Post by The Sandmen on Dec 18, 2020 9:10:07 GMT -5
Kyra Gracie glares at her opponent from the opposite corner.
Bec Rawlings looks very relaxed.
This is the first time they meet inside the cage
A pretty fair match today. I can't say who will be the one who will be raising her fist after the match.
The referee of the bout is Mario Yamasaki.
Round 1
The bell announces the first round!
Bec Rawlings shoots for a double leg takedown!
She hits it! Kyra Gracie is taken off her feet, but she manages to pull Rawlings into her guard.
The clock says 0:20 in the 1 round
Bec Rawlings is in closed guard over Gracie
Rawlings use some of her wrestling skills to escape from the closed guard!
After a few tentative moves, she jumps to side mount! The crowd in Taylor Field (Regina, Saskatchewan) is cheering her!
The clock says 0:30 in the 1 round
Bec Rawlings is in side mount over Kyra Gracie
Gracie tries to move on the ground and shows Bec Rawlings a crack in her guard which she uses for a big elbow!
Gracie uses her forearms to block the impact!
Bec Rawlings is in side mount over Kyra Gracie
Gracie tries to move on the ground and shows Bec Rawlings a crack in her guard which she uses for a big elbow!
Gracie uses her forearms to block the impact!
Gracie tries to get some advantage after her opponent miss move...
Kyra Gracie attempts to trap Bec Rawlings in her guard.
Bec Rawlings keeps control and remains in side mount.
Bec Rawlings is in side mount over Kyra Gracie
Kyra Gracie attempts to trap Bec Rawlings in her guard.
Kyra Gracie manages to switch to full guard.
Bec Rawlings is in open guard over Gracie
Bec Rawlings is a submission wizard. She has forgotten more BJJ than most fighters have learned.
Rawlings tries to move to full mount
Rawlings succeeds
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
Bec Rawlings throws the leg over and rolls it over into an armbar!
Gracie breaks the lock showing some skills...
Gracie is trying to counter now!
Gracie tries to move on the ground and escape from the full mount!
Bec Rawlings doesn't want to lose her adventageous position and she struggles to mantain the full mount.
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
Kyra Gracie tries to roll to her side and trap Bec Rawlings in her guard...
Bec Rawlings keeps good control and remains in full mount.
Mario Yamasaki stands the fighters up due to a lack of activity.
Both fighters continue the fight on their feet. You can hear how the people agree with that decision.
Kyra Gracie tries to roll to her side and trap Bec Rawlings in her guard...
Kyra Gracie gets her hip out and moves to full guard.
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
1:39 Round 1 and Rawlings is still in good shape. She sure has trained hard for this fight.
Bec Rawlings sits high on Kyra Gracie's chest and pulls her leg underneath Gracie's head. There's the triangle attempt!
Gracie tries to roll out. She's too quick for Bec Rawlings and manages to slip out! That was a risky move by Rawlings and it cost her top position.
Kyra Gracie is in closed guard over Rawlings
BJJ! That is what must be passing through Gracie's mind right now. Nobody wants to stay long in that position with a submission artist like Rawlings
Gracie is in closed guard... Rawlings tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! She is now in full mount over Kyra Gracie!
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
Gracie tries to move on the ground and escape from the full mount!
She successfully moves to half guard!
Bec Rawlings is in half guard over Gracie
Bec Rawlings tries to free her leg...
Bec Rawlings uses some of her skill by jumping out of Gracie's guard. She moves quickly to full mount!
Bec Rawlings is in side mount over Kyra Gracie
Bec Rawlings looks to mount Kyra Gracie...
Bec Rawlings slides her knee across and gets to mount.
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
Gracie is using some of her ground skills to escape from this...
Bec Rawlings pushes Kyra Gracie down and prevents her attempts to escape
Kyra Gracie gets sloppy and Bec Rawlings tries to take advantage...
Bec Rawlings sits high on Kyra Gracie's chest and pulls her leg underneath Gracie's head. There's the triangle attempt!
Gracie tries to roll out. She's too quick for Bec Rawlings and manages to slip out! That was a risky move by Rawlings and it cost her top position.
Kyra Gracie is in closed guard over Rawlings
Kyra Gracie tries to pass Bec Rawlings's guard...
Kyra Gracie passes momentarily but Bec Rawlings regains full guard.
Kyra Gracie is in closed guard over Rawlings
Rawlings is moving on the ground...
Gracie tries to counter Rawlings's moves on the ground.
Gracie tries to get some advantage after her opponent miss move...
Kyra Gracie looks to posture up and open Bec Rawlings's guard...
Kyra Gracie forces Bec Rawlings to open her guard.
Kyra Gracie is in open guard over Rawlings
Bec Rawlings isolates an arm in a kimura attempt!
Gracie blocks the hold and uses the opportunity to pass Rawlings's guard.
Kyra Gracie is in half guard over Rawlings
Rawlings attempts a triangle from bottom! Kyra Gracie slips out. Rawlings quickly turns her hips over and switches to the armbar! She's throwing everything at her.
Kyra Gracie slips out and backs away to avoid danger.
Poorly executed technique. Kyra Gracie looks to counter!
Gracie cartwheels towards Rawlings!
Rawlings fights back and evades the cartwheel guard pass.
Kyra Gracie is in half guard over Rawlings
Bec Rawlings attempts to move to full guard
Bec Rawlings manages to switch to full guard.
Kyra Gracie is in open guard over Rawlings
Rawlings tries to close her guard around Gracie
She succeeds!
Kyra Gracie is in closed guard over Rawlings
Gracie is in closed guard... Rawlings tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! She is now in full mount over Kyra Gracie!
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
Rawlings goes for an armbar!
Gracie Hyper-extended her arm
Crippling lock!
Kyra Gracie breaks the lock and pushes away Bec Rawlings, who rolls over her back and gets to standing position.
Mario Yamasaki halts the fight to stand up Bec Rawlings. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Taylor Field (Regina, Saskatchewan) are cheering for the fighters.
Gracie is holding Bec Rawlings's right leg... She's trying to take her down.
Bec Rawlings shows great balance while pushing away Kyra Gracie
Kyra Gracie gets sloppy and Bec Rawlings tries to take advantage...
Rawlings moves forward looking for some action
Bec Rawlings shows some wrestling skills as she put her opponent in a double overhook!
The clock says 4:00 in the 1 round
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Rawlings grapple with Kyra Gracie and tries a Inner leg Sweep
Kyra Gracie falls hard on the mat with Bec Rawlings on top of her
The clock says 4:10 in the 1 round
Bec Rawlings is in closed guard over Gracie
Rawlings tries to escape from the closed guard
Rawlings succeeds and she's now in open guard... she takes a second to breathe
Bec Rawlings is in open guard over Gracie
Rawlings is in open guard over Gracie... she fakes a move and then tries a kneebar!
Gracie rolls on the ground trying to get free and after a few kicks of her own she escapes.
Back to the beginning! Kyra Gracie is standing now.
Gracie is standing while Rawlings is on the ground on her back
Rawlings tries to hit Kyra Gracie with a kick to her knee from the ground.
Nice kick. Gracie steps backwards trying to find a way to use her advantage now.
Mario Yamasaki halts the fight to stand up Bec Rawlings. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Back to the beginning! Bec Rawlings is standing now.
Rawlings looks for angles as she throws a few jabs that are countered by Kyra Gracie's punches
Rawlings is on the receiving end of a great combo by Gracie.
Rawlings hyper-extended her left leg
Bec Rawlings shoots for a double leg takedown!
She hits it! Kyra Gracie is taken off her feet, but she manages to pull Rawlings into her guard.
Bec Rawlings is in closed guard over Gracie
Bec Rawlings tries to pass Kyra Gracie's guard...
Bec Rawlings passes momentarily but Kyra Gracie regains full guard.
The buzzer sounds, marking the end of the round. The ref tells the fighters to go to their corner.
I don't think either fighter did more than the other that round.
Round 2
Gracie wants to close the range and tries to grapple...
Rawlings doesn't want anything like this as she moves backwards
Kyra Gracie attempts a sweep single...
Kyra Gracie catches Bec Rawlings's far ankle and trips her to the mat! Slick takedown by Gracie.
Kyra Gracie is in closed guard over Rawlings
Rawlings is a savvy submission specialist. It's an honor just to watch her work on the ground.
Rawlings moves to high guard and tries to close an armbar!
Kyra Gracie breaks the lock, rolls on the ground and stands up quickly.
Rawlings clumsily fails here and it's time for Kyra Gracie to fight back!
Kyra Gracie is looking to pass Bec Rawlings's guard...
Bec Rawlings has a solid guard and keeps her ankles locked.
The clock says 0:40 in the 2 round
Kyra Gracie is in closed guard over Rawlings
Gracie is in closed guard... Rawlings tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! She is now in full mount over Kyra Gracie!
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
Bec Rawlings tries to better her position on the ground...
Kyra Gracie tries to roll on the ground...
Rawlings misses a step and Kyra Gracie sees an opportunity to counter her!
Kyra Gracie tries to roll to her side and trap Bec Rawlings in her guard...
Bec Rawlings keeps good control and remains in full mount.
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
Kyra Gracie tries to roll to her side and trap Bec Rawlings in her guard...
Kyra Gracie gets her hips out and gets to full guard.
Bec Rawlings is in closed guard over Gracie
1:08 Round 2 and Rawlings is still in good shape. She sure has trained hard for this fight.
Rawlings use some of her wrestling skills to escape from the closed guard!
After a few tentative moves, she jumps to side mount! The crowd in Taylor Field (Regina, Saskatchewan) is cheering her!
The clock says 1:20 in the 2 round
Bec Rawlings is in side mount over Kyra Gracie
Bec Rawlings looks to mount Kyra Gracie...
Bec Rawlings slides her knee across and gets to mount.
The clock says 1:30 in the 2 round
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
Gracie tries to move on the ground and escape from the full mount!
Bec Rawlings doesn't want to lose her adventageous position and she struggles to mantain the full mount.
Rawlings tries to get some advantage after her opponent miss move...
Bec Rawlings tries to finish the fight with an armbar from the top
Gracie is smart enough to avoid the submission attempt
Mario Yamasaki stands the fighters up due to a lack of activity.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Taylor Field (Regina, Saskatchewan) are cheering for the fighters.
Gracie looks for angles as she throws a few jabs that are countered by Bec Rawlings's punches
Rawlings is on the receiving end of a great combo by Gracie.
The clock says 1:50 in the 2 round
The two exchange wildly
both landing but without much steam behind the shots.
Bec Rawlings fakes a punch and launches herself over Gracie!
Nice move by Rawlings who clinches and pushes Gracie against the cage
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Bec Rawlings shoots and grab Kyra Gracie's ankle trying to take her down with a Heel Trip Reversal
Rawlings scoop up Kyra Gracie's ankle with one hand and pushes her body with another forcing Gracie to the mat
Bec Rawlings is in open guard over Gracie
Rawlings moves on the ground..
...she makes no progress.
Rawlings misses a step and Kyra Gracie sees an opportunity to counter her!
Gracie tries to close her guard around Rawlings
She is not able to do it
Bec Rawlings is in open guard over Gracie
Gracie tries to close her guard around Rawlings
She is not able to do it
The clock says 2:40 in the 2 round
Bec Rawlings is in open guard over Gracie
Rawlings moves on the ground..
She gets half guard.
Bec Rawlings is in half guard over Gracie
Kyra Gracie overhooks an arm and starts cranking! Interesting meneuver.
Rawlings pulls her arm out of danger.
Rawlings is trying to counter now!
Rawlings launches a few fake punches and tries to escape!
Kyra Gracie is not able to stop Gracie ground skills and Bec Rawlings moves to side mount!
Bec Rawlings is in side mount over Kyra Gracie
Bec Rawlings was tooling Kyra Gracie for the whole fight. I don't know if it's because Kyra Gracie lack of fighting spirit or just of skill.
Bec Rawlings looks to mount Kyra Gracie...
Bec Rawlings slides her knee across and gets to mount.
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
You can hear the excitement from the crowd. Bec Rawlings can end the fight with her ground and pound.
Bec Rawlings throws the leg over and rolls it over into an armbar!
You can see the pain reflected in Gracie's eyes...
Rawlings is locking that Armbar...
Gracie breaks the lock showing some skills...
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
Rawlings tries to keep hs position while looking to maybe begin a pounding session...
Bec Rawlings controls the situation despite Kyra Gracie efforts for escaping from the full mount.
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
Gracie is using some of her ground skills to escape from this...
She pushes Rawlings's knee away and tries to roll! Nice move to get half guard!
Kyra Gracie is in half guard over Rawlings
Kyra Gracie pushes Rawlings's leg and tries to move to full mount.
Rawlings rolls and she's now on half guard over Kyra Gracie. Nice reversal.
Bec Rawlings is in half guard over Gracie
Gracie cornermen are yelling for her man to escape from the ground as Rawlings can finish a fight on the ground with some good pounding if you give her the chance.
Bec Rawlings tries to pass Kyra Gracie's guard...
Kyra Gracie's guard is too good and she fails to pass.
The clock says 4:10 in the 2 round
Bec Rawlings is in half guard over Gracie
Kyra Gracie attempts to move to full guard
Bec Rawlings keeps good control and remains in half guard.
Mario Yamasaki has seen enough passivity on the ground and stands up the fighters.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Taylor Field (Regina, Saskatchewan) are cheering for the fighters.
The two exchange wildly
Rawlings is connecting with a few punches
Rawlings moves forward looking for some action
Bec Rawlings shows some wrestling skills as she put her opponent in a double overhook!
Gracie doesn't want to clinch as she ducks under Bec Rawlings embrace and tries to move away...
Bec Rawlings pushes Gracie forward and doesn't allow her to break the clinch.
The fighters are clinching.
Bec Rawlings slightly pushes Gracie into the fence and tries to calm down the action.
Mario Yamasaki separates the fighters and tells them to continue fighting.
Bec Rawlings goes with a looping right hand while Kyra Gracie jumps back and jabs
Gracie seems staggered and Bec Rawlings runs to capitalize with a bunch of jabs and crosses.
Bec Rawlings and Gracie engage in a wild exchange of punches!
Bec Rawlings is getting the best of the exchange as she lands a few blows.
Mario Yamasaki separates the fighters as the round concludes. The fighters shake hands as they head back to their corners.
This round is maybe for Bec Rawlings, but it's close.
Round 3
Rawlings wants to close the range and tries to grapple...
Nice move. She shoves herself over her opponent and secure a single collar tie.
Kyra Gracie tries to shrug her way out of the clinch.
Rawlings is determined to work from the clinch. She pummeled through and managed to retain her position.
The clock says 0:20 in the 3 round
The fighters are clinching.
Bec Rawlings fakes a few punches and advance towards Gracie trying to take her down with a Advancing Leg Sweep
Kyra Gracie lose her balance and falls hard on the mat
Rawlings is standing while Gracie is on the ground on her back
As the fight continues it seems that Bec Rawlings is taking the best of the fight.
Rawlings cartwheels towards Gracie!
She lands in side mount over a surprised Kyra Gracie.
Bec Rawlings is in side mount over Kyra Gracie
Gracie launches a few weak punches
Rawlings blocks them effectively.
Kyra Gracie gets sloppy and Bec Rawlings tries to take advantage...
Bec Rawlings looks to mount Kyra Gracie...
Bec Rawlings slides her knee across and gets to mount.
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
Rawlings tries to keep hs position while looking to maybe begin a pounding session...
Bec Rawlings controls the situation despite Kyra Gracie efforts for escaping from the full mount.
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
Kyra Gracie tries to roll to her side and trap Bec Rawlings in her guard...
Bec Rawlings keeps good control and remains in full mount.
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
Kyra Gracie tries to roll on the ground...
She makes a reversal!
Kyra Gracie is in closed guard over Rawlings
Bec Rawlings was tooling Kyra Gracie for the whole fight. I don't know if it's because Kyra Gracie lack of fighting spirit or just of skill.
Kyra Gracie tries to pass Bec Rawlings's guard...
Kyra Gracie passes momentarily but Bec Rawlings regains full guard.
Kyra Gracie is in closed guard over Rawlings
Gracie is in closed guard... Rawlings tries to roll on the ground!
Kyra Gracie uses her leg to keep her position on the ground
Bec Rawlings gets sloppy and Kyra Gracie tries to take advantage...
Gracie struggles on the ground and tries to break Bec Rawlings's guard...
Rawlings doesn't want to free her opponent and Gracie continues in closed guard
Kyra Gracie is in closed guard over Rawlings
Gracie is in closed guard... Rawlings tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! She is now in full mount over Kyra Gracie!
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
Rawlings fakes a few punches and after a brief struggle she catches Kyra Gracie's arm and tries an armbar!
That Armbar from Bec Rawlings appears to be unbreakable
Gracie holds her own hand and with pure strength she breaks Gracie's lock. She rolls over herself and launches over Bec Rawlings.
Kyra Gracie is in side mount over Bec Rawlings
Kyra Gracie isolates Bec Rawlings's right arm looking for an armbar...
Bec Rawlings manages to sit up and pull her arm out of danger! Kyra Gracie lost her dominant position.
Rawlings is trying to counter now!
Rawlings measures the resilience of Gracie's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in Gracie's side.
Kyra Gracie is in side mount over Bec Rawlings
Not a desiderable position that Gracie is in now. Bec Rawlings is well knowed for her strong and relentless GnP.
Rawlings is taking this opportunity to rest.
Mario Yamasaki has seen enough passivity on the ground and stands up the fighters.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Taylor Field (Regina, Saskatchewan) are cheering for the fighters.
Bec Rawlings tries to bring the fight to the ground
Gracie goes down.
Bec Rawlings is in open guard over Gracie
Gracie tries to close her guard around Rawlings
She is not able to do it
Bec Rawlings is in open guard over Gracie
Rawlings is in open guard over Gracie... she fakes a move and then tries a kneebar!
Gracie hyper-extended her leg
That Kneebar from Bec Rawlings appears to be unbreakable
Gracie hyper-extended her leg
Gracie struggles to free herself
Punishing hold!
That Kneebar from Bec Rawlings appears to be unbreakable
Punishing hold!
Gracie hyper-extended her leg
Rawlings secures the lock while Kyra Gracie refuses to tap... Mario Yamasaki jumps in and breaks the lock!
Winner is Bec Rawlings by Submission (Kneebar) at 2:55 Round 3
Statistics: Kyra Gracie
Punches 9/17 (53%)
Kicks 0/0 (0%)
Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)
Takedowns 1/2 (50%)
GnP strikes 0/3 (0%)
Submissions 2/2 (100%)
Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)
Time on the ground 540 s
Statistics: Bec Rawlings
Punches 13/21 (62%)
Kicks 0/0 (0%)
Clinch strikes 0/1 (0%)
Takedowns 3/3 (100%)
GnP strikes 2/4 (50%)
Submissions 12/12 (100%)
Clinch Attempts 1/1 (100%)
Time on the ground 539 s
Did I ever mention Rawlings has an OnlyFans?
Bec Rawlings looks very relaxed.
This is the first time they meet inside the cage
A pretty fair match today. I can't say who will be the one who will be raising her fist after the match.
The referee of the bout is Mario Yamasaki.
Round 1
The bell announces the first round!
Bec Rawlings shoots for a double leg takedown!
She hits it! Kyra Gracie is taken off her feet, but she manages to pull Rawlings into her guard.
The clock says 0:20 in the 1 round
Bec Rawlings is in closed guard over Gracie
Rawlings use some of her wrestling skills to escape from the closed guard!
After a few tentative moves, she jumps to side mount! The crowd in Taylor Field (Regina, Saskatchewan) is cheering her!
The clock says 0:30 in the 1 round
Bec Rawlings is in side mount over Kyra Gracie
Gracie tries to move on the ground and shows Bec Rawlings a crack in her guard which she uses for a big elbow!
Gracie uses her forearms to block the impact!
Bec Rawlings is in side mount over Kyra Gracie
Gracie tries to move on the ground and shows Bec Rawlings a crack in her guard which she uses for a big elbow!
Gracie uses her forearms to block the impact!
Gracie tries to get some advantage after her opponent miss move...
Kyra Gracie attempts to trap Bec Rawlings in her guard.
Bec Rawlings keeps control and remains in side mount.
Bec Rawlings is in side mount over Kyra Gracie
Kyra Gracie attempts to trap Bec Rawlings in her guard.
Kyra Gracie manages to switch to full guard.
Bec Rawlings is in open guard over Gracie
Bec Rawlings is a submission wizard. She has forgotten more BJJ than most fighters have learned.
Rawlings tries to move to full mount
Rawlings succeeds
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
Bec Rawlings throws the leg over and rolls it over into an armbar!
Gracie breaks the lock showing some skills...
Gracie is trying to counter now!
Gracie tries to move on the ground and escape from the full mount!
Bec Rawlings doesn't want to lose her adventageous position and she struggles to mantain the full mount.
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
Kyra Gracie tries to roll to her side and trap Bec Rawlings in her guard...
Bec Rawlings keeps good control and remains in full mount.
Mario Yamasaki stands the fighters up due to a lack of activity.
Both fighters continue the fight on their feet. You can hear how the people agree with that decision.
Kyra Gracie tries to roll to her side and trap Bec Rawlings in her guard...
Kyra Gracie gets her hip out and moves to full guard.
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
1:39 Round 1 and Rawlings is still in good shape. She sure has trained hard for this fight.
Bec Rawlings sits high on Kyra Gracie's chest and pulls her leg underneath Gracie's head. There's the triangle attempt!
Gracie tries to roll out. She's too quick for Bec Rawlings and manages to slip out! That was a risky move by Rawlings and it cost her top position.
Kyra Gracie is in closed guard over Rawlings
BJJ! That is what must be passing through Gracie's mind right now. Nobody wants to stay long in that position with a submission artist like Rawlings
Gracie is in closed guard... Rawlings tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! She is now in full mount over Kyra Gracie!
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
Gracie tries to move on the ground and escape from the full mount!
She successfully moves to half guard!
Bec Rawlings is in half guard over Gracie
Bec Rawlings tries to free her leg...
Bec Rawlings uses some of her skill by jumping out of Gracie's guard. She moves quickly to full mount!
Bec Rawlings is in side mount over Kyra Gracie
Bec Rawlings looks to mount Kyra Gracie...
Bec Rawlings slides her knee across and gets to mount.
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
Gracie is using some of her ground skills to escape from this...
Bec Rawlings pushes Kyra Gracie down and prevents her attempts to escape
Kyra Gracie gets sloppy and Bec Rawlings tries to take advantage...
Bec Rawlings sits high on Kyra Gracie's chest and pulls her leg underneath Gracie's head. There's the triangle attempt!
Gracie tries to roll out. She's too quick for Bec Rawlings and manages to slip out! That was a risky move by Rawlings and it cost her top position.
Kyra Gracie is in closed guard over Rawlings
Kyra Gracie tries to pass Bec Rawlings's guard...
Kyra Gracie passes momentarily but Bec Rawlings regains full guard.
Kyra Gracie is in closed guard over Rawlings
Rawlings is moving on the ground...
Gracie tries to counter Rawlings's moves on the ground.
Gracie tries to get some advantage after her opponent miss move...
Kyra Gracie looks to posture up and open Bec Rawlings's guard...
Kyra Gracie forces Bec Rawlings to open her guard.
Kyra Gracie is in open guard over Rawlings
Bec Rawlings isolates an arm in a kimura attempt!
Gracie blocks the hold and uses the opportunity to pass Rawlings's guard.
Kyra Gracie is in half guard over Rawlings
Rawlings attempts a triangle from bottom! Kyra Gracie slips out. Rawlings quickly turns her hips over and switches to the armbar! She's throwing everything at her.
Kyra Gracie slips out and backs away to avoid danger.
Poorly executed technique. Kyra Gracie looks to counter!
Gracie cartwheels towards Rawlings!
Rawlings fights back and evades the cartwheel guard pass.
Kyra Gracie is in half guard over Rawlings
Bec Rawlings attempts to move to full guard
Bec Rawlings manages to switch to full guard.
Kyra Gracie is in open guard over Rawlings
Rawlings tries to close her guard around Gracie
She succeeds!
Kyra Gracie is in closed guard over Rawlings
Gracie is in closed guard... Rawlings tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! She is now in full mount over Kyra Gracie!
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
Rawlings goes for an armbar!
Gracie Hyper-extended her arm
Crippling lock!
Kyra Gracie breaks the lock and pushes away Bec Rawlings, who rolls over her back and gets to standing position.
Mario Yamasaki halts the fight to stand up Bec Rawlings. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Taylor Field (Regina, Saskatchewan) are cheering for the fighters.
Gracie is holding Bec Rawlings's right leg... She's trying to take her down.
Bec Rawlings shows great balance while pushing away Kyra Gracie
Kyra Gracie gets sloppy and Bec Rawlings tries to take advantage...
Rawlings moves forward looking for some action
Bec Rawlings shows some wrestling skills as she put her opponent in a double overhook!
The clock says 4:00 in the 1 round
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Rawlings grapple with Kyra Gracie and tries a Inner leg Sweep
Kyra Gracie falls hard on the mat with Bec Rawlings on top of her
The clock says 4:10 in the 1 round
Bec Rawlings is in closed guard over Gracie
Rawlings tries to escape from the closed guard
Rawlings succeeds and she's now in open guard... she takes a second to breathe
Bec Rawlings is in open guard over Gracie
Rawlings is in open guard over Gracie... she fakes a move and then tries a kneebar!
Gracie rolls on the ground trying to get free and after a few kicks of her own she escapes.
Back to the beginning! Kyra Gracie is standing now.
Gracie is standing while Rawlings is on the ground on her back
Rawlings tries to hit Kyra Gracie with a kick to her knee from the ground.
Nice kick. Gracie steps backwards trying to find a way to use her advantage now.
Mario Yamasaki halts the fight to stand up Bec Rawlings. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Back to the beginning! Bec Rawlings is standing now.
Rawlings looks for angles as she throws a few jabs that are countered by Kyra Gracie's punches
Rawlings is on the receiving end of a great combo by Gracie.
Rawlings hyper-extended her left leg
Bec Rawlings shoots for a double leg takedown!
She hits it! Kyra Gracie is taken off her feet, but she manages to pull Rawlings into her guard.
Bec Rawlings is in closed guard over Gracie
Bec Rawlings tries to pass Kyra Gracie's guard...
Bec Rawlings passes momentarily but Kyra Gracie regains full guard.
The buzzer sounds, marking the end of the round. The ref tells the fighters to go to their corner.
I don't think either fighter did more than the other that round.
Round 2
Gracie wants to close the range and tries to grapple...
Rawlings doesn't want anything like this as she moves backwards
Kyra Gracie attempts a sweep single...
Kyra Gracie catches Bec Rawlings's far ankle and trips her to the mat! Slick takedown by Gracie.
Kyra Gracie is in closed guard over Rawlings
Rawlings is a savvy submission specialist. It's an honor just to watch her work on the ground.
Rawlings moves to high guard and tries to close an armbar!
Kyra Gracie breaks the lock, rolls on the ground and stands up quickly.
Rawlings clumsily fails here and it's time for Kyra Gracie to fight back!
Kyra Gracie is looking to pass Bec Rawlings's guard...
Bec Rawlings has a solid guard and keeps her ankles locked.
The clock says 0:40 in the 2 round
Kyra Gracie is in closed guard over Rawlings
Gracie is in closed guard... Rawlings tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! She is now in full mount over Kyra Gracie!
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
Bec Rawlings tries to better her position on the ground...
Kyra Gracie tries to roll on the ground...
Rawlings misses a step and Kyra Gracie sees an opportunity to counter her!
Kyra Gracie tries to roll to her side and trap Bec Rawlings in her guard...
Bec Rawlings keeps good control and remains in full mount.
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
Kyra Gracie tries to roll to her side and trap Bec Rawlings in her guard...
Kyra Gracie gets her hips out and gets to full guard.
Bec Rawlings is in closed guard over Gracie
1:08 Round 2 and Rawlings is still in good shape. She sure has trained hard for this fight.
Rawlings use some of her wrestling skills to escape from the closed guard!
After a few tentative moves, she jumps to side mount! The crowd in Taylor Field (Regina, Saskatchewan) is cheering her!
The clock says 1:20 in the 2 round
Bec Rawlings is in side mount over Kyra Gracie
Bec Rawlings looks to mount Kyra Gracie...
Bec Rawlings slides her knee across and gets to mount.
The clock says 1:30 in the 2 round
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
Gracie tries to move on the ground and escape from the full mount!
Bec Rawlings doesn't want to lose her adventageous position and she struggles to mantain the full mount.
Rawlings tries to get some advantage after her opponent miss move...
Bec Rawlings tries to finish the fight with an armbar from the top
Gracie is smart enough to avoid the submission attempt
Mario Yamasaki stands the fighters up due to a lack of activity.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Taylor Field (Regina, Saskatchewan) are cheering for the fighters.
Gracie looks for angles as she throws a few jabs that are countered by Bec Rawlings's punches
Rawlings is on the receiving end of a great combo by Gracie.
The clock says 1:50 in the 2 round
The two exchange wildly
both landing but without much steam behind the shots.
Bec Rawlings fakes a punch and launches herself over Gracie!
Nice move by Rawlings who clinches and pushes Gracie against the cage
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Bec Rawlings shoots and grab Kyra Gracie's ankle trying to take her down with a Heel Trip Reversal
Rawlings scoop up Kyra Gracie's ankle with one hand and pushes her body with another forcing Gracie to the mat
Bec Rawlings is in open guard over Gracie
Rawlings moves on the ground..
...she makes no progress.
Rawlings misses a step and Kyra Gracie sees an opportunity to counter her!
Gracie tries to close her guard around Rawlings
She is not able to do it
Bec Rawlings is in open guard over Gracie
Gracie tries to close her guard around Rawlings
She is not able to do it
The clock says 2:40 in the 2 round
Bec Rawlings is in open guard over Gracie
Rawlings moves on the ground..
She gets half guard.
Bec Rawlings is in half guard over Gracie
Kyra Gracie overhooks an arm and starts cranking! Interesting meneuver.
Rawlings pulls her arm out of danger.
Rawlings is trying to counter now!
Rawlings launches a few fake punches and tries to escape!
Kyra Gracie is not able to stop Gracie ground skills and Bec Rawlings moves to side mount!
Bec Rawlings is in side mount over Kyra Gracie
Bec Rawlings was tooling Kyra Gracie for the whole fight. I don't know if it's because Kyra Gracie lack of fighting spirit or just of skill.
Bec Rawlings looks to mount Kyra Gracie...
Bec Rawlings slides her knee across and gets to mount.
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
You can hear the excitement from the crowd. Bec Rawlings can end the fight with her ground and pound.
Bec Rawlings throws the leg over and rolls it over into an armbar!
You can see the pain reflected in Gracie's eyes...
Rawlings is locking that Armbar...
Gracie breaks the lock showing some skills...
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
Rawlings tries to keep hs position while looking to maybe begin a pounding session...
Bec Rawlings controls the situation despite Kyra Gracie efforts for escaping from the full mount.
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
Gracie is using some of her ground skills to escape from this...
She pushes Rawlings's knee away and tries to roll! Nice move to get half guard!
Kyra Gracie is in half guard over Rawlings
Kyra Gracie pushes Rawlings's leg and tries to move to full mount.
Rawlings rolls and she's now on half guard over Kyra Gracie. Nice reversal.
Bec Rawlings is in half guard over Gracie
Gracie cornermen are yelling for her man to escape from the ground as Rawlings can finish a fight on the ground with some good pounding if you give her the chance.
Bec Rawlings tries to pass Kyra Gracie's guard...
Kyra Gracie's guard is too good and she fails to pass.
The clock says 4:10 in the 2 round
Bec Rawlings is in half guard over Gracie
Kyra Gracie attempts to move to full guard
Bec Rawlings keeps good control and remains in half guard.
Mario Yamasaki has seen enough passivity on the ground and stands up the fighters.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Taylor Field (Regina, Saskatchewan) are cheering for the fighters.
The two exchange wildly
Rawlings is connecting with a few punches
Rawlings moves forward looking for some action
Bec Rawlings shows some wrestling skills as she put her opponent in a double overhook!
Gracie doesn't want to clinch as she ducks under Bec Rawlings embrace and tries to move away...
Bec Rawlings pushes Gracie forward and doesn't allow her to break the clinch.
The fighters are clinching.
Bec Rawlings slightly pushes Gracie into the fence and tries to calm down the action.
Mario Yamasaki separates the fighters and tells them to continue fighting.
Bec Rawlings goes with a looping right hand while Kyra Gracie jumps back and jabs
Gracie seems staggered and Bec Rawlings runs to capitalize with a bunch of jabs and crosses.
Bec Rawlings and Gracie engage in a wild exchange of punches!
Bec Rawlings is getting the best of the exchange as she lands a few blows.
Mario Yamasaki separates the fighters as the round concludes. The fighters shake hands as they head back to their corners.
This round is maybe for Bec Rawlings, but it's close.
Round 3
Rawlings wants to close the range and tries to grapple...
Nice move. She shoves herself over her opponent and secure a single collar tie.
Kyra Gracie tries to shrug her way out of the clinch.
Rawlings is determined to work from the clinch. She pummeled through and managed to retain her position.
The clock says 0:20 in the 3 round
The fighters are clinching.
Bec Rawlings fakes a few punches and advance towards Gracie trying to take her down with a Advancing Leg Sweep
Kyra Gracie lose her balance and falls hard on the mat
Rawlings is standing while Gracie is on the ground on her back
As the fight continues it seems that Bec Rawlings is taking the best of the fight.
Rawlings cartwheels towards Gracie!
She lands in side mount over a surprised Kyra Gracie.
Bec Rawlings is in side mount over Kyra Gracie
Gracie launches a few weak punches
Rawlings blocks them effectively.
Kyra Gracie gets sloppy and Bec Rawlings tries to take advantage...
Bec Rawlings looks to mount Kyra Gracie...
Bec Rawlings slides her knee across and gets to mount.
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
Rawlings tries to keep hs position while looking to maybe begin a pounding session...
Bec Rawlings controls the situation despite Kyra Gracie efforts for escaping from the full mount.
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
Kyra Gracie tries to roll to her side and trap Bec Rawlings in her guard...
Bec Rawlings keeps good control and remains in full mount.
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
Kyra Gracie tries to roll on the ground...
She makes a reversal!
Kyra Gracie is in closed guard over Rawlings
Bec Rawlings was tooling Kyra Gracie for the whole fight. I don't know if it's because Kyra Gracie lack of fighting spirit or just of skill.
Kyra Gracie tries to pass Bec Rawlings's guard...
Kyra Gracie passes momentarily but Bec Rawlings regains full guard.
Kyra Gracie is in closed guard over Rawlings
Gracie is in closed guard... Rawlings tries to roll on the ground!
Kyra Gracie uses her leg to keep her position on the ground
Bec Rawlings gets sloppy and Kyra Gracie tries to take advantage...
Gracie struggles on the ground and tries to break Bec Rawlings's guard...
Rawlings doesn't want to free her opponent and Gracie continues in closed guard
Kyra Gracie is in closed guard over Rawlings
Gracie is in closed guard... Rawlings tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! She is now in full mount over Kyra Gracie!
Bec Rawlings is in full mount over Kyra Gracie
Rawlings fakes a few punches and after a brief struggle she catches Kyra Gracie's arm and tries an armbar!
That Armbar from Bec Rawlings appears to be unbreakable
Gracie holds her own hand and with pure strength she breaks Gracie's lock. She rolls over herself and launches over Bec Rawlings.
Kyra Gracie is in side mount over Bec Rawlings
Kyra Gracie isolates Bec Rawlings's right arm looking for an armbar...
Bec Rawlings manages to sit up and pull her arm out of danger! Kyra Gracie lost her dominant position.
Rawlings is trying to counter now!
Rawlings measures the resilience of Gracie's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in Gracie's side.
Kyra Gracie is in side mount over Bec Rawlings
Not a desiderable position that Gracie is in now. Bec Rawlings is well knowed for her strong and relentless GnP.
Rawlings is taking this opportunity to rest.
Mario Yamasaki has seen enough passivity on the ground and stands up the fighters.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Taylor Field (Regina, Saskatchewan) are cheering for the fighters.
Bec Rawlings tries to bring the fight to the ground
Gracie goes down.
Bec Rawlings is in open guard over Gracie
Gracie tries to close her guard around Rawlings
She is not able to do it
Bec Rawlings is in open guard over Gracie
Rawlings is in open guard over Gracie... she fakes a move and then tries a kneebar!
Gracie hyper-extended her leg
That Kneebar from Bec Rawlings appears to be unbreakable
Gracie hyper-extended her leg
Gracie struggles to free herself
Punishing hold!
That Kneebar from Bec Rawlings appears to be unbreakable
Punishing hold!
Gracie hyper-extended her leg
Rawlings secures the lock while Kyra Gracie refuses to tap... Mario Yamasaki jumps in and breaks the lock!
Winner is Bec Rawlings by Submission (Kneebar) at 2:55 Round 3
Statistics: Kyra Gracie
Punches 9/17 (53%)
Kicks 0/0 (0%)
Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)
Takedowns 1/2 (50%)
GnP strikes 0/3 (0%)
Submissions 2/2 (100%)
Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)
Time on the ground 540 s
Statistics: Bec Rawlings
Punches 13/21 (62%)
Kicks 0/0 (0%)
Clinch strikes 0/1 (0%)
Takedowns 3/3 (100%)
GnP strikes 2/4 (50%)
Submissions 12/12 (100%)
Clinch Attempts 1/1 (100%)
Time on the ground 539 s
Did I ever mention Rawlings has an OnlyFans?