Post by The Sandmen on May 8, 2018 9:15:37 GMT -5
Court McGee looks like he has been waiting for this fight forever.
Ferocious staredown by The Phenom while Herb Dean recites the rules.
This is the first time they meet inside the cage
The bets gives an equal chance to both fighters to score the win today.
The referee of the bout is Herb Dean.
Round 1
McGee and The Phenom move forward as the bell signals the beginning of the fight!
A solid combination from Court McGee
connects with The Phenom.
Crisp uppercut by The Phenom followed by a hard jab
Court McGee stumbles back.
The Phenom cornermen are yelling for his man to escape from the ground as McGee can finish a fight on the ground with some good pounding if you give him the chance.
Court McGee has found an opening in the defense of The Phenom, launching a big uppercut
Vitor Belfort is fast enouigh to dodge that uppercut.
The Phenom follows Court McGee
McGee fakes a move.
Court McGee gets sloppy and Vitor Belfort tries to take advantage...
Quick hook by Vitor Belfort
glances off McGee's arms.
Vitor Belfort fakes a punch and launches himself over Court McGee
Great move by The Phenom who pushes his opponent under a troublesome thai clinch
The clock says 0:55 in the 1 round
The fighters are clinching.
The Phenom is launching some bone breaking punches to McGee's ribs while in the clinch.
McGee blocks.
Vitor Belfort gets sloppy and Court McGee tries to take advantage...
Court McGee attempts a sweep single...
Vitor Belfort was ready and shrugs off the takedown attempt.
The clock says 1:05 in the 1 round
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
The Phenom is launching some bone breaking punches to McGee's ribs while in the clinch.
Wow. You can see the pain in Court McGee's eyes.
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
McGee launches a few hard punches to Vitor Belfort's ribs!
The Phenom struggles and protects himself.
Herb Dean sees a lack of activity in the clinch and separates the fighters.
Vitor Belfort fakes a move and launches a nice uppercut
it lands on McGee's chin
The fighters size each other up in the center of the cage.
Court McGee throws a looping right hand...
That lands on The Phenom's chin! That stops The Phenom in his tracks!
Nice punch by Vitor Belfort
who outboxes his opponent in this exchange.
McGee's Mouth is beginning to swell
Vitor Belfort shoots for a double leg takedown!
He hits it! Court McGee is taken off his feet, but he manages to pull The Phenom into his guard.
Vitor Belfort is in closed guard over McGee
The Phenom is in closed guard... McGee tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! He is now in full mount over Vitor Belfort!
Court McGee is in full mount over Vitor Belfort
Vitor Belfort tries to roll to his side and trap Court McGee in his guard...
Vitor Belfort moves to half guard.
Court McGee is in half guard over The Phenom
Court McGee storms over The Phenom with a biblical punishment in the form of elbows!
McGee doesn't stop and viciously hits again and again The Phenom's face with his elbows!
Court McGee is in half guard over The Phenom
Court McGee isolates Vitor Belfort's right arm looking for an armbar...
Vitor Belfort manages to sit up and pull his arm out of danger! Court McGee lost his dominant position.
McGee clumsily fails here and it's time for Vitor Belfort to fight back!
Deep breaths from Vitor Belfort who tries a hammer punch to McGee's ribs.
That hit McGee who moves on the ground in order to protect himself
Court McGee is in half guard over The Phenom
Court McGee tries to free his leg
Court McGee uses some of his skill by jumping out of The Phenom's guard. He moves quickly to side mount!
Court McGee is in side mount over Vitor Belfort
The Phenom tries to move on the ground and shows Court McGee a crack in his guard which he uses for a big elbow!
Bang! The Phenom's forehead receives a strong elbow that rocks his head against the mat! Herb Dean knows he may be calling off the fight soon!
Court McGee is in side mount over Vitor Belfort
Court McGee hovers above The Phenom
Good punches to The Phenom's body.
Court McGee is in side mount over Vitor Belfort
Court McGee isolates Vitor Belfort's left arm looking for an armbar...
Vitor Belfort manages to sit up and pull his arm out of danger! Court McGee lost his dominant position.
Vitor Belfort is in open guard over McGee
The Phenom moves on the ground
Vitor Belfort moves to side mount
Vitor Belfort is in side mount over Court McGee
McGee tries to show some ground skills
Court McGee put The Phenom in half guard.
Vitor Belfort is in half guard over McGee
McGee measures the resilience of The Phenom's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in The Phenom's side.
The clock says 4:10 in the 1 round
Vitor Belfort is in half guard over McGee
Vitor Belfort tries to pass Court McGee's guard...
Vitor Belfort manages to get his leg free and moves to side mount.
Vitor Belfort is in side mount over Court McGee
Vitor Belfort looks to pass to mount...
The Phenom slides his knee across and achieves the mount position! Tough spot for Court McGee.
Vitor Belfort is in full mount over Court McGee
Court McGee launches a few punches to The Phenom's cheek from the guard.
Vitor Belfort uses his head to cover the punches and presses his skull forward.
The clock says 4:45 in the 1 round
Vitor Belfort is in full mount over Court McGee
Court McGee launches a few punches to The Phenom's cheek from the guard.
Those punches sure are annoying because The Phenom tries to cover his face,
Vitor Belfort is in full mount over Court McGee
McGee measures the resilience of The Phenom's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
The Phenom blocks the hits as he works on the ground.
The referee separates the fighters as the buzzer sounds.
This round is clearly for Court McGee.
Round 2
McGee decides to launch some tentative punches
The Phenom launches a couple of jabs that are answered by McGee with a stiff cross! Solid exchange!
The Phenom shows no signs of slowing down. He's in great shape.
Several good body shots
are evaded by McGee.
The Phenom moves aside and launches a furious low kick!
Hard blow to McGee's thigh!
Vitor Belfort tries a hook to the body
and hits McGee ribs hard
McGee goes to the body...
He punishes The Phenom's ribs with a couple of hooks.
Hard blow to The Phenom's mid-section, he seems hurt
The clock says 1:00 in the 2 round
The Phenom wants to close the range and tries to grapple...
Nice move. He shoves himself over his opponent and secure a single collar tie.
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
McGee takes a break to breathe while holding Vitor Belfort.
Herb Dean sees a lack of activity in the clinch and separates the fighters.
Nice punches from Vitor Belfort.
McGee staggers backwards. The Phenom wants to finish this and continues launching bombs!
McGee's Mouth is bruised after the punishement he's received!
The clock says 1:35 in the 2 round
Court McGee goes with a looping right hand while Vitor Belfort jumps back and jabs
The Phenom seems staggered and Court McGee runs to capitalize with a bunch of jabs and crosses.
Inside leg kick from The Phenom
that lands on Court McGee's leg.
The Phenom sets up a throw
Court McGee flies through the air!
Vitor Belfort is in open guard over McGee
Vitor Belfort pushes Court McGee against the fence and then tries to improve his position.
Court McGee struggles not allowing Vitor Belfort improve his position.
Vitor Belfort is in open guard over McGee
Vitor Belfort tries to pass to half guard...
Court McGee can't prevent his opponent from passing. The Phenom looks to work from half guard.
Vitor Belfort is in half guard over McGee
Court McGee attempts to move to full guard
Court McGee manages to switch to full guard.
Vitor Belfort is in closed guard over McGee
Court McGee launches a few punches to The Phenom's cheek from the guard.
Vitor Belfort uses his head to cover the punches and presses his skull forward.
Vitor Belfort is in closed guard over McGee
McGee is moving on the ground...
Ouch! That was a headbutt! Did he do that intentionally?
Herb Dean didn't see the foul!
Vitor Belfort is in closed guard over McGee
McGee launches a few weak punches
Those punches are hitting The Phenom's ribs.
The clock says 3:10 in the 2 round
Vitor Belfort is in closed guard over McGee
The Phenom tries to escape from the closed guard
The Phenom succeeds and he's now in open guard... he takes a second to breathe
Vitor Belfort is in open guard over McGee
McGee tries an armbar from the bottom!
Vitor Belfort breaks the lock and moves himself to side control.
Poorly executed technique. Vitor Belfort looks to counter!
Vitor Belfort pushes Court McGee against the fence and then tries to improve his position.
The Phenom jumps and tries to free his leg! McGee doesn't allow this but Vitor Belfort is able to get half guard here.
Vitor Belfort is in half guard over McGee
Vitor Belfort tries to pass Court McGee's guard...
Vitor Belfort manages to get his leg free and moves to side mount.
Vitor Belfort is in side mount over Court McGee
The Phenom tries to stand up!
he is now on his feet
Court McGee doesn't want to continue the fight in this position and tries to get back on his feet
He moves fast and now he is standing
Both fighters continue the fight on their feet. You can hear how the people agree with that decision.
Vitor Belfort goes with a looping right hand while Court McGee jumps back and jabs
The Phenom seems staggered and Court McGee runs to capitalize with a bunch of jabs and crosses.
Court McGee is doing his best Floyd Mayweather impression by not engaging.
Shovel hook by Court McGee
goes nowhere.
Court McGee chases The Phenom and launches a few perfect strikes
Here we go! The Phenom steps backwards when those punches connect with his face
Court McGee throws a looping right hand...
The Phenom moves aside and dodges.
Court McGee gets sloppy and Vitor Belfort tries to take advantage...
Vitor Belfort tries to take the action to his favourite field as he tries to grapple
Great move by Vitor Belfort who pushes his opponent forward with a double underhooks.
The fighters are clinching.
McGee tries to take Vitor Belfort down... The Phenom stumbles backwards and Court McGee launches a few punches...
Vitor Belfort dodges and moves away a couple of steps...
Herb Dean tells the fighters to go to their corners as the round is over.
Close round. It could go to either fighter.
Round 3
Lightning fast low kick from The Phenom!
Loud pop! I'm sure that hurts!
The clock says 0:25 in the 3 round
The Phenom launches a furious low kick!
McGee blocks.
These two fighters are showing each other a ton of respect.
Vitor Belfort has found an opening in the defense of McGee, launching a big uppercut
Bingo! McGee is wobbling!
There is a small laceration on Court McGee's Chin
The clock says 0:55 in the 3 round
Vitor Belfort moves forward looking for a hole in his opponent's defense.
Vitor Belfort attempts a sweep single...
Vitor Belfort catches Court McGee's far ankle and trips him to the mat! Slick takedown by The Phenom.
Vitor Belfort is in closed guard over McGee
McGee measures the resilience of The Phenom's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in The Phenom's side.
Vitor Belfort is in closed guard over McGee
Vitor Belfort tries to pass Court McGee's guard...
Vitor Belfort manages to get his leg free and moves to half guard.
Vitor Belfort is in half guard over McGee
McGee measures the resilience of The Phenom's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in The Phenom's side.
The clock says 1:40 in the 3 round
Vitor Belfort is in half guard over McGee
Vitor Belfort tries to pass Court McGee's guard...
Vitor Belfort manages to get his leg free and moves to side mount.
Vitor Belfort is in side mount over Court McGee
Vitor Belfort looks to pass to mount...
McGee creates space and scrambles back to his feet.
Both fighters continue the fight on their feet. You can hear how the people agree with that decision.
The Phenom moves aside and launches a furious low kick!
Court McGee checks the kick.
McGee is trying to counter now!
McGee feints and moves forward to hit with a hook
what a crushing shot!
Surprise roundhouse punch by The Phenom.
Court McGee's reflexes save him!
McGee is holding Vitor Belfort's right leg... He's trying to take him down.
Vitor Belfort loses balance and goes to the ground.
Court McGee is in side mount over Vitor Belfort
The Phenom tries to show some ground skills
Vitor Belfort put McGee in half guard.
The clock says 2:40 in the 3 round
Court McGee is in half guard over The Phenom
Vitor Belfort tries to close the guard.
Nothing from this effort.
The clock says 2:50 in the 3 round
Court McGee is in half guard over The Phenom
The fans are in for a real treat now. It's always fun to watch Vitor Belfort work his BJJ game.
Vitor Belfort attempts to move to full guard
Vitor Belfort manages to switch to full guard.
The clock says 3:00 in the 3 round
Court McGee is in open guard over The Phenom
The Phenom tries to close his guard around McGee
He succeeds!
Court McGee is in closed guard over The Phenom
The Phenom breaths deeply while on the ground
Court McGee is in closed guard over The Phenom
McGee is in closed guard... The Phenom tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! He is now in full mount over Court McGee!
The clock says 3:30 in the 3 round
Vitor Belfort is in full mount over Court McGee
The Phenom goes for an armbar!
Crippling lock!
The Phenom is locking that Armbar...
McGee struggles to free himself
Court McGee breaks the lock and pushes away Vitor Belfort, who rolls over his back and gets to standing position.
Herb Dean halts the fight to stand up Vitor Belfort. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Both fighters continue the fight on their feet. You can hear how the people agree with that decision.
Vitor Belfort tries to take the action to his favourite field as he tries to grapple
Great move by Vitor Belfort who pushes his opponent forward with a double underhooks.
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
The Phenom doesn't want to clinch as he ducks under Court McGee embrace and tries to move away...
Nice move from The Phenom who put distance between them
Court McGee throws an uppercut
that lands solidly.
McGee launches a hook to the body
Bang! The Phenom stops that one with his ribs!
Court McGee paws at The Phenom.
The Phenom answers with solid punches!
Court McGee tries to take the fight to the ground with a one leg takedown...
The Phenom is unable to remain on his feet and falls to the ground
The Phenom ribs are getting hammered, they look bad!
Court McGee is in open guard over The Phenom
Court McGee moves to better his position on the ground...
Court McGee viciously slams hammer blows to The Phenom's face!
The Phenom has a small cut in his Forehead
Court McGee is in open guard over The Phenom
The Phenom tries to close his guard around McGee
He succeeds!
The buzzer sounds, marking the end of the round. The ref tells the fighters to go to their corner.
I can't give the advantage to either fighter in that round.
Round 4
The clock says 0:10 in the 4 round
Vitor Belfort moves forward and launches a low kick.
Hard blow to McGee's left thigh
The clock says 0:20 in the 4 round
Vitor Belfort tries a nice one-two combination
He scores!
A right hand from Vitor Belfort
makes McGee stumble back!
These two fighters are showing each other a ton of respect.
Crisp uppercut by McGee followed by a hard jab
Vitor Belfort stumbles back.
Court McGee launches a body shot
The Phenom dodges and catches him with a hard cross.
The clock says 1:15 in the 4 round
The fighters size each other up in the center of the cage.
A high kick from Court McGee
falls short of the mark.
The Phenom tries to get some advantage after his opponent miss move...
Bone shattering straight left hand from Vitor Belfort!
McGee is going to have a big headache after that blow!
McGee has a small cut in his Right cheek
Court McGee tries a nice one-two combination
He scores!
McGee launches a stiff jab!
The Phenom ducks that one.
Court McGee attempts a sweep single...
Vitor Belfort was ready and shrugs off the takedown attempt.
Court McGee launches a couples of jabs and then a big hook!
The Phenom blocks and tries to circle around his opponent looking for angles.
McGee misses a step and Vitor Belfort sees an opportunity to counter him!
Tremendous strikes from The Phenom!
Some big punches are landing!
The Phenom is swinging for the fences!
A hit that almost breaks McGee's jaw!
There is a small laceration on Court McGee's Right cheek
The Phenom throws a hook
that hits its mark.
Court McGee's face is covered in blood. He may be having problems seeing as he wipes the blood out of his eyes.
Bone shattering straight right hand from Vitor Belfort!
McGee is going to have a big headache after that blow!
The clock says 2:40 in the 4 round
The Phenom seems hesitant as if he would give the initiative to his opponent.
The Phenom decides to launch some tentative punches
Vitor Belfort takes the best of a brief punching exchange.
Court McGee's face is covered in blood. He may be having problems seeing as he wipes the blood out of his eyes.
Vitor Belfort fakes a punch and launches himself over Court McGee
Great move by The Phenom who pushes his opponent under a troublesome thai clinch
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
McGee grapple with Vitor Belfort and tries a Inner leg Sweep
Vitor Belfort managed to maintain his balances and move away from McGee
Court McGee is taking out his mouthpiece to breathe...
Court McGee tries to bring the fight to the ground
The Phenom won't budge, forcing McGee to pull guard.
The clock says 3:20 in the 4 round
Vitor Belfort is in closed guard over McGee
Nice beating Court McGee has received.
Court McGee continues to bleed from that cut. It could be affecting his vision.
McGee measures the resilience of The Phenom's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
The Phenom blocks the hits as he works on the ground.
McGee clumsily fails here and it's time for Vitor Belfort to fight back!
Vitor Belfort moves to better his position on the ground...
Vitor Belfort viciously slams hammer blows to McGee's face!
Vitor Belfort is in closed guard over McGee
The Phenom tries to escape from the closed guard
The Phenom succeeds and he's now in open guard... he takes a second to breathe
The clock says 3:40 in the 4 round
Vitor Belfort is in open guard over McGee
McGee tries to close his guard around The Phenom
He is not able to do it
Vitor Belfort is in open guard over McGee
Court McGee's face is covered in blood. He may be having problems seeing as he wipes the blood out of his eyes.
The Phenom moves on the ground...
..and gets to half guard.
Vitor Belfort is in half guard over McGee
Vitor Belfort tries to free his leg
Vitor Belfort uses some of his skill by jumping out of McGee's guard. He moves quickly to side mount!
Vitor Belfort is in side mount over Court McGee
Vitor Belfort looks to mount Court McGee...
Vitor Belfort slides his knee across and gets to mount.
The clock says 4:30 in the 4 round
Vitor Belfort is in full mount over Court McGee
The Phenom fakes a few punches and after a brief struggle he catches Court McGee's arm and tries an armbar!
Punishing hold!
McGee Hyper-extended his arm
The Phenom launches a couple of strikes with his heels over Court McGee's face and then launches himself backwards with all his might! McGee taps with a pained grin.
Winner is Vitor Belfort by Submission (Armbar) at 4:38 Round 4
Statistics: Court McGee
Punches 25/38 (66%)
Kicks 0/1 (0%)
Clinch strikes 1/9 (11%)
Takedowns 2/5 (40%)
GnP strikes 21/35 (60%)
Submissions 3/3 (100%)
Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)
Time on the ground 495 s
Statistics: Vitor Belfort
Punches 29/40 (72%)
Kicks 4/6 (67%)
Clinch strikes 3/6 (50%)
Takedowns 2/2 (100%)
GnP strikes 4/4 (100%)
Submissions 2/2 (100%)
Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)
Time on the ground 495 s
It felt like Vitor was just fucking around this fight. Like, he seemed to have the fight well under control after about the 2nd. Just wanted attention I guess? McGee did well early, but after that early, Vitor lated.
Ferocious staredown by The Phenom while Herb Dean recites the rules.
This is the first time they meet inside the cage
The bets gives an equal chance to both fighters to score the win today.
The referee of the bout is Herb Dean.
Round 1
McGee and The Phenom move forward as the bell signals the beginning of the fight!
A solid combination from Court McGee
connects with The Phenom.
Crisp uppercut by The Phenom followed by a hard jab
Court McGee stumbles back.
The Phenom cornermen are yelling for his man to escape from the ground as McGee can finish a fight on the ground with some good pounding if you give him the chance.
Court McGee has found an opening in the defense of The Phenom, launching a big uppercut
Vitor Belfort is fast enouigh to dodge that uppercut.
The Phenom follows Court McGee
McGee fakes a move.
Court McGee gets sloppy and Vitor Belfort tries to take advantage...
Quick hook by Vitor Belfort
glances off McGee's arms.
Vitor Belfort fakes a punch and launches himself over Court McGee
Great move by The Phenom who pushes his opponent under a troublesome thai clinch
The clock says 0:55 in the 1 round
The fighters are clinching.
The Phenom is launching some bone breaking punches to McGee's ribs while in the clinch.
McGee blocks.
Vitor Belfort gets sloppy and Court McGee tries to take advantage...
Court McGee attempts a sweep single...
Vitor Belfort was ready and shrugs off the takedown attempt.
The clock says 1:05 in the 1 round
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
The Phenom is launching some bone breaking punches to McGee's ribs while in the clinch.
Wow. You can see the pain in Court McGee's eyes.
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
McGee launches a few hard punches to Vitor Belfort's ribs!
The Phenom struggles and protects himself.
Herb Dean sees a lack of activity in the clinch and separates the fighters.
Vitor Belfort fakes a move and launches a nice uppercut
it lands on McGee's chin
The fighters size each other up in the center of the cage.
Court McGee throws a looping right hand...
That lands on The Phenom's chin! That stops The Phenom in his tracks!
Nice punch by Vitor Belfort
who outboxes his opponent in this exchange.
McGee's Mouth is beginning to swell
Vitor Belfort shoots for a double leg takedown!
He hits it! Court McGee is taken off his feet, but he manages to pull The Phenom into his guard.
Vitor Belfort is in closed guard over McGee
The Phenom is in closed guard... McGee tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! He is now in full mount over Vitor Belfort!
Court McGee is in full mount over Vitor Belfort
Vitor Belfort tries to roll to his side and trap Court McGee in his guard...
Vitor Belfort moves to half guard.
Court McGee is in half guard over The Phenom
Court McGee storms over The Phenom with a biblical punishment in the form of elbows!
McGee doesn't stop and viciously hits again and again The Phenom's face with his elbows!
Court McGee is in half guard over The Phenom
Court McGee isolates Vitor Belfort's right arm looking for an armbar...
Vitor Belfort manages to sit up and pull his arm out of danger! Court McGee lost his dominant position.
McGee clumsily fails here and it's time for Vitor Belfort to fight back!
Deep breaths from Vitor Belfort who tries a hammer punch to McGee's ribs.
That hit McGee who moves on the ground in order to protect himself
Court McGee is in half guard over The Phenom
Court McGee tries to free his leg
Court McGee uses some of his skill by jumping out of The Phenom's guard. He moves quickly to side mount!
Court McGee is in side mount over Vitor Belfort
The Phenom tries to move on the ground and shows Court McGee a crack in his guard which he uses for a big elbow!
Bang! The Phenom's forehead receives a strong elbow that rocks his head against the mat! Herb Dean knows he may be calling off the fight soon!
Court McGee is in side mount over Vitor Belfort
Court McGee hovers above The Phenom
Good punches to The Phenom's body.
Court McGee is in side mount over Vitor Belfort
Court McGee isolates Vitor Belfort's left arm looking for an armbar...
Vitor Belfort manages to sit up and pull his arm out of danger! Court McGee lost his dominant position.
Vitor Belfort is in open guard over McGee
The Phenom moves on the ground
Vitor Belfort moves to side mount
Vitor Belfort is in side mount over Court McGee
McGee tries to show some ground skills
Court McGee put The Phenom in half guard.
Vitor Belfort is in half guard over McGee
McGee measures the resilience of The Phenom's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in The Phenom's side.
The clock says 4:10 in the 1 round
Vitor Belfort is in half guard over McGee
Vitor Belfort tries to pass Court McGee's guard...
Vitor Belfort manages to get his leg free and moves to side mount.
Vitor Belfort is in side mount over Court McGee
Vitor Belfort looks to pass to mount...
The Phenom slides his knee across and achieves the mount position! Tough spot for Court McGee.
Vitor Belfort is in full mount over Court McGee
Court McGee launches a few punches to The Phenom's cheek from the guard.
Vitor Belfort uses his head to cover the punches and presses his skull forward.
The clock says 4:45 in the 1 round
Vitor Belfort is in full mount over Court McGee
Court McGee launches a few punches to The Phenom's cheek from the guard.
Those punches sure are annoying because The Phenom tries to cover his face,
Vitor Belfort is in full mount over Court McGee
McGee measures the resilience of The Phenom's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
The Phenom blocks the hits as he works on the ground.
The referee separates the fighters as the buzzer sounds.
This round is clearly for Court McGee.
Round 2
McGee decides to launch some tentative punches
The Phenom launches a couple of jabs that are answered by McGee with a stiff cross! Solid exchange!
The Phenom shows no signs of slowing down. He's in great shape.
Several good body shots
are evaded by McGee.
The Phenom moves aside and launches a furious low kick!
Hard blow to McGee's thigh!
Vitor Belfort tries a hook to the body
and hits McGee ribs hard
McGee goes to the body...
He punishes The Phenom's ribs with a couple of hooks.
Hard blow to The Phenom's mid-section, he seems hurt
The clock says 1:00 in the 2 round
The Phenom wants to close the range and tries to grapple...
Nice move. He shoves himself over his opponent and secure a single collar tie.
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
McGee takes a break to breathe while holding Vitor Belfort.
Herb Dean sees a lack of activity in the clinch and separates the fighters.
Nice punches from Vitor Belfort.
McGee staggers backwards. The Phenom wants to finish this and continues launching bombs!
McGee's Mouth is bruised after the punishement he's received!
The clock says 1:35 in the 2 round
Court McGee goes with a looping right hand while Vitor Belfort jumps back and jabs
The Phenom seems staggered and Court McGee runs to capitalize with a bunch of jabs and crosses.
Inside leg kick from The Phenom
that lands on Court McGee's leg.
The Phenom sets up a throw
Court McGee flies through the air!
Vitor Belfort is in open guard over McGee
Vitor Belfort pushes Court McGee against the fence and then tries to improve his position.
Court McGee struggles not allowing Vitor Belfort improve his position.
Vitor Belfort is in open guard over McGee
Vitor Belfort tries to pass to half guard...
Court McGee can't prevent his opponent from passing. The Phenom looks to work from half guard.
Vitor Belfort is in half guard over McGee
Court McGee attempts to move to full guard
Court McGee manages to switch to full guard.
Vitor Belfort is in closed guard over McGee
Court McGee launches a few punches to The Phenom's cheek from the guard.
Vitor Belfort uses his head to cover the punches and presses his skull forward.
Vitor Belfort is in closed guard over McGee
McGee is moving on the ground...
Ouch! That was a headbutt! Did he do that intentionally?
Herb Dean didn't see the foul!
Vitor Belfort is in closed guard over McGee
McGee launches a few weak punches
Those punches are hitting The Phenom's ribs.
The clock says 3:10 in the 2 round
Vitor Belfort is in closed guard over McGee
The Phenom tries to escape from the closed guard
The Phenom succeeds and he's now in open guard... he takes a second to breathe
Vitor Belfort is in open guard over McGee
McGee tries an armbar from the bottom!
Vitor Belfort breaks the lock and moves himself to side control.
Poorly executed technique. Vitor Belfort looks to counter!
Vitor Belfort pushes Court McGee against the fence and then tries to improve his position.
The Phenom jumps and tries to free his leg! McGee doesn't allow this but Vitor Belfort is able to get half guard here.
Vitor Belfort is in half guard over McGee
Vitor Belfort tries to pass Court McGee's guard...
Vitor Belfort manages to get his leg free and moves to side mount.
Vitor Belfort is in side mount over Court McGee
The Phenom tries to stand up!
he is now on his feet
Court McGee doesn't want to continue the fight in this position and tries to get back on his feet
He moves fast and now he is standing
Both fighters continue the fight on their feet. You can hear how the people agree with that decision.
Vitor Belfort goes with a looping right hand while Court McGee jumps back and jabs
The Phenom seems staggered and Court McGee runs to capitalize with a bunch of jabs and crosses.
Court McGee is doing his best Floyd Mayweather impression by not engaging.
Shovel hook by Court McGee
goes nowhere.
Court McGee chases The Phenom and launches a few perfect strikes
Here we go! The Phenom steps backwards when those punches connect with his face
Court McGee throws a looping right hand...
The Phenom moves aside and dodges.
Court McGee gets sloppy and Vitor Belfort tries to take advantage...
Vitor Belfort tries to take the action to his favourite field as he tries to grapple
Great move by Vitor Belfort who pushes his opponent forward with a double underhooks.
The fighters are clinching.
McGee tries to take Vitor Belfort down... The Phenom stumbles backwards and Court McGee launches a few punches...
Vitor Belfort dodges and moves away a couple of steps...
Herb Dean tells the fighters to go to their corners as the round is over.
Close round. It could go to either fighter.
Round 3
Lightning fast low kick from The Phenom!
Loud pop! I'm sure that hurts!
The clock says 0:25 in the 3 round
The Phenom launches a furious low kick!
McGee blocks.
These two fighters are showing each other a ton of respect.
Vitor Belfort has found an opening in the defense of McGee, launching a big uppercut
Bingo! McGee is wobbling!
There is a small laceration on Court McGee's Chin
The clock says 0:55 in the 3 round
Vitor Belfort moves forward looking for a hole in his opponent's defense.
Vitor Belfort attempts a sweep single...
Vitor Belfort catches Court McGee's far ankle and trips him to the mat! Slick takedown by The Phenom.
Vitor Belfort is in closed guard over McGee
McGee measures the resilience of The Phenom's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in The Phenom's side.
Vitor Belfort is in closed guard over McGee
Vitor Belfort tries to pass Court McGee's guard...
Vitor Belfort manages to get his leg free and moves to half guard.
Vitor Belfort is in half guard over McGee
McGee measures the resilience of The Phenom's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in The Phenom's side.
The clock says 1:40 in the 3 round
Vitor Belfort is in half guard over McGee
Vitor Belfort tries to pass Court McGee's guard...
Vitor Belfort manages to get his leg free and moves to side mount.
Vitor Belfort is in side mount over Court McGee
Vitor Belfort looks to pass to mount...
McGee creates space and scrambles back to his feet.
Both fighters continue the fight on their feet. You can hear how the people agree with that decision.
The Phenom moves aside and launches a furious low kick!
Court McGee checks the kick.
McGee is trying to counter now!
McGee feints and moves forward to hit with a hook
what a crushing shot!
Surprise roundhouse punch by The Phenom.
Court McGee's reflexes save him!
McGee is holding Vitor Belfort's right leg... He's trying to take him down.
Vitor Belfort loses balance and goes to the ground.
Court McGee is in side mount over Vitor Belfort
The Phenom tries to show some ground skills
Vitor Belfort put McGee in half guard.
The clock says 2:40 in the 3 round
Court McGee is in half guard over The Phenom
Vitor Belfort tries to close the guard.
Nothing from this effort.
The clock says 2:50 in the 3 round
Court McGee is in half guard over The Phenom
The fans are in for a real treat now. It's always fun to watch Vitor Belfort work his BJJ game.
Vitor Belfort attempts to move to full guard
Vitor Belfort manages to switch to full guard.
The clock says 3:00 in the 3 round
Court McGee is in open guard over The Phenom
The Phenom tries to close his guard around McGee
He succeeds!
Court McGee is in closed guard over The Phenom
The Phenom breaths deeply while on the ground
Court McGee is in closed guard over The Phenom
McGee is in closed guard... The Phenom tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! He is now in full mount over Court McGee!
The clock says 3:30 in the 3 round
Vitor Belfort is in full mount over Court McGee
The Phenom goes for an armbar!
Crippling lock!
The Phenom is locking that Armbar...
McGee struggles to free himself
Court McGee breaks the lock and pushes away Vitor Belfort, who rolls over his back and gets to standing position.
Herb Dean halts the fight to stand up Vitor Belfort. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Both fighters continue the fight on their feet. You can hear how the people agree with that decision.
Vitor Belfort tries to take the action to his favourite field as he tries to grapple
Great move by Vitor Belfort who pushes his opponent forward with a double underhooks.
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
The Phenom doesn't want to clinch as he ducks under Court McGee embrace and tries to move away...
Nice move from The Phenom who put distance between them
Court McGee throws an uppercut
that lands solidly.
McGee launches a hook to the body
Bang! The Phenom stops that one with his ribs!
Court McGee paws at The Phenom.
The Phenom answers with solid punches!
Court McGee tries to take the fight to the ground with a one leg takedown...
The Phenom is unable to remain on his feet and falls to the ground
The Phenom ribs are getting hammered, they look bad!
Court McGee is in open guard over The Phenom
Court McGee moves to better his position on the ground...
Court McGee viciously slams hammer blows to The Phenom's face!
The Phenom has a small cut in his Forehead
Court McGee is in open guard over The Phenom
The Phenom tries to close his guard around McGee
He succeeds!
The buzzer sounds, marking the end of the round. The ref tells the fighters to go to their corner.
I can't give the advantage to either fighter in that round.
Round 4
The clock says 0:10 in the 4 round
Vitor Belfort moves forward and launches a low kick.
Hard blow to McGee's left thigh
The clock says 0:20 in the 4 round
Vitor Belfort tries a nice one-two combination
He scores!
A right hand from Vitor Belfort
makes McGee stumble back!
These two fighters are showing each other a ton of respect.
Crisp uppercut by McGee followed by a hard jab
Vitor Belfort stumbles back.
Court McGee launches a body shot
The Phenom dodges and catches him with a hard cross.
The clock says 1:15 in the 4 round
The fighters size each other up in the center of the cage.
A high kick from Court McGee
falls short of the mark.
The Phenom tries to get some advantage after his opponent miss move...
Bone shattering straight left hand from Vitor Belfort!
McGee is going to have a big headache after that blow!
McGee has a small cut in his Right cheek
Court McGee tries a nice one-two combination
He scores!
McGee launches a stiff jab!
The Phenom ducks that one.
Court McGee attempts a sweep single...
Vitor Belfort was ready and shrugs off the takedown attempt.
Court McGee launches a couples of jabs and then a big hook!
The Phenom blocks and tries to circle around his opponent looking for angles.
McGee misses a step and Vitor Belfort sees an opportunity to counter him!
Tremendous strikes from The Phenom!
Some big punches are landing!
The Phenom is swinging for the fences!
A hit that almost breaks McGee's jaw!
There is a small laceration on Court McGee's Right cheek
The Phenom throws a hook
that hits its mark.
Court McGee's face is covered in blood. He may be having problems seeing as he wipes the blood out of his eyes.
Bone shattering straight right hand from Vitor Belfort!
McGee is going to have a big headache after that blow!
The clock says 2:40 in the 4 round
The Phenom seems hesitant as if he would give the initiative to his opponent.
The Phenom decides to launch some tentative punches
Vitor Belfort takes the best of a brief punching exchange.
Court McGee's face is covered in blood. He may be having problems seeing as he wipes the blood out of his eyes.
Vitor Belfort fakes a punch and launches himself over Court McGee
Great move by The Phenom who pushes his opponent under a troublesome thai clinch
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
McGee grapple with Vitor Belfort and tries a Inner leg Sweep
Vitor Belfort managed to maintain his balances and move away from McGee
Court McGee is taking out his mouthpiece to breathe...
Court McGee tries to bring the fight to the ground
The Phenom won't budge, forcing McGee to pull guard.
The clock says 3:20 in the 4 round
Vitor Belfort is in closed guard over McGee
Nice beating Court McGee has received.
Court McGee continues to bleed from that cut. It could be affecting his vision.
McGee measures the resilience of The Phenom's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
The Phenom blocks the hits as he works on the ground.
McGee clumsily fails here and it's time for Vitor Belfort to fight back!
Vitor Belfort moves to better his position on the ground...
Vitor Belfort viciously slams hammer blows to McGee's face!
Vitor Belfort is in closed guard over McGee
The Phenom tries to escape from the closed guard
The Phenom succeeds and he's now in open guard... he takes a second to breathe
The clock says 3:40 in the 4 round
Vitor Belfort is in open guard over McGee
McGee tries to close his guard around The Phenom
He is not able to do it
Vitor Belfort is in open guard over McGee
Court McGee's face is covered in blood. He may be having problems seeing as he wipes the blood out of his eyes.
The Phenom moves on the ground...
..and gets to half guard.
Vitor Belfort is in half guard over McGee
Vitor Belfort tries to free his leg
Vitor Belfort uses some of his skill by jumping out of McGee's guard. He moves quickly to side mount!
Vitor Belfort is in side mount over Court McGee
Vitor Belfort looks to mount Court McGee...
Vitor Belfort slides his knee across and gets to mount.
The clock says 4:30 in the 4 round
Vitor Belfort is in full mount over Court McGee
The Phenom fakes a few punches and after a brief struggle he catches Court McGee's arm and tries an armbar!
Punishing hold!
McGee Hyper-extended his arm
The Phenom launches a couple of strikes with his heels over Court McGee's face and then launches himself backwards with all his might! McGee taps with a pained grin.
Winner is Vitor Belfort by Submission (Armbar) at 4:38 Round 4
Statistics: Court McGee
Punches 25/38 (66%)
Kicks 0/1 (0%)
Clinch strikes 1/9 (11%)
Takedowns 2/5 (40%)
GnP strikes 21/35 (60%)
Submissions 3/3 (100%)
Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)
Time on the ground 495 s
Statistics: Vitor Belfort
Punches 29/40 (72%)
Kicks 4/6 (67%)
Clinch strikes 3/6 (50%)
Takedowns 2/2 (100%)
GnP strikes 4/4 (100%)
Submissions 2/2 (100%)
Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)
Time on the ground 495 s
It felt like Vitor was just fucking around this fight. Like, he seemed to have the fight well under control after about the 2nd. Just wanted attention I guess? McGee did well early, but after that early, Vitor lated.