Post by The Sandmen on Dec 21, 2012 17:35:31 GMT -5
Michael Chandler glares at his opponent from the opposite corner.
Joe Lauzon raises his fists in his corner. He seems confident.
This is the first time they meet inside the cage
A pretty fair match today. I can't say who will be the one who will be raising his fist after the match.
The referee of the bout is Mario Yamasaki.
Round 1
The bell announces the first round!
Joe Lauzon is doing his best Floyd Mayweather impression by not engaging.
Joe Lauzon and Chandler engage in a wild exchange of punches!
Michael Chandler is getting the best of the exchange as he lands a few blows.
Michael Chandler tries a hook to the body
and hits Lauzon ribs hard
Lauzon is holding Michael Chandler's left leg... He's trying to take him down.
Michael Chandler loses balance and goes to the ground.
Joe Lauzon is in side mount over Michael Chandler
Lauzon breaths deeply while on the ground
Joe Lauzon is in side mount over Michael Chandler
Michael Chandler attempts to trap Joe Lauzon in his guard.
Joe Lauzon keeps control and remains in side mount.
Joe Lauzon is in side mount over Michael Chandler
Joe Lauzon looks to mount Michael Chandler...
Joe Lauzon slides his knee across and gets to mount.
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Lauzon gets a good position on the ground. ..
and what an incredible flurry! He's just wailing away at Michael Chandler! The referee is saying he's going to stop it if Michael Chandler doesn't defend himself!
There is a small laceration on Michael Chandler's Nose
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Michael Chandler tries to roll to his side and trap Joe Lauzon in his guard...
Joe Lauzon keeps good control and remains in full mount.
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Joe Lauzon sits high on Michael Chandler's chest and pulls his leg underneath Chandler's head. There's the triangle attempt!
Lauzon is locking that Triangle from Mount...
Chandler tries to roll out. He's too quick for Joe Lauzon and manages to slip out! That was a risky move by Lauzon and it cost him top position.
Michael Chandler is in closed guard over Lauzon
Chandler is in closed guard... Lauzon tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! He is now in full mount over Michael Chandler!
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Lauzon catch Michael Chandler's right arm and tries a kimura
Michael Chandler holds his own arm and struggles until he gets free
Joe Lauzon gets sloppy and Michael Chandler tries to take advantage...
Michael Chandler tries to roll to his side and trap Joe Lauzon in his guard...
Joe Lauzon keeps good control and remains in full mount.
The clock says 2:10 in the 1 round
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Michael Chandler tries to roll on the ground...
Lauzon knows how to keep his advantage on the ground.
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Joe Lauzon sits high on Michael Chandler's chest and pulls his leg underneath Chandler's head. There's the triangle attempt!
Chandler tries to roll out. He's too quick for Joe Lauzon and manages to slip out! That was a risky move by Lauzon and it cost him top position.
Michael Chandler is in closed guard over Lauzon
Chandler is in closed guard... Lauzon tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! He is now in full mount over Michael Chandler!
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Chandler tries to stand up!
he is now on his feet
Lauzon tries to stand up!
Chandler doesn't allow him!
Mario Yamasaki halts the fight to stand up Michael Chandler. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Scottrade Center (St. Louis, MO) are cheering for the fighters.
Lauzon fakes a punch and shoots a takedown!
Michael Chandler didn't see it coming and has been put on the ground!
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Michael Chandler is cooling the fight on the ground
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Chandler tries to close his guard around Lauzon
He is not able to do it
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Chandler measures the resilience of Lauzon's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Lauzon blocks the hits as he works on the ground.
Lauzon is trying to counter now!
Lauzon moves on the ground
Joe Lauzon moves to side mount
Joe Lauzon is in side mount over Michael Chandler
BJJ! That is what must be passing through Chandler's mind right now. Nobody wants to stay long in that position with a submission artist like Lauzon
Lauzon breaths deeply while on the ground
The referee decides to stand up the fighters since there was not much action on the ground.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Scottrade Center (St. Louis, MO) are cheering for the fighters.
The clock says 3:40 in the 1 round
Michael Chandler is setting up a throw
No dice, Lauzon breaks free.
The clock says 3:50 in the 1 round
Good front kick from Lauzon!
Chandler stumbles backwards after that one!
Joe Lauzon fakes a punch and launches himself over Michael Chandler
Great move by Lauzon who pushes his opponent under a troublesome thai clinch
The fighters are clinching.
Michael Chandler tries to shrug his way out of the clinch.
Lauzon is determined to work from the clinch. He pummeled through and managed to retain his position.
The clock says 4:30 in the 1 round
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Lauzon launches a few hard punches to Michael Chandler's ribs!
Michael Chandler's ribs shows the damage! Joe Lauzon is working his opponent ribs!
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Michael Chandler shoots and grab Joe Lauzon's ankle trying to take him down with a Heel Trip Reversal
Chandler scoop up Joe Lauzon's ankle with one hand and pushes his body with another forcing Lauzon to the mat
Michael Chandler is in open guard over Lauzon
Lauzon tries to close his guard around Chandler
He is not able to do it
Mario Yamasaki tells the fighters to go to their corners as the round is over.
Close round. It could go to either fighter.
Round 2
The two exchange wildly
both landing but without much steam behind the shots.
Joe Lauzon has found an opening in the defense of Chandler, launching a big uppercut
Bingo! Chandler is wobbling!
Michael Chandler has found an opening in the defense of Lauzon, launching a big hook
Bang! That could break Lauzon's ribs.
Michael Chandler shoots for a double leg takedown!
Joe Lauzon sprawls and manages to stay on his feet.
Lauzon is trying to counter now!
Big mistake from Michael Chandler! Lauzon tries to finish him off with a RNC!
Lauzon is unable to lock that and Chandler breaks the lock
Joe Lauzon tries to bring the fight to the ground
Chandler goes down.
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Joe Lauzon is cooling the fight on the ground
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Lauzon moves on the ground..
He gets half guard.
Joe Lauzon is in half guard over Chandler
Joe Lauzon tries to free his leg
Joe Lauzon uses some of his skill by jumping out of Chandler's guard. He moves quickly to side mount!
Joe Lauzon is in side mount over Michael Chandler
Joe Lauzon was tooling Michael Chandler for the whole fight. I don't know if it's because Michael Chandler lack of fighting spirit or just of skill.
Lauzon tries to open up Michael Chandler's defense faking a few punches.
He is aggressively and repeatedly punching Chandler in the side of the head
Joe Lauzon is in side mount over Michael Chandler
Joe Lauzon looks to mount Michael Chandler...
Michael Chandler takes advantage of his opponent's over commitment and traps him in full guard.
The clock says 1:40 in the 2 round
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Chandler tries to close his guard around Lauzon
He succeeds!
Joe Lauzon is in closed guard over Chandler
Lauzon is in closed guard... Chandler tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! He is now in full mount over Joe Lauzon!
Michael Chandler is in full mount over Joe Lauzon
Michael Chandler tries to better his position on the ground...
Chandler is in a great position to begin a nice round of pounding!
Michael Chandler is in full mount over Joe Lauzon
Joe Lauzon tries to roll to his side and trap Michael Chandler in his guard...
Joe Lauzon gets his hips out and gets to full guard.
The clock says 2:20 in the 2 round
Michael Chandler is in closed guard over Lauzon
Joe Lauzon launches a few punches to Chandler's cheek from the guard.
Michael Chandler uses his head to cover the punches and presses his skull forward.
Lauzon clumsily fails here and it's time for Michael Chandler to fight back!
Michael Chandler tries to pass Joe Lauzon's guard...
Michael Chandler manages to get his leg free and moves to half guard.
Michael Chandler is in half guard over Lauzon
Michael Chandler launches a few punches to Lauzon
Lauzon covers himself well and then rolls on the ground. Great reversal!
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Chandler measures the resilience of Lauzon's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Lauzon blocks the hits as he works on the ground.
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Chandler tries to close his guard around Lauzon
He succeeds!
The clock says 3:05 in the 2 round
Joe Lauzon is in closed guard over Chandler
Lauzon is in closed guard... Chandler tries to roll on the ground!
Joe Lauzon uses his leg to keep his position on the ground
The referee decides to stand up the fighters since there was not much action on the ground.
Both fighters continue the fight on their feet. You can hear how the people agree with that decision.
Nice punch by Joe Lauzon
that nearly tags Chandler.
Chandler is trying to counter now!
Chandler fakes a punch and shoots a takedown!
Lauzon sprawls and remains on his feet.
Joe Lauzon attempts a sweep single...
Michael Chandler was ready and shrugs off the takedown attempt.
Lauzon steps backwards away from Michael Chandler. He seems to be cooling down the fight a bit.
Joe Lauzon attempts to cut off Chandler with punches
Chandler reels from the strikes.
Michael Chandler grabs Lauzon
Joe Lauzon gets thrown to the mat.
The clock says 4:05 in the 2 round
Michael Chandler is in open guard over Lauzon
Lauzon tries to close his guard around Chandler
He succeeds!
Michael Chandler is in closed guard over Lauzon
Chandler struggles on the ground and tries to break Joe Lauzon's guard...
Michael Chandler is in Lauzon open guard now
Michael Chandler is in open guard over Lauzon
Michael Chandler pushes Joe Lauzon against the fence and then tries to improve his position.
Joe Lauzon struggles not allowing Michael Chandler improve his position.
Michael Chandler is in open guard over Lauzon
Chandler tries to improve position.
He frees a leg.
Michael Chandler is in half guard over Lauzon
Joe Lauzon tries to close the guard.
Lauzon put Michael Chandler in closed guard.
The buzzer sounds, marking the end of the round. The ref tells the fighters to go to their corner.
That was a close round.
Round 3
Joe Lauzon and Chandler engage in a wild exchange of punches!
Both fighters are connecting and this could be ending soon if either lands a lucky punch.
Lauzon showing excellent timing, blasts Michael Chandler with a right hand.
Great hook by Joe Lauzon! Michael Chandler is caught off balance and slips to the ground!
Chandler's Left cheek is beginning to swell
Chandler has a small cut in his Left cheek
Lauzon is standing while Chandler is on the ground on his back
Joe Lauzon creates space and allows Michael Chandler to stand up.
Back to the beginning! Michael Chandler is standing now.
Chandler decides to launch some tentative punches
Joe Lauzon takes the best of a brief punching exchange.
Middle kick from Lauzon.
Chandler receives a solid kick right below his ribs.
Chandler ribs are getting hammered, they look bad!
Michael Chandler throws a combo
Joe Lauzon ducks under and catches him with a counter straight! Chandler swings again, only to get countered once more! Chandler is looking bad here!
Chandler's Mouth is beginning to swell
Chandler wants to take the fight to his advantage and tries to clinch.
Chandler moves forward and holds Lauzon
Joe Lauzon tries to shrug his way out of the clinch.
Chandler is determined to work from the clinch. He pummeled through and managed to retain his position.
The fighters are clinching.
Chandler launches a few hard punches to Joe Lauzon's ribs!
Lauzon struggles and protects himself.
The referee intervenes to break the clinch.
Michael Chandler tries to bring the fight to the ground
Lauzon goes down.
Michael Chandler is in open guard over Lauzon
Lauzon tries to close his guard around Chandler
He succeeds!
The clock says 1:50 in the 3 round
Michael Chandler is in closed guard over Lauzon
Chandler is in closed guard... Lauzon tries to roll on the ground!
Michael Chandler uses his leg to keep his position on the ground
The clock says 2:00 in the 3 round
Michael Chandler is in closed guard over Lauzon
Chandler gets a good position on the ground. ..
Lauzon holds Michael Chandler arms and counters his opponent punches.
The clock says 2:10 in the 3 round
Michael Chandler is in closed guard over Lauzon
Lauzon measures the resilience of Chandler's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in Chandler's side.
Michael Chandler is in closed guard over Lauzon
Michael Chandler tries to open Lauzon's guard...
Great bombs from the top by Michael Chandler. Lauzon is unable to cover himself now!
The clock says 2:30 in the 3 round
Michael Chandler is in closed guard over Lauzon
Joe Lauzon is cooling the fight on the ground
Michael Chandler is in closed guard over Lauzon
Deep breaths from Joe Lauzon who tries a hammer punch to Chandler's ribs.
That hit Chandler who moves on the ground in order to protect himself
Michael Chandler is in closed guard over Lauzon
Chandler is in closed guard... Lauzon tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! He is now in full mount over Michael Chandler!
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Stand up! This is what Chandler's cornermen are shouting. Joe Lauzon is a submission master and he can finish the fight if you mess with him on the ground.
Lauzon catch Michael Chandler's left arm and tries a kimura
Michael Chandler holds his own arm and struggles until he gets free
Lauzon misses a step and Michael Chandler sees an opportunity to counter him!
Michael Chandler launches a few punches to Lauzon's cheek from the guard.
Those punches sure are annoying because Lauzon tries to cover his face,
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Joe Lauzon fakes some punches
then lands a big punch to Chandler's face!
Chandler's Mouth is bruised after the punishement he's received!
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Joe Lauzon tries to better his position on the ground...
Lauzon is in a great position to begin a nice round of pounding!
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Lauzon suddenly holds Michael Chandler's arm and tries an armbar!
Chandler can break the lock and now he is in a closed guard over Joe Lauzon!
Michael Chandler is in closed guard over Lauzon
Chandler is in closed guard... Lauzon tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! He is now in full mount over Michael Chandler!
The clock says 3:45 in the 3 round
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Lauzon goes for an armbar!
Michael Chandler breaks the lock and pushes away Joe Lauzon, who rolls over his back and gets to standing position.
Mario Yamasaki halts the fight to stand up Joe Lauzon. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Scottrade Center (St. Louis, MO) are cheering for the fighters.
Joe Lauzon leans forwards and tries to grapple with Chandler
Lauzon shows his clinching skills. Both fighters are clinching now.
Chandler doesn't want to clinch as he ducks under Joe Lauzon embrace and tries to move away...
Joe Lauzon pushes Chandler forward and doesn't allow him to break the clinch.
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Chandler launches a few hard punches to Joe Lauzon's ribs!
Lauzon struggles and protects himself.
Chandler clumsily fails here and it's time for Joe Lauzon to fight back!
Joe Lauzon is absolutely terrifying with his power in the clinch, and is violently punishing Chandler with uppercuts!
Chandler is taking more than he can endure. This could end soon if Chandler is unable to escape!
The fighters are clinching.
Lauzon struggles and launches a few punches to Chandler's head
Those punches are hitting! Chandler covers his head!
Michael Chandler pushes away Lauzon trying to keep the fight at striking range
Lauzon doesn't want to break the clinch as he still is grappling with Michael Chandler
The fighters are clinching.
Lauzon struggles and launches a few punches to Chandler's head
Those punches are hitting! Chandler covers his head!
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Lauzon tries to take Michael Chandler to the ground from the clinch...
Nicely done! Chandler is with is back on the ground now.
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Stand up! This is what Lauzon's cornermen are shouting. Michael Chandler is a submission master and he can finish the fight if you mess with him on the ground.
Chandler tries to close his guard around Lauzon
He is not able to do it
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Chandler breaths deeply while on the ground
Mario Yamasaki tells the fighters to go to their corners as the round is over.
That was an even round for the most part.
The cutman is working on Chandler's face.
Round 4
You can hear the excitement from the crowd. Michael Chandler can end the fight with his ground and pound.
Tremendous strikes from Chandler!
Some big punches are landing!
Chandler moves backwards and Joe Lauzon is asking him if he came today for fighting or running.
Several good body shots
land on Lauzon.
The clock says 0:45 in the 4 round
Lauzon wants to close the range and tries to grapple...
Nice move. He shoves himself over his opponent and secure a single collar tie.
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Chandler tries to take Joe Lauzon down... Lauzon stumbles backwards and Michael Chandler launches a few punches...
One swing hits hard Lauzon's jaw!
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Joe Lauzon pushes away Chandler trying to keep the fight at striking range
Chandler stumbles backwards and Joe Lauzon circles to get the center of the cage
Joe Lauzon tries to bring the fight to the ground
Chandler goes down.
The clock says 1:30 in the 4 round
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Joe Lauzon aggressively and repeatedly punches Chandler.
He needs to do something soon or the referee will stop the fight!
The clock says 1:40 in the 4 round
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Chandler tries to close his guard around Lauzon
He is not able to do it
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Chandler is taking this opportunity to rest.
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Chandler measures the resilience of Lauzon's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Lauzon blocks the hits as he works on the ground.
The clock says 2:05 in the 4 round
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Chandler tries to close his guard around Lauzon
He is not able to do it
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Chandler tries to close his guard around Lauzon
He is not able to do it
The referee decides to stand up the fighters since there was not much action on the ground.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Scottrade Center (St. Louis, MO) are cheering for the fighters.
The two exchange wildly
Lauzon is connecting with a few punches
The clock says 2:30 in the 4 round
Joe Lauzon moves forward looking for some grappling action
Lauzon has his opponent in a text book double collar thai clinch!
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Lauzon tries to take Michael Chandler down... Chandler stumbles backwards and Joe Lauzon launches a few punches...
One swing hits hard Chandler's jaw!
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Joe Lauzon shoots and grab both of Michael Chandler's leg, attempting to take him down with a Double Leg
Lauzon lifted Chandler's off his feet and throws him on the mat
The clock says 3:00 in the 4 round
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Lauzon breaths deeply while on the ground
The clock says 3:10 in the 4 round
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Joe Lauzon tries to pass to half guard...
Michael Chandler can't prevent his opponent from passing. Lauzon looks to work from half guard.
The clock says 3:20 in the 4 round
Joe Lauzon is in half guard over Chandler
Michael Chandler tries to close the guard.
Chandler put Joe Lauzon in closed guard.
Joe Lauzon is in closed guard over Chandler
Joe Lauzon has seen better days.
Joe Lauzon looks to posture up and open Michael Chandler's guard...
Joe Lauzon forces Michael Chandler to open his guard.
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Chandler tries to close his guard around Lauzon
He succeeds!
Joe Lauzon is in closed guard over Chandler
Michael Chandler launches a few punches to Lauzon's cheek from the guard.
Joe Lauzon uses his head to cover the punches and presses his skull forward.
Joe Lauzon is in closed guard over Chandler
Joe Lauzon looks to posture up and open Michael Chandler's guard...
Joe Lauzon forces Michael Chandler to open his guard.
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Chandler is moving on the ground...
Ouch! That was a headbutt! Did he do that intentionally?
Mario Yamasaki saw it!
Mario Yamasaki takes away one point from Michael Chandler for headbutt.
Mario Yamasaki allows Lauzon time to recover... The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Both fighters continue the fight on their feet. You can hear how the people agree with that decision.
Joe Lauzon fakes a punch and shows some footwork moving aside.
The clock says 4:40 in the 4 round
Joe Lauzon attempts a sweep single...
Joe Lauzon catches Michael Chandler's far ankle and trips him to the mat! Slick takedown by Lauzon.
Joe Lauzon is in closed guard over Chandler
Lauzon tries to improve his position on the ground as he sits on his knees and tries to break the closed guard.
Joe Lauzon fakes a few punches and then slips one leg to get the half mount.
Joe Lauzon is in half guard over Chandler
Michael Chandler attempts to move to full guard
Joe Lauzon keeps good control and remains in half guard.
The referee separates the fighters as the buzzer sounds.
That was an even round for the most part.
Round 5
Michael Chandler shoots for a double leg takedown!
He hits it! Joe Lauzon is taken off his feet, but he manages to pull Chandler into his guard.
The clock says 0:20 in the 5 round
Michael Chandler is in closed guard over Lauzon
Chandler is in closed guard... Lauzon tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! He is now in full mount over Michael Chandler!
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Joe Lauzon takes a deep breath as he passes his arm over Michael Chandler shoulder and pushes his left arm againts the mat!
That Americana looks tight...
Punishing hold!
Michael Chandler breaks that americana attempt!
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Lauzon is moving on the ground...
Chandler tries to counter Lauzon's moves on the ground.
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Lauzon tries to keep hs position while looking to maybe begin a pounding session...
Joe Lauzon controls the situation despite Michael Chandler efforts for escaping from the full mount.
The clock says 1:00 in the 5 round
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Stand up! This is what Chandler's cornermen are shouting. Joe Lauzon is a submission master and he can finish the fight if you mess with him on the ground.
Lauzon tries to open up Michael Chandler's defense faking a few punches.
He is aggressively and repeatedly punching Chandler in the side of the head
Chandler's Forehead is beginning to swell
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Joe Lauzon isolates Michael Chandler's arm and neck looking for an arm triangle
Michael Chandler is able to relieve the pressure on his neck and slip out of the hold.
Chandler tries to get some advantage after his opponent miss move...
Michael Chandler tries to roll to his side and trap Joe Lauzon in his guard...
Michael Chandler gets his hip out and moves to full guard.
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Chandler tries to close his guard around Lauzon
He succeeds!
Joe Lauzon is in closed guard over Chandler
Lauzon is in closed guard... Chandler tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! He is now in full mount over Joe Lauzon!
Michael Chandler is in full mount over Joe Lauzon
Lauzon is using some of his ground skills to escape from this...
He pushes Chandler's knee away and tries to roll! Nice move to get half guard!
Joe Lauzon is in half guard over Chandler
Joe Lauzon tries to free his leg
Michael Chandler moves fast and both fighters exchange some weak punches while climbing to their feet.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Scottrade Center (St. Louis, MO) are cheering for the fighters.
The clock says 2:00 in the 5 round
Lauzon pushes Michael Chandler and moves away from him. He seems to be recovering his breath.
Joe Lauzon swings...
hard impact to Chandler's face!
Chandler's Nose is bruised after the punishement he's received!
Joe Lauzon tries to bring the fight to the ground
Chandler goes down.
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Joe Lauzon pushes Michael Chandler against the fence and then tries to improve his position.
Lauzon jumps and tries to free his leg! Chandler doesn't allow this but Joe Lauzon is able to get half guard here.
Joe Lauzon is in half guard over Chandler
Lauzon gets a good position on the ground. ..
and what an incredible flurry! He's just wailing away at Michael Chandler! The referee is saying he's going to stop it if Michael Chandler doesn't defend himself!
Chandler's Nose is bruised after the punishement he's received!
The clock says 2:55 in the 5 round
Joe Lauzon is in half guard over Chandler
Chandler measures the resilience of Lauzon's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Lauzon blocks the hits as he works on the ground.
Chandler misses a step and Joe Lauzon sees an opportunity to counter him!
Joe Lauzon launches a few punches to Chandler
Weak punches. He needs to improve his position!
Joe Lauzon is in half guard over Chandler
Michael Chandler attempts to move to full guard
Joe Lauzon keeps good control and remains in half guard.
Joe Lauzon is in half guard over Chandler
Joe Lauzon hovers above Chandler
Michael Chandler stops him from throwing strikes.
Joe Lauzon is in half guard over Chandler
Lauzon tries to open up Michael Chandler's defense faking a few punches.
He is aggressively and repeatedly punching Chandler in the side of the head
Joe Lauzon is in half guard over Chandler
Michael Chandler tries to close the guard.
Nothing from this effort.
Joe Lauzon is in half guard over Chandler
Lauzon tries to open up Michael Chandler's defense faking a few punches.
He is aggressively and repeatedly punching Chandler in the side of the head
Chandler's Forehead is bruised after the punishement he's received!
Joe Lauzon is in half guard over Chandler
Nice beating Joe Lauzon has received.
Joe Lauzon tries to pass Michael Chandler's guard...
Joe Lauzon manages to get his leg free and moves to side mount.
Joe Lauzon is in side mount over Michael Chandler
Joe Lauzon tries to open Chandler's guard...
Great bombs from the top by Joe Lauzon. Chandler is unable to cover himself now!
Joe Lauzon is in side mount over Michael Chandler
Joe Lauzon looks to mount Michael Chandler...
Joe Lauzon slides his knee across and gets to mount.
The clock says 4:25 in the 5 round
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Chandler tries to escape from the full mount...
Joe Lauzon is not caught off guard and moves to side mount to keep his superior position.
Joe Lauzon is in side mount over Michael Chandler
Lauzon steps backwards and lowers his arms while breathing heavily... He seems tired.
Joe Lauzon looks to pass to mount...
Lauzon slides his knee across and achieves the mount position! Tough spot for Michael Chandler.
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Joe Lauzon throws the leg over and rolls it over into an armbar!
Chandler struggles to free himself
You can see the pain reflected in Chandler's eyes...
Crippling lock!
Chandler Hyper-extended his left arm
You can see the pain reflected in Chandler's eyes...
Chandler breaks the lock showing some skills...
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Lauzon tries to keep hs position while looking to maybe begin a pounding session...
Joe Lauzon controls the situation despite Michael Chandler efforts for escaping from the full mount.
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Lauzon tries to keep hs position while looking to maybe begin a pounding session...
Joe Lauzon controls the situation despite Michael Chandler efforts for escaping from the full mount.
The referee separates the fighters as the buzzer sounds.
I can't give the advantage to either fighter in that round.
Winner is Joe Lauzon by Unanimous decision
Statistics: Michael Chandler
Punches 18/23 (78%)
Kicks 0/0 (0%)
Clinch strikes 2/12 (17%)
Takedowns 3/3 (100%)
GnP strikes 6/29 (21%)
Submissions 0/0 (0%)
Clinch Attempts 1/1 (100%)
Time on the ground 930 s
Statistics: Joe Lauzon
Punches 22/30 (73%)
Kicks 2/2 (100%)
Clinch strikes 11/17 (65%)
Takedowns 7/8 (88%)
GnP strikes 40/51 (78%)
Submissions 10/10 (100%)
Clinch Attempts 1/1 (100%)
Time on the ground 917 s
One could almost chalk that up as a "Coulda gone either way", but I think Jo-Lau did enough more to take the decision.
Joe Lauzon raises his fists in his corner. He seems confident.
This is the first time they meet inside the cage
A pretty fair match today. I can't say who will be the one who will be raising his fist after the match.
The referee of the bout is Mario Yamasaki.
Round 1
The bell announces the first round!
Joe Lauzon is doing his best Floyd Mayweather impression by not engaging.
Joe Lauzon and Chandler engage in a wild exchange of punches!
Michael Chandler is getting the best of the exchange as he lands a few blows.
Michael Chandler tries a hook to the body
and hits Lauzon ribs hard
Lauzon is holding Michael Chandler's left leg... He's trying to take him down.
Michael Chandler loses balance and goes to the ground.
Joe Lauzon is in side mount over Michael Chandler
Lauzon breaths deeply while on the ground
Joe Lauzon is in side mount over Michael Chandler
Michael Chandler attempts to trap Joe Lauzon in his guard.
Joe Lauzon keeps control and remains in side mount.
Joe Lauzon is in side mount over Michael Chandler
Joe Lauzon looks to mount Michael Chandler...
Joe Lauzon slides his knee across and gets to mount.
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Lauzon gets a good position on the ground. ..
and what an incredible flurry! He's just wailing away at Michael Chandler! The referee is saying he's going to stop it if Michael Chandler doesn't defend himself!
There is a small laceration on Michael Chandler's Nose
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Michael Chandler tries to roll to his side and trap Joe Lauzon in his guard...
Joe Lauzon keeps good control and remains in full mount.
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Joe Lauzon sits high on Michael Chandler's chest and pulls his leg underneath Chandler's head. There's the triangle attempt!
Lauzon is locking that Triangle from Mount...
Chandler tries to roll out. He's too quick for Joe Lauzon and manages to slip out! That was a risky move by Lauzon and it cost him top position.
Michael Chandler is in closed guard over Lauzon
Chandler is in closed guard... Lauzon tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! He is now in full mount over Michael Chandler!
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Lauzon catch Michael Chandler's right arm and tries a kimura
Michael Chandler holds his own arm and struggles until he gets free
Joe Lauzon gets sloppy and Michael Chandler tries to take advantage...
Michael Chandler tries to roll to his side and trap Joe Lauzon in his guard...
Joe Lauzon keeps good control and remains in full mount.
The clock says 2:10 in the 1 round
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Michael Chandler tries to roll on the ground...
Lauzon knows how to keep his advantage on the ground.
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Joe Lauzon sits high on Michael Chandler's chest and pulls his leg underneath Chandler's head. There's the triangle attempt!
Chandler tries to roll out. He's too quick for Joe Lauzon and manages to slip out! That was a risky move by Lauzon and it cost him top position.
Michael Chandler is in closed guard over Lauzon
Chandler is in closed guard... Lauzon tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! He is now in full mount over Michael Chandler!
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Chandler tries to stand up!
he is now on his feet
Lauzon tries to stand up!
Chandler doesn't allow him!
Mario Yamasaki halts the fight to stand up Michael Chandler. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Scottrade Center (St. Louis, MO) are cheering for the fighters.
Lauzon fakes a punch and shoots a takedown!
Michael Chandler didn't see it coming and has been put on the ground!
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Michael Chandler is cooling the fight on the ground
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Chandler tries to close his guard around Lauzon
He is not able to do it
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Chandler measures the resilience of Lauzon's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Lauzon blocks the hits as he works on the ground.
Lauzon is trying to counter now!
Lauzon moves on the ground
Joe Lauzon moves to side mount
Joe Lauzon is in side mount over Michael Chandler
BJJ! That is what must be passing through Chandler's mind right now. Nobody wants to stay long in that position with a submission artist like Lauzon
Lauzon breaths deeply while on the ground
The referee decides to stand up the fighters since there was not much action on the ground.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Scottrade Center (St. Louis, MO) are cheering for the fighters.
The clock says 3:40 in the 1 round
Michael Chandler is setting up a throw
No dice, Lauzon breaks free.
The clock says 3:50 in the 1 round
Good front kick from Lauzon!
Chandler stumbles backwards after that one!
Joe Lauzon fakes a punch and launches himself over Michael Chandler
Great move by Lauzon who pushes his opponent under a troublesome thai clinch
The fighters are clinching.
Michael Chandler tries to shrug his way out of the clinch.
Lauzon is determined to work from the clinch. He pummeled through and managed to retain his position.
The clock says 4:30 in the 1 round
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Lauzon launches a few hard punches to Michael Chandler's ribs!
Michael Chandler's ribs shows the damage! Joe Lauzon is working his opponent ribs!
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Michael Chandler shoots and grab Joe Lauzon's ankle trying to take him down with a Heel Trip Reversal
Chandler scoop up Joe Lauzon's ankle with one hand and pushes his body with another forcing Lauzon to the mat
Michael Chandler is in open guard over Lauzon
Lauzon tries to close his guard around Chandler
He is not able to do it
Mario Yamasaki tells the fighters to go to their corners as the round is over.
Close round. It could go to either fighter.
Round 2
The two exchange wildly
both landing but without much steam behind the shots.
Joe Lauzon has found an opening in the defense of Chandler, launching a big uppercut
Bingo! Chandler is wobbling!
Michael Chandler has found an opening in the defense of Lauzon, launching a big hook
Bang! That could break Lauzon's ribs.
Michael Chandler shoots for a double leg takedown!
Joe Lauzon sprawls and manages to stay on his feet.
Lauzon is trying to counter now!
Big mistake from Michael Chandler! Lauzon tries to finish him off with a RNC!
Lauzon is unable to lock that and Chandler breaks the lock
Joe Lauzon tries to bring the fight to the ground
Chandler goes down.
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Joe Lauzon is cooling the fight on the ground
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Lauzon moves on the ground..
He gets half guard.
Joe Lauzon is in half guard over Chandler
Joe Lauzon tries to free his leg
Joe Lauzon uses some of his skill by jumping out of Chandler's guard. He moves quickly to side mount!
Joe Lauzon is in side mount over Michael Chandler
Joe Lauzon was tooling Michael Chandler for the whole fight. I don't know if it's because Michael Chandler lack of fighting spirit or just of skill.
Lauzon tries to open up Michael Chandler's defense faking a few punches.
He is aggressively and repeatedly punching Chandler in the side of the head
Joe Lauzon is in side mount over Michael Chandler
Joe Lauzon looks to mount Michael Chandler...
Michael Chandler takes advantage of his opponent's over commitment and traps him in full guard.
The clock says 1:40 in the 2 round
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Chandler tries to close his guard around Lauzon
He succeeds!
Joe Lauzon is in closed guard over Chandler
Lauzon is in closed guard... Chandler tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! He is now in full mount over Joe Lauzon!
Michael Chandler is in full mount over Joe Lauzon
Michael Chandler tries to better his position on the ground...
Chandler is in a great position to begin a nice round of pounding!
Michael Chandler is in full mount over Joe Lauzon
Joe Lauzon tries to roll to his side and trap Michael Chandler in his guard...
Joe Lauzon gets his hips out and gets to full guard.
The clock says 2:20 in the 2 round
Michael Chandler is in closed guard over Lauzon
Joe Lauzon launches a few punches to Chandler's cheek from the guard.
Michael Chandler uses his head to cover the punches and presses his skull forward.
Lauzon clumsily fails here and it's time for Michael Chandler to fight back!
Michael Chandler tries to pass Joe Lauzon's guard...
Michael Chandler manages to get his leg free and moves to half guard.
Michael Chandler is in half guard over Lauzon
Michael Chandler launches a few punches to Lauzon
Lauzon covers himself well and then rolls on the ground. Great reversal!
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Chandler measures the resilience of Lauzon's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Lauzon blocks the hits as he works on the ground.
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Chandler tries to close his guard around Lauzon
He succeeds!
The clock says 3:05 in the 2 round
Joe Lauzon is in closed guard over Chandler
Lauzon is in closed guard... Chandler tries to roll on the ground!
Joe Lauzon uses his leg to keep his position on the ground
The referee decides to stand up the fighters since there was not much action on the ground.
Both fighters continue the fight on their feet. You can hear how the people agree with that decision.
Nice punch by Joe Lauzon
that nearly tags Chandler.
Chandler is trying to counter now!
Chandler fakes a punch and shoots a takedown!
Lauzon sprawls and remains on his feet.
Joe Lauzon attempts a sweep single...
Michael Chandler was ready and shrugs off the takedown attempt.
Lauzon steps backwards away from Michael Chandler. He seems to be cooling down the fight a bit.
Joe Lauzon attempts to cut off Chandler with punches
Chandler reels from the strikes.
Michael Chandler grabs Lauzon
Joe Lauzon gets thrown to the mat.
The clock says 4:05 in the 2 round
Michael Chandler is in open guard over Lauzon
Lauzon tries to close his guard around Chandler
He succeeds!
Michael Chandler is in closed guard over Lauzon
Chandler struggles on the ground and tries to break Joe Lauzon's guard...
Michael Chandler is in Lauzon open guard now
Michael Chandler is in open guard over Lauzon
Michael Chandler pushes Joe Lauzon against the fence and then tries to improve his position.
Joe Lauzon struggles not allowing Michael Chandler improve his position.
Michael Chandler is in open guard over Lauzon
Chandler tries to improve position.
He frees a leg.
Michael Chandler is in half guard over Lauzon
Joe Lauzon tries to close the guard.
Lauzon put Michael Chandler in closed guard.
The buzzer sounds, marking the end of the round. The ref tells the fighters to go to their corner.
That was a close round.
Round 3
Joe Lauzon and Chandler engage in a wild exchange of punches!
Both fighters are connecting and this could be ending soon if either lands a lucky punch.
Lauzon showing excellent timing, blasts Michael Chandler with a right hand.
Great hook by Joe Lauzon! Michael Chandler is caught off balance and slips to the ground!
Chandler's Left cheek is beginning to swell
Chandler has a small cut in his Left cheek
Lauzon is standing while Chandler is on the ground on his back
Joe Lauzon creates space and allows Michael Chandler to stand up.
Back to the beginning! Michael Chandler is standing now.
Chandler decides to launch some tentative punches
Joe Lauzon takes the best of a brief punching exchange.
Middle kick from Lauzon.
Chandler receives a solid kick right below his ribs.
Chandler ribs are getting hammered, they look bad!
Michael Chandler throws a combo
Joe Lauzon ducks under and catches him with a counter straight! Chandler swings again, only to get countered once more! Chandler is looking bad here!
Chandler's Mouth is beginning to swell
Chandler wants to take the fight to his advantage and tries to clinch.
Chandler moves forward and holds Lauzon
Joe Lauzon tries to shrug his way out of the clinch.
Chandler is determined to work from the clinch. He pummeled through and managed to retain his position.
The fighters are clinching.
Chandler launches a few hard punches to Joe Lauzon's ribs!
Lauzon struggles and protects himself.
The referee intervenes to break the clinch.
Michael Chandler tries to bring the fight to the ground
Lauzon goes down.
Michael Chandler is in open guard over Lauzon
Lauzon tries to close his guard around Chandler
He succeeds!
The clock says 1:50 in the 3 round
Michael Chandler is in closed guard over Lauzon
Chandler is in closed guard... Lauzon tries to roll on the ground!
Michael Chandler uses his leg to keep his position on the ground
The clock says 2:00 in the 3 round
Michael Chandler is in closed guard over Lauzon
Chandler gets a good position on the ground. ..
Lauzon holds Michael Chandler arms and counters his opponent punches.
The clock says 2:10 in the 3 round
Michael Chandler is in closed guard over Lauzon
Lauzon measures the resilience of Chandler's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in Chandler's side.
Michael Chandler is in closed guard over Lauzon
Michael Chandler tries to open Lauzon's guard...
Great bombs from the top by Michael Chandler. Lauzon is unable to cover himself now!
The clock says 2:30 in the 3 round
Michael Chandler is in closed guard over Lauzon
Joe Lauzon is cooling the fight on the ground
Michael Chandler is in closed guard over Lauzon
Deep breaths from Joe Lauzon who tries a hammer punch to Chandler's ribs.
That hit Chandler who moves on the ground in order to protect himself
Michael Chandler is in closed guard over Lauzon
Chandler is in closed guard... Lauzon tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! He is now in full mount over Michael Chandler!
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Stand up! This is what Chandler's cornermen are shouting. Joe Lauzon is a submission master and he can finish the fight if you mess with him on the ground.
Lauzon catch Michael Chandler's left arm and tries a kimura
Michael Chandler holds his own arm and struggles until he gets free
Lauzon misses a step and Michael Chandler sees an opportunity to counter him!
Michael Chandler launches a few punches to Lauzon's cheek from the guard.
Those punches sure are annoying because Lauzon tries to cover his face,
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Joe Lauzon fakes some punches
then lands a big punch to Chandler's face!
Chandler's Mouth is bruised after the punishement he's received!
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Joe Lauzon tries to better his position on the ground...
Lauzon is in a great position to begin a nice round of pounding!
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Lauzon suddenly holds Michael Chandler's arm and tries an armbar!
Chandler can break the lock and now he is in a closed guard over Joe Lauzon!
Michael Chandler is in closed guard over Lauzon
Chandler is in closed guard... Lauzon tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! He is now in full mount over Michael Chandler!
The clock says 3:45 in the 3 round
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Lauzon goes for an armbar!
Michael Chandler breaks the lock and pushes away Joe Lauzon, who rolls over his back and gets to standing position.
Mario Yamasaki halts the fight to stand up Joe Lauzon. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Scottrade Center (St. Louis, MO) are cheering for the fighters.
Joe Lauzon leans forwards and tries to grapple with Chandler
Lauzon shows his clinching skills. Both fighters are clinching now.
Chandler doesn't want to clinch as he ducks under Joe Lauzon embrace and tries to move away...
Joe Lauzon pushes Chandler forward and doesn't allow him to break the clinch.
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Chandler launches a few hard punches to Joe Lauzon's ribs!
Lauzon struggles and protects himself.
Chandler clumsily fails here and it's time for Joe Lauzon to fight back!
Joe Lauzon is absolutely terrifying with his power in the clinch, and is violently punishing Chandler with uppercuts!
Chandler is taking more than he can endure. This could end soon if Chandler is unable to escape!
The fighters are clinching.
Lauzon struggles and launches a few punches to Chandler's head
Those punches are hitting! Chandler covers his head!
Michael Chandler pushes away Lauzon trying to keep the fight at striking range
Lauzon doesn't want to break the clinch as he still is grappling with Michael Chandler
The fighters are clinching.
Lauzon struggles and launches a few punches to Chandler's head
Those punches are hitting! Chandler covers his head!
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Lauzon tries to take Michael Chandler to the ground from the clinch...
Nicely done! Chandler is with is back on the ground now.
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Stand up! This is what Lauzon's cornermen are shouting. Michael Chandler is a submission master and he can finish the fight if you mess with him on the ground.
Chandler tries to close his guard around Lauzon
He is not able to do it
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Chandler breaths deeply while on the ground
Mario Yamasaki tells the fighters to go to their corners as the round is over.
That was an even round for the most part.
The cutman is working on Chandler's face.
Round 4
You can hear the excitement from the crowd. Michael Chandler can end the fight with his ground and pound.
Tremendous strikes from Chandler!
Some big punches are landing!
Chandler moves backwards and Joe Lauzon is asking him if he came today for fighting or running.
Several good body shots
land on Lauzon.
The clock says 0:45 in the 4 round
Lauzon wants to close the range and tries to grapple...
Nice move. He shoves himself over his opponent and secure a single collar tie.
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Chandler tries to take Joe Lauzon down... Lauzon stumbles backwards and Michael Chandler launches a few punches...
One swing hits hard Lauzon's jaw!
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Joe Lauzon pushes away Chandler trying to keep the fight at striking range
Chandler stumbles backwards and Joe Lauzon circles to get the center of the cage
Joe Lauzon tries to bring the fight to the ground
Chandler goes down.
The clock says 1:30 in the 4 round
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Joe Lauzon aggressively and repeatedly punches Chandler.
He needs to do something soon or the referee will stop the fight!
The clock says 1:40 in the 4 round
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Chandler tries to close his guard around Lauzon
He is not able to do it
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Chandler is taking this opportunity to rest.
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Chandler measures the resilience of Lauzon's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Lauzon blocks the hits as he works on the ground.
The clock says 2:05 in the 4 round
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Chandler tries to close his guard around Lauzon
He is not able to do it
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Chandler tries to close his guard around Lauzon
He is not able to do it
The referee decides to stand up the fighters since there was not much action on the ground.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Scottrade Center (St. Louis, MO) are cheering for the fighters.
The two exchange wildly
Lauzon is connecting with a few punches
The clock says 2:30 in the 4 round
Joe Lauzon moves forward looking for some grappling action
Lauzon has his opponent in a text book double collar thai clinch!
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Lauzon tries to take Michael Chandler down... Chandler stumbles backwards and Joe Lauzon launches a few punches...
One swing hits hard Chandler's jaw!
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Joe Lauzon shoots and grab both of Michael Chandler's leg, attempting to take him down with a Double Leg
Lauzon lifted Chandler's off his feet and throws him on the mat
The clock says 3:00 in the 4 round
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Lauzon breaths deeply while on the ground
The clock says 3:10 in the 4 round
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Joe Lauzon tries to pass to half guard...
Michael Chandler can't prevent his opponent from passing. Lauzon looks to work from half guard.
The clock says 3:20 in the 4 round
Joe Lauzon is in half guard over Chandler
Michael Chandler tries to close the guard.
Chandler put Joe Lauzon in closed guard.
Joe Lauzon is in closed guard over Chandler
Joe Lauzon has seen better days.
Joe Lauzon looks to posture up and open Michael Chandler's guard...
Joe Lauzon forces Michael Chandler to open his guard.
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Chandler tries to close his guard around Lauzon
He succeeds!
Joe Lauzon is in closed guard over Chandler
Michael Chandler launches a few punches to Lauzon's cheek from the guard.
Joe Lauzon uses his head to cover the punches and presses his skull forward.
Joe Lauzon is in closed guard over Chandler
Joe Lauzon looks to posture up and open Michael Chandler's guard...
Joe Lauzon forces Michael Chandler to open his guard.
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Chandler is moving on the ground...
Ouch! That was a headbutt! Did he do that intentionally?
Mario Yamasaki saw it!
Mario Yamasaki takes away one point from Michael Chandler for headbutt.
Mario Yamasaki allows Lauzon time to recover... The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Both fighters continue the fight on their feet. You can hear how the people agree with that decision.
Joe Lauzon fakes a punch and shows some footwork moving aside.
The clock says 4:40 in the 4 round
Joe Lauzon attempts a sweep single...
Joe Lauzon catches Michael Chandler's far ankle and trips him to the mat! Slick takedown by Lauzon.
Joe Lauzon is in closed guard over Chandler
Lauzon tries to improve his position on the ground as he sits on his knees and tries to break the closed guard.
Joe Lauzon fakes a few punches and then slips one leg to get the half mount.
Joe Lauzon is in half guard over Chandler
Michael Chandler attempts to move to full guard
Joe Lauzon keeps good control and remains in half guard.
The referee separates the fighters as the buzzer sounds.
That was an even round for the most part.
Round 5
Michael Chandler shoots for a double leg takedown!
He hits it! Joe Lauzon is taken off his feet, but he manages to pull Chandler into his guard.
The clock says 0:20 in the 5 round
Michael Chandler is in closed guard over Lauzon
Chandler is in closed guard... Lauzon tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! He is now in full mount over Michael Chandler!
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Joe Lauzon takes a deep breath as he passes his arm over Michael Chandler shoulder and pushes his left arm againts the mat!
That Americana looks tight...
Punishing hold!
Michael Chandler breaks that americana attempt!
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Lauzon is moving on the ground...
Chandler tries to counter Lauzon's moves on the ground.
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Lauzon tries to keep hs position while looking to maybe begin a pounding session...
Joe Lauzon controls the situation despite Michael Chandler efforts for escaping from the full mount.
The clock says 1:00 in the 5 round
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Stand up! This is what Chandler's cornermen are shouting. Joe Lauzon is a submission master and he can finish the fight if you mess with him on the ground.
Lauzon tries to open up Michael Chandler's defense faking a few punches.
He is aggressively and repeatedly punching Chandler in the side of the head
Chandler's Forehead is beginning to swell
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Joe Lauzon isolates Michael Chandler's arm and neck looking for an arm triangle
Michael Chandler is able to relieve the pressure on his neck and slip out of the hold.
Chandler tries to get some advantage after his opponent miss move...
Michael Chandler tries to roll to his side and trap Joe Lauzon in his guard...
Michael Chandler gets his hip out and moves to full guard.
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Chandler tries to close his guard around Lauzon
He succeeds!
Joe Lauzon is in closed guard over Chandler
Lauzon is in closed guard... Chandler tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! He is now in full mount over Joe Lauzon!
Michael Chandler is in full mount over Joe Lauzon
Lauzon is using some of his ground skills to escape from this...
He pushes Chandler's knee away and tries to roll! Nice move to get half guard!
Joe Lauzon is in half guard over Chandler
Joe Lauzon tries to free his leg
Michael Chandler moves fast and both fighters exchange some weak punches while climbing to their feet.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Scottrade Center (St. Louis, MO) are cheering for the fighters.
The clock says 2:00 in the 5 round
Lauzon pushes Michael Chandler and moves away from him. He seems to be recovering his breath.
Joe Lauzon swings...
hard impact to Chandler's face!
Chandler's Nose is bruised after the punishement he's received!
Joe Lauzon tries to bring the fight to the ground
Chandler goes down.
Joe Lauzon is in open guard over Chandler
Joe Lauzon pushes Michael Chandler against the fence and then tries to improve his position.
Lauzon jumps and tries to free his leg! Chandler doesn't allow this but Joe Lauzon is able to get half guard here.
Joe Lauzon is in half guard over Chandler
Lauzon gets a good position on the ground. ..
and what an incredible flurry! He's just wailing away at Michael Chandler! The referee is saying he's going to stop it if Michael Chandler doesn't defend himself!
Chandler's Nose is bruised after the punishement he's received!
The clock says 2:55 in the 5 round
Joe Lauzon is in half guard over Chandler
Chandler measures the resilience of Lauzon's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Lauzon blocks the hits as he works on the ground.
Chandler misses a step and Joe Lauzon sees an opportunity to counter him!
Joe Lauzon launches a few punches to Chandler
Weak punches. He needs to improve his position!
Joe Lauzon is in half guard over Chandler
Michael Chandler attempts to move to full guard
Joe Lauzon keeps good control and remains in half guard.
Joe Lauzon is in half guard over Chandler
Joe Lauzon hovers above Chandler
Michael Chandler stops him from throwing strikes.
Joe Lauzon is in half guard over Chandler
Lauzon tries to open up Michael Chandler's defense faking a few punches.
He is aggressively and repeatedly punching Chandler in the side of the head
Joe Lauzon is in half guard over Chandler
Michael Chandler tries to close the guard.
Nothing from this effort.
Joe Lauzon is in half guard over Chandler
Lauzon tries to open up Michael Chandler's defense faking a few punches.
He is aggressively and repeatedly punching Chandler in the side of the head
Chandler's Forehead is bruised after the punishement he's received!
Joe Lauzon is in half guard over Chandler
Nice beating Joe Lauzon has received.
Joe Lauzon tries to pass Michael Chandler's guard...
Joe Lauzon manages to get his leg free and moves to side mount.
Joe Lauzon is in side mount over Michael Chandler
Joe Lauzon tries to open Chandler's guard...
Great bombs from the top by Joe Lauzon. Chandler is unable to cover himself now!
Joe Lauzon is in side mount over Michael Chandler
Joe Lauzon looks to mount Michael Chandler...
Joe Lauzon slides his knee across and gets to mount.
The clock says 4:25 in the 5 round
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Chandler tries to escape from the full mount...
Joe Lauzon is not caught off guard and moves to side mount to keep his superior position.
Joe Lauzon is in side mount over Michael Chandler
Lauzon steps backwards and lowers his arms while breathing heavily... He seems tired.
Joe Lauzon looks to pass to mount...
Lauzon slides his knee across and achieves the mount position! Tough spot for Michael Chandler.
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Joe Lauzon throws the leg over and rolls it over into an armbar!
Chandler struggles to free himself
You can see the pain reflected in Chandler's eyes...
Crippling lock!
Chandler Hyper-extended his left arm
You can see the pain reflected in Chandler's eyes...
Chandler breaks the lock showing some skills...
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Lauzon tries to keep hs position while looking to maybe begin a pounding session...
Joe Lauzon controls the situation despite Michael Chandler efforts for escaping from the full mount.
Joe Lauzon is in full mount over Michael Chandler
Lauzon tries to keep hs position while looking to maybe begin a pounding session...
Joe Lauzon controls the situation despite Michael Chandler efforts for escaping from the full mount.
The referee separates the fighters as the buzzer sounds.
I can't give the advantage to either fighter in that round.
Winner is Joe Lauzon by Unanimous decision
Statistics: Michael Chandler
Punches 18/23 (78%)
Kicks 0/0 (0%)
Clinch strikes 2/12 (17%)
Takedowns 3/3 (100%)
GnP strikes 6/29 (21%)
Submissions 0/0 (0%)
Clinch Attempts 1/1 (100%)
Time on the ground 930 s
Statistics: Joe Lauzon
Punches 22/30 (73%)
Kicks 2/2 (100%)
Clinch strikes 11/17 (65%)
Takedowns 7/8 (88%)
GnP strikes 40/51 (78%)
Submissions 10/10 (100%)
Clinch Attempts 1/1 (100%)
Time on the ground 917 s
One could almost chalk that up as a "Coulda gone either way", but I think Jo-Lau did enough more to take the decision.