100%)
Takedowns 0/0 (0%)
GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)
Submissions 0/0 (0%)
Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)
Time on the ground 97 s
Statistics: Germaine de Randamie
Punches 24/29 (83%)
Kicks 6/6 (100%)
Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)
Takedowns 0/1 (0%)
GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)
Submissions 0/0 (0%)
Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)
Time on the ground 0 s
Wow. de Randamie DEMOLISHED Holms. New contender on the block.