Post by The Sandmen on Feb 13, 2013 19:36:46 GMT -5
Gina Carano looks like she has been waiting for this fight forever.
Zoila Gurgel is beating herself up in the corner before the fight begins, smacking herself in the face, body and legs to get ready for her scrap.
This is the first time they meet inside the cage
A pretty fair match today. I can't say who will be the one who will be raising her fist after the match.
The referee of the bout is John McCarthy.
Round 1
Gina Carano and Zoila Gurgel touch gloves in the center to get this fight started!
The clock says 0:10 in the 1 round
Gina Carano throws an uppercut
that lands solidly.
Carano moves forward looking for some action
Zoila Gurgel doesn't want to engage and backpedals
The fighters size each other up in the center of the cage.
Gurgel looks for angles as she throws a few jabs that are countered by Gina Carano's punches
Carano is on the receiving end of a great combo by Gurgel.
There is a small laceration on Gina Carano's Right cheek
Carano tries some clinching in order to control the fight...
Well done. Carano is clinching with Gurgel.
The clock says 1:00 in the 1 round
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Gina Carano pushes away Gurgel trying to keep the fight at striking range
Gurgel doesn't want to break the clinch as she still is grappling with Gina Carano
The clock says 1:10 in the 1 round
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Carano takes a break to breathe while holding Zoila Gurgel.
John McCarthy sees a lack of activity in the clinch and separates the fighters.
Zoila Gurgel tries to bring the fight to the ground
Carano goes down.
Carano ribs are getting hammered, they look bad!
Zoila Gurgel is in open guard over Carano
Zoila Gurgel throws a lot of punches
some strikes get through.
The clock says 1:40 in the 1 round
Zoila Gurgel is in open guard over Carano
Gurgel tries to move to full mount
Gurgel succeeds
Zoila Gurgel is in full mount over Gina Carano
Gina Carano tries to roll on the ground...
Gurgel knows how to keep her advantage on the ground.
Carano clumsily fails here and it's time for Zoila Gurgel to fight back!
Zoila Gurgel tries to better her position on the ground...
Gurgel is in a great position to begin a nice round of pounding!
Zoila Gurgel is in full mount over Gina Carano
Gina Carano tries to roll to her side and get to half guard...
Zoila Gurgel rolls Gina Carano to her stomach and takes her back!
Gurgel is in rear mount over Carano
Carano has given her back to Zoila Gurgel who is trying to get one hook in!
Zoila Gurgel has one hook in!
Gurgel is in rear mount over Carano with one hook in
Gurgel has one hook in and is trying to get the second one! If she succeed things are goint to get very bad for Carano.
Nicely done! Gurgel now has two hooks in! The end may be near!
Gurgel is in rear mount over Carano with two hooks in
Zoila Gurgel is cooling the fight on the ground
Gurgel is in rear mount over Carano with two hooks in
Zoila Gurgel is cooling the fight on the ground
Gurgel is in rear mount over Carano with two hooks in
Gurgel tenatively looks for a way to finish her opponent! This is a nightmare for Carano!
Gurgel has one of her arm over Gina Carano's shoulder and is ready for a RNC!
Gurgel is in rear mount over Carano with two hooks in
Carano measures the resilience of Gurgel's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Gurgel blocks the hits as she works on the ground.
John McCarthy stands the fighters up due to a lack of activity.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in American Airlines Center (Dallas, TX) are cheering for the fighters.
Carano tries some clinching in order to control the fight...
Gurgel moves backwards and circles around Gina Carano.
Carano launches a stiff jab!
That barely hits Gurgel's face but it seems like one finger has poked her eye! Does the referee see that?
John McCarthy didn't see the foul!
Gina Carano takes a few seconds to recover her breath...
Gurgel looks for angles as she throws a few jabs that are countered by Gina Carano's punches
Gurgel is on the receiving end of a great combo by Carano.
Nice punch by Gina Carano
who outboxes her opponent in this exchange.
The clock says 4:10 in the 1 round
Carano is holding Zoila Gurgel's right leg... She's trying to take her down.
Zoila Gurgel loses balance and goes to the ground.
Gina Carano is in side mount over Zoila Gurgel
Gina Carano looks to mount Zoila Gurgel...
Zoila Gurgel takes advantage of her opponent's over commitment and traps her in full guard.
Gina Carano is in open guard over Gurgel
Carano tries to improve position.
She frees a leg.
Gina Carano is in half guard over Gurgel
You can hear the excitement from the crowd. Gina Carano can end the fight with her ground and pound.
Carano sits over her knees and pushes away Gurgel's leg!
Gina Carano is able to put away her leg and then jumps to side mount.
Gina Carano is in side mount over Zoila Gurgel
Gina Carano tries to open Gurgel's guard...
Great bombs from the top by Gina Carano. Gurgel is unable to cover herself now!
Gina Carano is in side mount over Zoila Gurgel
Gina Carano looks to mount Zoila Gurgel...
Gina Carano slides her knee across and gets to mount.
The buzzer sounds, marking the end of the round. The ref tells the fighters to go to their corner.
You have to give that round to Gina Carano.
Round 2
Carano decides to launch some tentative punches
Nothing from this exchange. Carano moves back and takes a deep breath.
Terrible one sided match... Gurgel was not ready to fight a fighter of Gina Carano caliber.
Carano throws a one-two combo then fakes a move to fire a big right hand on the chin!
The strikes hit home!
Gurgel's Chin is beginning to swell
Gurgel has a small cut in her Chin
Gurgel tries some clinching in order to control the fight...
Carano moves backwards and circles around Zoila Gurgel.
Gina Carano and Gurgel engage in a wild exchange of punches!
Zoila Gurgel is getting the best of the exchange as she lands a few blows.
The clock says 0:55 in the 2 round
Gina Carano swings...
hard impact to Gurgel's face!
Gurgel throws a lazy kick
Carano dodges and fires an uppercut that almost puts her in to orbit!
Gina Carano tries a hook to the body
and hits Gurgel ribs hard
Surprise roundhouse punch by Carano.
It looks like Gurgel was hit by a bus!
Carano launches a hook to the body
Bang! Gurgel stops that one with her ribs!
Gurgel steps forward
Carano feints.
Gurgel is trying to counter now!
Gurgel launches a flurry of punches
Carano slips out of danger.
Bone shattering straight right hand from Gina Carano!
Gurgel is going to have a big headache after that blow!
The clock says 2:00 in the 2 round
Brilliant combination from Gina Carano
that forces Gurgel to try and defend better.
Gina Carano tries to take the action to her favourite field as she tries to grapple
Great move by Gina Carano who pushes her opponent forward with a double underhooks.
Zoila Gurgel tries to shrug her way out of the clinch.
Carano is determined to work from the clinch. She pummeled through and managed to retain her position.
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Carano pushes off of Zoila Gurgel and starts launching a flurry of hooks and body shots!
Gurgel stumbles backwards but Gina Carano chases her and continues the rain of blows!
Gurgel doesn't want to clinch as she ducks under Gina Carano embrace and tries to move away...
Gina Carano pushes Gurgel forward and doesn't allow her to break the clinch.
The clock says 2:25 in the 2 round
The fighters are clinching.
Carano is launching some bone breaking punches to Gurgel's ribs while in the clinch.
Wow. You can see the pain in Zoila Gurgel's eyes.
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Brutal punches to Gurgel's face while in the clinch!
Gurgel can't take many more shots like those!
Gurgel doesn't want to clinch as she ducks under Gina Carano embrace and tries to move away...
Gina Carano pushes Gurgel forward and doesn't allow her to break the clinch.
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Carano pushes off of Zoila Gurgel and starts launching a flurry of hooks and body shots!
Gurgel stumbles backwards but Gina Carano chases her and continues the rain of blows!
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Gina Carano postures up and launches another series of punches!
A lot of them are hitting Gurgel hard, who may be wondering how to scape from this!
Zoila Gurgel pushes away Carano trying to keep the fight at striking range
Carano doesn't want to break the clinch as she still is grappling with Zoila Gurgel
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Gina Carano tries to control Zoila Gurgel in the clinch and use her dirty boxing
Carano pushes the back of Zoila Gurgel's head with one hand and punches her head a few times with the other, that surely hurts her
Zoila Gurgel pushes away Carano trying to keep the fight at striking range
Carano doesn't want to break the clinch as she still is grappling with Zoila Gurgel
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Gina Carano postures up and launches another series of punches!
A lot of them are hitting Gurgel hard, who may be wondering how to scape from this!
Zoila Gurgel tries to shrug her way out of the clinch.
Carano is determined to work from the clinch. She pummeled through and managed to retain her position.
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Carano doesn't want to clinch as she ducks under Zoila Gurgel embrace and tries to move away...
Nice move from Carano who put distance between them
Terrible one sided match... Gurgel was not ready to fight a fighter of Gina Carano caliber.
Gina Carano just won't stop and continues to rain punches
Gurgel may be in trouble!
Gurgel launches a kick
but Gina Carano avoids it and lands flush with a counter hook!
Gurgel's Mouth is beginning to swell
Gina Carano fakes a move and moves laterally.
Gurgel launches a kick
but Gina Carano avoids it and lands flush with a counter hook!
A shot seen throughout the arena!
Gurgel stumbles back, her corner is screaming! Gina Carano is coming in again!
The ref pulls off Gina Carano! Gurgel seems confused and a bit dazed as the bell sounds the bout over.
Winner is Gina Carano by TKO (Punch) at 3:50 Round 2
Statistics: Gina Carano
Punches 23/32 (72%)
Kicks 0/0 (0%)
Clinch strikes 25/34 (74%)
Takedowns 1/1 (100%)
GnP strikes 4/8 (50%)
Submissions 0/0 (0%)
Clinch Attempts 1/2 (50%)
Time on the ground 143 s
Statistics: Zoila Gurgel
Punches 9/15 (60%)
Kicks 0/0 (0%)
Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)
Takedowns 1/1 (100%)
GnP strikes 1/3 (33%)
Submissions 0/0 (0%)
Clinch Attempts 0/1 (0%)
Time on the ground 143 s
This turned into a Caranomination, but started out pretty good for Zoila. She probably won the first round. But yeah, after Carano was like, “bored, let’s do this thing, gal”, and she did.
Zoila Gurgel is beating herself up in the corner before the fight begins, smacking herself in the face, body and legs to get ready for her scrap.
This is the first time they meet inside the cage
A pretty fair match today. I can't say who will be the one who will be raising her fist after the match.
The referee of the bout is John McCarthy.
Round 1
Gina Carano and Zoila Gurgel touch gloves in the center to get this fight started!
The clock says 0:10 in the 1 round
Gina Carano throws an uppercut
that lands solidly.
Carano moves forward looking for some action
Zoila Gurgel doesn't want to engage and backpedals
The fighters size each other up in the center of the cage.
Gurgel looks for angles as she throws a few jabs that are countered by Gina Carano's punches
Carano is on the receiving end of a great combo by Gurgel.
There is a small laceration on Gina Carano's Right cheek
Carano tries some clinching in order to control the fight...
Well done. Carano is clinching with Gurgel.
The clock says 1:00 in the 1 round
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Gina Carano pushes away Gurgel trying to keep the fight at striking range
Gurgel doesn't want to break the clinch as she still is grappling with Gina Carano
The clock says 1:10 in the 1 round
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Carano takes a break to breathe while holding Zoila Gurgel.
John McCarthy sees a lack of activity in the clinch and separates the fighters.
Zoila Gurgel tries to bring the fight to the ground
Carano goes down.
Carano ribs are getting hammered, they look bad!
Zoila Gurgel is in open guard over Carano
Zoila Gurgel throws a lot of punches
some strikes get through.
The clock says 1:40 in the 1 round
Zoila Gurgel is in open guard over Carano
Gurgel tries to move to full mount
Gurgel succeeds
Zoila Gurgel is in full mount over Gina Carano
Gina Carano tries to roll on the ground...
Gurgel knows how to keep her advantage on the ground.
Carano clumsily fails here and it's time for Zoila Gurgel to fight back!
Zoila Gurgel tries to better her position on the ground...
Gurgel is in a great position to begin a nice round of pounding!
Zoila Gurgel is in full mount over Gina Carano
Gina Carano tries to roll to her side and get to half guard...
Zoila Gurgel rolls Gina Carano to her stomach and takes her back!
Gurgel is in rear mount over Carano
Carano has given her back to Zoila Gurgel who is trying to get one hook in!
Zoila Gurgel has one hook in!
Gurgel is in rear mount over Carano with one hook in
Gurgel has one hook in and is trying to get the second one! If she succeed things are goint to get very bad for Carano.
Nicely done! Gurgel now has two hooks in! The end may be near!
Gurgel is in rear mount over Carano with two hooks in
Zoila Gurgel is cooling the fight on the ground
Gurgel is in rear mount over Carano with two hooks in
Zoila Gurgel is cooling the fight on the ground
Gurgel is in rear mount over Carano with two hooks in
Gurgel tenatively looks for a way to finish her opponent! This is a nightmare for Carano!
Gurgel has one of her arm over Gina Carano's shoulder and is ready for a RNC!
Gurgel is in rear mount over Carano with two hooks in
Carano measures the resilience of Gurgel's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Gurgel blocks the hits as she works on the ground.
John McCarthy stands the fighters up due to a lack of activity.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in American Airlines Center (Dallas, TX) are cheering for the fighters.
Carano tries some clinching in order to control the fight...
Gurgel moves backwards and circles around Gina Carano.
Carano launches a stiff jab!
That barely hits Gurgel's face but it seems like one finger has poked her eye! Does the referee see that?
John McCarthy didn't see the foul!
Gina Carano takes a few seconds to recover her breath...
Gurgel looks for angles as she throws a few jabs that are countered by Gina Carano's punches
Gurgel is on the receiving end of a great combo by Carano.
Nice punch by Gina Carano
who outboxes her opponent in this exchange.
The clock says 4:10 in the 1 round
Carano is holding Zoila Gurgel's right leg... She's trying to take her down.
Zoila Gurgel loses balance and goes to the ground.
Gina Carano is in side mount over Zoila Gurgel
Gina Carano looks to mount Zoila Gurgel...
Zoila Gurgel takes advantage of her opponent's over commitment and traps her in full guard.
Gina Carano is in open guard over Gurgel
Carano tries to improve position.
She frees a leg.
Gina Carano is in half guard over Gurgel
You can hear the excitement from the crowd. Gina Carano can end the fight with her ground and pound.
Carano sits over her knees and pushes away Gurgel's leg!
Gina Carano is able to put away her leg and then jumps to side mount.
Gina Carano is in side mount over Zoila Gurgel
Gina Carano tries to open Gurgel's guard...
Great bombs from the top by Gina Carano. Gurgel is unable to cover herself now!
Gina Carano is in side mount over Zoila Gurgel
Gina Carano looks to mount Zoila Gurgel...
Gina Carano slides her knee across and gets to mount.
The buzzer sounds, marking the end of the round. The ref tells the fighters to go to their corner.
You have to give that round to Gina Carano.
Round 2
Carano decides to launch some tentative punches
Nothing from this exchange. Carano moves back and takes a deep breath.
Terrible one sided match... Gurgel was not ready to fight a fighter of Gina Carano caliber.
Carano throws a one-two combo then fakes a move to fire a big right hand on the chin!
The strikes hit home!
Gurgel's Chin is beginning to swell
Gurgel has a small cut in her Chin
Gurgel tries some clinching in order to control the fight...
Carano moves backwards and circles around Zoila Gurgel.
Gina Carano and Gurgel engage in a wild exchange of punches!
Zoila Gurgel is getting the best of the exchange as she lands a few blows.
The clock says 0:55 in the 2 round
Gina Carano swings...
hard impact to Gurgel's face!
Gurgel throws a lazy kick
Carano dodges and fires an uppercut that almost puts her in to orbit!
Gina Carano tries a hook to the body
and hits Gurgel ribs hard
Surprise roundhouse punch by Carano.
It looks like Gurgel was hit by a bus!
Carano launches a hook to the body
Bang! Gurgel stops that one with her ribs!
Gurgel steps forward
Carano feints.
Gurgel is trying to counter now!
Gurgel launches a flurry of punches
Carano slips out of danger.
Bone shattering straight right hand from Gina Carano!
Gurgel is going to have a big headache after that blow!
The clock says 2:00 in the 2 round
Brilliant combination from Gina Carano
that forces Gurgel to try and defend better.
Gina Carano tries to take the action to her favourite field as she tries to grapple
Great move by Gina Carano who pushes her opponent forward with a double underhooks.
Zoila Gurgel tries to shrug her way out of the clinch.
Carano is determined to work from the clinch. She pummeled through and managed to retain her position.
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Carano pushes off of Zoila Gurgel and starts launching a flurry of hooks and body shots!
Gurgel stumbles backwards but Gina Carano chases her and continues the rain of blows!
Gurgel doesn't want to clinch as she ducks under Gina Carano embrace and tries to move away...
Gina Carano pushes Gurgel forward and doesn't allow her to break the clinch.
The clock says 2:25 in the 2 round
The fighters are clinching.
Carano is launching some bone breaking punches to Gurgel's ribs while in the clinch.
Wow. You can see the pain in Zoila Gurgel's eyes.
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Brutal punches to Gurgel's face while in the clinch!
Gurgel can't take many more shots like those!
Gurgel doesn't want to clinch as she ducks under Gina Carano embrace and tries to move away...
Gina Carano pushes Gurgel forward and doesn't allow her to break the clinch.
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Carano pushes off of Zoila Gurgel and starts launching a flurry of hooks and body shots!
Gurgel stumbles backwards but Gina Carano chases her and continues the rain of blows!
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Gina Carano postures up and launches another series of punches!
A lot of them are hitting Gurgel hard, who may be wondering how to scape from this!
Zoila Gurgel pushes away Carano trying to keep the fight at striking range
Carano doesn't want to break the clinch as she still is grappling with Zoila Gurgel
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Gina Carano tries to control Zoila Gurgel in the clinch and use her dirty boxing
Carano pushes the back of Zoila Gurgel's head with one hand and punches her head a few times with the other, that surely hurts her
Zoila Gurgel pushes away Carano trying to keep the fight at striking range
Carano doesn't want to break the clinch as she still is grappling with Zoila Gurgel
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Gina Carano postures up and launches another series of punches!
A lot of them are hitting Gurgel hard, who may be wondering how to scape from this!
Zoila Gurgel tries to shrug her way out of the clinch.
Carano is determined to work from the clinch. She pummeled through and managed to retain her position.
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Carano doesn't want to clinch as she ducks under Zoila Gurgel embrace and tries to move away...
Nice move from Carano who put distance between them
Terrible one sided match... Gurgel was not ready to fight a fighter of Gina Carano caliber.
Gina Carano just won't stop and continues to rain punches
Gurgel may be in trouble!
Gurgel launches a kick
but Gina Carano avoids it and lands flush with a counter hook!
Gurgel's Mouth is beginning to swell
Gina Carano fakes a move and moves laterally.
Gurgel launches a kick
but Gina Carano avoids it and lands flush with a counter hook!
A shot seen throughout the arena!
Gurgel stumbles back, her corner is screaming! Gina Carano is coming in again!
The ref pulls off Gina Carano! Gurgel seems confused and a bit dazed as the bell sounds the bout over.
Winner is Gina Carano by TKO (Punch) at 3:50 Round 2
Statistics: Gina Carano
Punches 23/32 (72%)
Kicks 0/0 (0%)
Clinch strikes 25/34 (74%)
Takedowns 1/1 (100%)
GnP strikes 4/8 (50%)
Submissions 0/0 (0%)
Clinch Attempts 1/2 (50%)
Time on the ground 143 s
Statistics: Zoila Gurgel
Punches 9/15 (60%)
Kicks 0/0 (0%)
Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)
Takedowns 1/1 (100%)
GnP strikes 1/3 (33%)
Submissions 0/0 (0%)
Clinch Attempts 0/1 (0%)
Time on the ground 143 s
This turned into a Caranomination, but started out pretty good for Zoila. She probably won the first round. But yeah, after Carano was like, “bored, let’s do this thing, gal”, and she did.