Post by The Sandmen on May 19, 2020 16:05:29 GMT -5
Karolina Kowalkiewicz looks very relaxed.
Joanna Jedrzejczyk looks like she has been waiting for this fight forever.
This is the first time they meet inside the cage
It's hard to say who will be winning this fight. The specialized media doesn't have a favourite either.
The referee of the bout is Mario Yamasaki.
Round 1
The fight gets underway.
High kick from Karolina Kowalkiewicz !
Jedrzejczyk seems to be done!
Jedrzejczyk has a small cut in her Mouth
Karolina Kowalkiewicz throws a looping right hand...
That lands on Jedrzejczyk's chin! That stops Jedrzejczyk in her tracks!
Jedrzejczyk has a high cardio that helps her make great performances.
Joanna Jedrzejczyk just won't stop and continues to rain punches
Kowalkiewicz may be in trouble!
A shot seen throughout the arena!
Jedrzejczyk stumbles back, her corner is screaming! Karolina Kowalkiewicz is coming in again!
Jedrzejczyk's Left eye is bruised after the punishement she's received!
Jedrzejczyk attempts a shoot
Karolina Kowalkiewicz hops back and delivers a powerful kick to her head!
The clock says 1:05 in the 1 round
Kowalkiewicz launches a kick
Jedrzejczyk checks it and keeps distance.
1:19 Round 1 and Kowalkiewicz is still in good shape. She sure has trained hard for this fight.
Karolina Kowalkiewicz goes with a looping right hand while Joanna Jedrzejczyk jumps back and jabs
That one hits but Jedrzejczyk seems unaffected, countering with a few punches of her own. Great exchange here.
Incredible high kick!
Jedrzejczyk is worried!
Joanna Jedrzejczyk seems hurt! She stumbles backwards and she's an easy target for Karolina Kowalkiewicz !
Karolina Kowalkiewicz launches a couples of jabs and then a big hook!
Jedrzejczyk blocks the jabs but the last punch hits hard on Joanna Jedrzejczyk's cheek! Jedrzejczyk stumbles and the falls to the mat!
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Kowalkiewicz launches a kick to Jedrzejczyk's thigh
Loud pop!
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Kowalkiewicz launches a kick to Jedrzejczyk's thigh
Loud pop!
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Jedrzejczyk tries to stand up!
Kowalkiewicz doesn't allow her!
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Kowalkiewicz launches a kick to Jedrzejczyk's thigh
Loud pop!
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Kowalkiewicz launches a kick to Jedrzejczyk's thigh
Loud pop!
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Karolina Kowalkiewicz seems fresh. She may still have a lot of gas in her tank.
Kowalkiewicz launches a kick to Jedrzejczyk's thigh
Loud pop!
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Kowalkiewicz launches a kick to Jedrzejczyk's thigh
Loud pop!
Jedrzejczyk hyper-extended her left leg
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Kowalkiewicz launches a kick to Jedrzejczyk's thigh
Loud pop!
Jedrzejczyk hyper-extended her left leg
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Kowalkiewicz launches a kick to Jedrzejczyk's thigh
Loud pop!
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Joanna Jedrzejczyk doesn't want to continue the fight in this position and tries to get back on her feet
She can't do it because of Kowalkiewicz 's moves.
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Jedrzejczyk tries to stand up!
Kowalkiewicz doesn't allow her!
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Joanna Jedrzejczyk doesn't want to continue the fight in this position and tries to get back on her feet
She can't do it because of Kowalkiewicz 's moves.
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Kowalkiewicz launches a kick to Jedrzejczyk's thigh
Loud pop!
Jedrzejczyk hyper-extended her left leg
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Kowalkiewicz launches a kick to Jedrzejczyk's thigh
Loud pop!
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Joanna Jedrzejczyk doesn't want to continue the fight in this position and tries to get back on her feet
She can't do it because of Kowalkiewicz 's moves.
The clock says 4:35 in the 1 round
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Joanna Jedrzejczyk doesn't want to continue the fight in this position and tries to get back on her feet
She can't do it because of Kowalkiewicz 's moves.
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Terrible one sided match... Jedrzejczyk was not ready to fight a fighter of Karolina Kowalkiewicz caliber.
Joanna Jedrzejczyk doesn't want to continue the fight in this position and tries to get back on her feet
She can't do it because of Kowalkiewicz 's moves.
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Jedrzejczyk tries to stand up!
Kowalkiewicz doesn't allow her!
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Joanna Jedrzejczyk doesn't want to continue the fight in this position and tries to get back on her feet
She can't do it because of Kowalkiewicz 's moves.
Mario Yamasaki halts the fight to stand up Joanna Jedrzejczyk. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Joanna Jedrzejczyk is on her feet again.
Mario Yamasaki tells the fighters to go to their corners as the round is over.
This round is clearly for Karolina Kowalkiewicz .
Round 2
Joanna Jedrzejczyk has found an opening in the defense of Kowalkiewicz , launching a big hook
Karolina Kowalkiewicz steps backwards and avoids that hook!
Joanna Jedrzejczyk gets sloppy and Karolina Kowalkiewicz tries to take advantage...
Jedrzejczyk leads with a punch
Karolina Kowalkiewicz avoids it and lands flush with a counter uppercut!
Jedrzejczyk's Forehead is beginning to swell
There is a small laceration on Joanna Jedrzejczyk's Forehead
Jedrzejczyk seems a bit groggy... her movements are not very coordinated now.
Karolina Kowalkiewicz fakes a move and moves laterally.
A shot seen throughout the arena!
Jedrzejczyk stumbles back, her corner is screaming! Karolina Kowalkiewicz is coming in again!
Jedrzejczyk's Nose is beginning to swell
Jedrzejczyk has a small cut in her Nose
Joanna Jedrzejczyk seems hurt! She stumbles backwards and she's an easy target for Karolina Kowalkiewicz !
Brutal-looking high kick from Karolina Kowalkiewicz !
You could hear the impact from the back seats!
Jedrzejczyk fell like she got shot! This is over!
There is a small laceration on Joanna Jedrzejczyk's Chin
Winner is Karolina Kowalkiewicz by KO (High kick) at 0:45 Round 2
Statistics: Karolina Kowalkiewicz
Punches 7/8 (88%)
Kicks 14/14 (100%)
Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)
Takedowns 0/0 (0%)
GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)
Submissions 0/0 (0%)
Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)
Time on the ground 0 s
Statistics: Joanna Jedrzejczyk
Punches 5/10 (50%)
Kicks 0/0 (0%)
Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)
Takedowns 0/0 (0%)
GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)
Submissions 0/0 (0%)
Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)
Time on the ground 197 s
KK absolutely shredded JJ in this one. Interesting stuff.
Joanna Jedrzejczyk looks like she has been waiting for this fight forever.
This is the first time they meet inside the cage
It's hard to say who will be winning this fight. The specialized media doesn't have a favourite either.
The referee of the bout is Mario Yamasaki.
Round 1
The fight gets underway.
High kick from Karolina Kowalkiewicz !
Jedrzejczyk seems to be done!
Jedrzejczyk has a small cut in her Mouth
Karolina Kowalkiewicz throws a looping right hand...
That lands on Jedrzejczyk's chin! That stops Jedrzejczyk in her tracks!
Jedrzejczyk has a high cardio that helps her make great performances.
Joanna Jedrzejczyk just won't stop and continues to rain punches
Kowalkiewicz may be in trouble!
A shot seen throughout the arena!
Jedrzejczyk stumbles back, her corner is screaming! Karolina Kowalkiewicz is coming in again!
Jedrzejczyk's Left eye is bruised after the punishement she's received!
Jedrzejczyk attempts a shoot
Karolina Kowalkiewicz hops back and delivers a powerful kick to her head!
The clock says 1:05 in the 1 round
Kowalkiewicz launches a kick
Jedrzejczyk checks it and keeps distance.
1:19 Round 1 and Kowalkiewicz is still in good shape. She sure has trained hard for this fight.
Karolina Kowalkiewicz goes with a looping right hand while Joanna Jedrzejczyk jumps back and jabs
That one hits but Jedrzejczyk seems unaffected, countering with a few punches of her own. Great exchange here.
Incredible high kick!
Jedrzejczyk is worried!
Joanna Jedrzejczyk seems hurt! She stumbles backwards and she's an easy target for Karolina Kowalkiewicz !
Karolina Kowalkiewicz launches a couples of jabs and then a big hook!
Jedrzejczyk blocks the jabs but the last punch hits hard on Joanna Jedrzejczyk's cheek! Jedrzejczyk stumbles and the falls to the mat!
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Kowalkiewicz launches a kick to Jedrzejczyk's thigh
Loud pop!
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Kowalkiewicz launches a kick to Jedrzejczyk's thigh
Loud pop!
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Jedrzejczyk tries to stand up!
Kowalkiewicz doesn't allow her!
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Kowalkiewicz launches a kick to Jedrzejczyk's thigh
Loud pop!
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Kowalkiewicz launches a kick to Jedrzejczyk's thigh
Loud pop!
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Karolina Kowalkiewicz seems fresh. She may still have a lot of gas in her tank.
Kowalkiewicz launches a kick to Jedrzejczyk's thigh
Loud pop!
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Kowalkiewicz launches a kick to Jedrzejczyk's thigh
Loud pop!
Jedrzejczyk hyper-extended her left leg
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Kowalkiewicz launches a kick to Jedrzejczyk's thigh
Loud pop!
Jedrzejczyk hyper-extended her left leg
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Kowalkiewicz launches a kick to Jedrzejczyk's thigh
Loud pop!
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Joanna Jedrzejczyk doesn't want to continue the fight in this position and tries to get back on her feet
She can't do it because of Kowalkiewicz 's moves.
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Jedrzejczyk tries to stand up!
Kowalkiewicz doesn't allow her!
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Joanna Jedrzejczyk doesn't want to continue the fight in this position and tries to get back on her feet
She can't do it because of Kowalkiewicz 's moves.
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Kowalkiewicz launches a kick to Jedrzejczyk's thigh
Loud pop!
Jedrzejczyk hyper-extended her left leg
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Kowalkiewicz launches a kick to Jedrzejczyk's thigh
Loud pop!
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Joanna Jedrzejczyk doesn't want to continue the fight in this position and tries to get back on her feet
She can't do it because of Kowalkiewicz 's moves.
The clock says 4:35 in the 1 round
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Joanna Jedrzejczyk doesn't want to continue the fight in this position and tries to get back on her feet
She can't do it because of Kowalkiewicz 's moves.
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Terrible one sided match... Jedrzejczyk was not ready to fight a fighter of Karolina Kowalkiewicz caliber.
Joanna Jedrzejczyk doesn't want to continue the fight in this position and tries to get back on her feet
She can't do it because of Kowalkiewicz 's moves.
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Jedrzejczyk tries to stand up!
Kowalkiewicz doesn't allow her!
Kowalkiewicz is standing while Jedrzejczyk is on the ground on her back
Joanna Jedrzejczyk doesn't want to continue the fight in this position and tries to get back on her feet
She can't do it because of Kowalkiewicz 's moves.
Mario Yamasaki halts the fight to stand up Joanna Jedrzejczyk. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Joanna Jedrzejczyk is on her feet again.
Mario Yamasaki tells the fighters to go to their corners as the round is over.
This round is clearly for Karolina Kowalkiewicz .
Round 2
Joanna Jedrzejczyk has found an opening in the defense of Kowalkiewicz , launching a big hook
Karolina Kowalkiewicz steps backwards and avoids that hook!
Joanna Jedrzejczyk gets sloppy and Karolina Kowalkiewicz tries to take advantage...
Jedrzejczyk leads with a punch
Karolina Kowalkiewicz avoids it and lands flush with a counter uppercut!
Jedrzejczyk's Forehead is beginning to swell
There is a small laceration on Joanna Jedrzejczyk's Forehead
Jedrzejczyk seems a bit groggy... her movements are not very coordinated now.
Karolina Kowalkiewicz fakes a move and moves laterally.
A shot seen throughout the arena!
Jedrzejczyk stumbles back, her corner is screaming! Karolina Kowalkiewicz is coming in again!
Jedrzejczyk's Nose is beginning to swell
Jedrzejczyk has a small cut in her Nose
Joanna Jedrzejczyk seems hurt! She stumbles backwards and she's an easy target for Karolina Kowalkiewicz !
Brutal-looking high kick from Karolina Kowalkiewicz !
You could hear the impact from the back seats!
Jedrzejczyk fell like she got shot! This is over!
There is a small laceration on Joanna Jedrzejczyk's Chin
Winner is Karolina Kowalkiewicz by KO (High kick) at 0:45 Round 2
Statistics: Karolina Kowalkiewicz
Punches 7/8 (88%)
Kicks 14/14 (100%)
Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)
Takedowns 0/0 (0%)
GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)
Submissions 0/0 (0%)
Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)
Time on the ground 0 s
Statistics: Joanna Jedrzejczyk
Punches 5/10 (50%)
Kicks 0/0 (0%)
Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)
Takedowns 0/0 (0%)
GnP strikes 0/0 (0%)
Submissions 0/0 (0%)
Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)
Time on the ground 197 s
KK absolutely shredded JJ in this one. Interesting stuff.