Post by The Sandmen on Feb 22, 2014 21:37:32 GMT -5
Carlos Condit is calm in his corner. He looks convinced of his abilities.
Dan Henderson looks very relaxed.
This is the first time they meet inside the cage
It's hard to say who will be winning this fight. The specialized media doesn't have a favourite either.
Carlos Condit comes with a 2 fight winning streak.
The referee of the bout is Steve Mazzagatti.
Round 1
The bell announces the first round!
Dan Henderson moves forward looking for a hole in his opponent's defense.
Dan Henderson and Condit engage in a wild exchange of punches!
Both fighters are connecting and this could be ending soon if either lands a lucky punch.
Condit has a small cut in his Nose
Good front kick from Condit!
Henderson stumbles backwards after that one!
Condit moves forward looking for some action
Dan Henderson struggles a bit before breaking Condit's attemp of grappling
Henderson moves backwards and Carlos Condit is asking him if he came today for fighting or running.
The clock says 0:55 in the 1 round
Carlos Condit fakes a punch and launches himself over Henderson!
Dan Henderson is smart enough to avoid the clinch game by Condit and pushes him away!
Condit clumsily fails here and it's time for Dan Henderson to fight back!
Henderson is holding Carlos Condit's left leg... He's trying to take him down.
Carlos Condit shows great balance while pushing away Dan Henderson
Condit grabs his opponent by the waist and tries to take the fight to the ground
Great takedown by Carlos Condit
Carlos Condit is in open guard over Henderson
Carlos Condit tries to open Henderson's guard...
Great bombs from the top by Carlos Condit. Henderson is unable to cover himself now!
Carlos Condit is in open guard over Henderson
Condit moves on the ground..
...he makes no progress.
Condit misses a step and Dan Henderson sees an opportunity to counter him!
Dan Henderson launches a few punches to Condit's cheek from the guard.
Those punches sure are annoying because Condit tries to cover his face,
Carlos Condit is in open guard over Henderson
Condit has a high cardio that helps him make great performances.
Carlos Condit tries to pass to half guard...
Dan Henderson can't prevent his opponent from passing. Condit looks to work from half guard.
Carlos Condit is in half guard over Henderson
Carlos Condit pushes Henderson's leg and tries to move to full mount.
Nice move by Condit who is in full mount! Henderson is in trouble now!
Carlos Condit is in full mount over Dan Henderson
Henderson tries to move on the ground and escape from the full mount!
Carlos Condit doesn't want to lose his adventageous position and he struggles to mantain the full mount.
The clock says 2:10 in the 1 round
Carlos Condit is in full mount over Dan Henderson
Carlos Condit tries to finish the fight with an armbar from the top
That armbar looks tight...
Punishing hold!
Henderson is smart enough to avoid the submission attempt
Carlos Condit is in full mount over Dan Henderson
Dan Henderson launches a few punches to Condit's cheek from the guard.
Carlos Condit uses his head to cover the punches and presses his skull forward.
Dan Henderson gets sloppy and Carlos Condit tries to take advantage...
Dan Henderson tries to roll to his side and trap Carlos Condit in his guard...
Dan Henderson gets his hips out and gets to full guard.
Carlos Condit is in closed guard over Henderson
Carlos Condit tries to pass Dan Henderson's guard...
Carlos Condit passes momentarily but Dan Henderson regains full guard.
Carlos Condit is in closed guard over Henderson
Condit struggles on the ground and tries to break Dan Henderson's guard...
Carlos Condit is in Henderson open guard now
Carlos Condit is in open guard over Henderson
Condit throws a few hammer fists to the face of Dan Henderson
Solid shots!
Carlos Condit is in open guard over Henderson
Condit moves on the ground..
He gets half guard.
Carlos Condit is in half guard over Henderson
Carlos Condit pushes Henderson's leg and tries to move to full mount.
Nice move by Condit who is in full mount! Henderson is in trouble now!
The clock says 3:15 in the 1 round
Carlos Condit is in full mount over Dan Henderson
Condit fakes a few punches and after a brief struggle he catches Dan Henderson's arm and tries an armbar!
Henderson hold his own hand and breaks Condit's lock. He rolls over himself and launches over Carlos Condit.
The clock says 3:25 in the 1 round
Dan Henderson is in side mount over Carlos Condit
Carlos Condit attempts to trap Dan Henderson in his guard.
Dan Henderson keeps control and remains in side mount.
The clock says 3:30 in the 1 round
Dan Henderson is in side mount over Carlos Condit
Carlos Condit attempts to trap Dan Henderson in his guard.
Carlos Condit manages to switch to full guard.
Dan Henderson is in open guard over Condit
Condit tries to close his guard around Henderson
He succeeds!
Dan Henderson is in closed guard over Condit
Carlos Condit was tooling Dan Henderson for the whole fight. I don't know if it's because Dan Henderson lack of fighting spirit or just of skill.
Henderson is in closed guard... Condit tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! He is now in full mount over Dan Henderson!
Carlos Condit is in full mount over Dan Henderson
Carlos Condit aggressively and repeatedly punches Henderson.
He needs to do something soon or the referee will stop the fight!
Carlos Condit is in full mount over Dan Henderson
Carlos Condit tries to open Henderson's guard...
Great bombs from the top by Carlos Condit. Henderson is unable to cover himself now!
Henderson's Forehead is bruised after the punishement he's received!
Carlos Condit is in full mount over Dan Henderson
Carlos Condit takes a deep breath as he passes his arm over Dan Henderson shoulder and pushes his left arm againts the mat!
Dan Henderson breaks that americana attempt!
Poorly executed technique. Dan Henderson looks to counter!
Henderson measures the resilience of Condit's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in Condit's side.
Carlos Condit is in full mount over Dan Henderson
Dan Henderson tries to roll to his side and get to half guard...
Carlos Condit rolls Dan Henderson to his stomach and takes his back!
Condit is in rear mount over Henderson
Dan Henderson doesn't want to continue the fight in this position and tries to get back on his feet
He can't do it because of Condit's moves.
Condit is in rear mount over Henderson
Carlos Condit tries to get his arm under Dan Henderson's chin but can't do it. He locks his arms over Dan Henderson's neck and tries to finish him with a neck crank!
Dan Henderson easily defends the attempt.
Condit is in rear mount over Henderson
Henderson tries to stand up!
Condit doesn't allow him!
Steve Mazzagatti tells the fighters to go to their corners as the round is over.
The round is for Condit, who walks calmly to his corner.
Round 2
The clock says 0:10 in the 2 round
Condit is holding Dan Henderson's right leg... He's trying to take him down.
Dan Henderson shows great balance while pushing away Carlos Condit
Dan Henderson launches a body shot
Condit evades.
Condit moves forward looking for some action
Carlos Condit shows some wrestling skills as he put his opponent in a double overhook!
The fighters are clinching.
Condit launches a few hard punches to Dan Henderson's ribs!
Dan Henderson's ribs shows the damage! Carlos Condit is working his opponent ribs!
Henderson ribs are getting hammered, they look bad!
The fighters are clinching.
Condit tries to take Dan Henderson down... Henderson stumbles backwards and Carlos Condit launches a few punches...
One swing hits hard Henderson's jaw!
The fighters are clinching.
Condit tries to take Dan Henderson down... Henderson stumbles backwards and Carlos Condit launches a few punches...
One swing hits hard Henderson's jaw!
The fighters are clinching.
Condit takes a break to breathe while holding Dan Henderson.
Steve Mazzagatti sees a lack of activity in the clinch and separates the fighters.
Condit has a high cardio that helps him make great performances.
Dan Henderson throws a combo
Carlos Condit ducks under and catches him with a counter straight! Henderson swings again, only to get countered once more! Henderson is looking bad here!
Crisp uppercut by Condit followed by a hard jab
Dan Henderson stumbles back.
Henderson launches a stiff jab!
That barely hits Condit's face but it seems like one finger has poked his eye! Does the referee see that?
Steve Mazzagatti didn't see the foul!
Henderson is swinging for the fences!
A hit that almost breaks Condit's jaw!
Carlos Condit attempts to cut off Henderson with punches
Henderson reels from the strikes.
Lightning fast low kick from Condit!
Henderson blocks that kick with his leg.
Quick hook by Carlos Condit
Good shot! Henderson has reasons to be worried.
Henderson's Left eye is beginning to swell
Condit pushes Dan Henderson and moves away from him. He seems to be recovering his breath.
High kick from Carlos Condit!
Henderson seems to be done!
The clock says 2:35 in the 2 round
Dan Henderson attempts a sweep single...
Carlos Condit was ready and shrugs off the takedown attempt.
Dan Henderson gets sloppy and Carlos Condit tries to take advantage...
Carlos Condit fakes a move and launches a liver kick!
That almost wrenches Dan Henderson! I'm sure that his liver will be sore tomorrow.
An overhand right from Carlos Condit that looked like it was capable of destroying a brick wall!
Bang! Henderson's stops that one with his face! How is Henderson standing?!
Carlos Condit closes the distance with his opponent wanting some action.
A bad move from Dan Henderson
allows Condit to land a solid head kick.
There is a small laceration on Dan Henderson's Chin
Henderson seems a bit groggy... his movements are not very coordinated now.
Carlos Condit fakes a move and launches a liver kick!
That almost wrenches Dan Henderson! I'm sure that his liver will be sore tomorrow.
The two exchange wildly
Condit is connecting with a few punches
Condit goes for a low kick..
Faster than a blinking eye, he follows up with a high kick!
Henderson's Right eye is beginning to swell
Henderson has a small cut in his Right eye
Bone shattering straight left hand from Dan Henderson!
Condit ducks under...
Henderson throws a one-two combo then fakes a move to fire a big right hand on the chin!
Condit's defense muffles the blows.
Condit is trying to counter now!
Condit is holding Dan Henderson's right leg... He's trying to take him down.
Dan Henderson loses balance and goes to the ground.
Carlos Condit is in side mount over Dan Henderson
Carlos Condit looks to mount Dan Henderson...
Carlos Condit slides his knee across and gets to mount.
Carlos Condit is in full mount over Dan Henderson
Dan Henderson tries to roll on the ground...
Condit knows how to keep his advantage on the ground.
Carlos Condit is in full mount over Dan Henderson
Dan Henderson tries to roll to his side and trap Carlos Condit in his guard...
Carlos Condit keeps good control and remains in full mount.
Carlos Condit is in full mount over Dan Henderson
Condit fakes a few punches and after a brief struggle he catches Dan Henderson's arm and tries an armbar!
That Armbar from Carlos Condit appears to be unbreakable
That Armbar from Carlos Condit appears to be unbreakable
Crippling lock!
Henderson Hyper-extended his arm
You can see the pain reflected in Henderson's eyes...
That Armbar from Carlos Condit appears to be unbreakable
Punishing hold!
Henderson struggles to free himself
Henderson Hyper-extended his arm
Steve Mazzagatti breaks Carlos Condit's lock! This is over! Henderson didn't want to tap but the ref decided he wouldn't be able to escape from it!
Winner is Carlos Condit by Submission (Armbar) at 4:33 Round 2
Statistics: Carlos Condit
Punches 18/21 (86%)
Kicks 7/8 (88%)
Clinch strikes 5/10 (50%)
Takedowns 2/3 (67%)
GnP strikes 16/21 (76%)
Submissions 5/5 (100%)
Clinch Attempts 0/1 (0%)
Time on the ground 258 s
Statistics: Dan Henderson
Punches 4/12 (33%)
Kicks 0/0 (0%)
Clinch strikes 1/1 (100%)
Takedowns 0/2 (0%)
GnP strikes 4/8 (50%)
Submissions 0/0 (0%)
Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)
Time on the ground 258 s
Man, Henderson is close to excellence. I wish he would get the attention he needs to go up to the next level. I don't tihnk it would take much, just sort of a trajectory - like if he was going to focus on wrestling, he could do that, or striking, or whatever. But I feel he has no direction and just kinda sometimes comes in and sometimes doesn't. Still tough though.
Dan Henderson looks very relaxed.
This is the first time they meet inside the cage
It's hard to say who will be winning this fight. The specialized media doesn't have a favourite either.
Carlos Condit comes with a 2 fight winning streak.
The referee of the bout is Steve Mazzagatti.
Round 1
The bell announces the first round!
Dan Henderson moves forward looking for a hole in his opponent's defense.
Dan Henderson and Condit engage in a wild exchange of punches!
Both fighters are connecting and this could be ending soon if either lands a lucky punch.
Condit has a small cut in his Nose
Good front kick from Condit!
Henderson stumbles backwards after that one!
Condit moves forward looking for some action
Dan Henderson struggles a bit before breaking Condit's attemp of grappling
Henderson moves backwards and Carlos Condit is asking him if he came today for fighting or running.
The clock says 0:55 in the 1 round
Carlos Condit fakes a punch and launches himself over Henderson!
Dan Henderson is smart enough to avoid the clinch game by Condit and pushes him away!
Condit clumsily fails here and it's time for Dan Henderson to fight back!
Henderson is holding Carlos Condit's left leg... He's trying to take him down.
Carlos Condit shows great balance while pushing away Dan Henderson
Condit grabs his opponent by the waist and tries to take the fight to the ground
Great takedown by Carlos Condit
Carlos Condit is in open guard over Henderson
Carlos Condit tries to open Henderson's guard...
Great bombs from the top by Carlos Condit. Henderson is unable to cover himself now!
Carlos Condit is in open guard over Henderson
Condit moves on the ground..
...he makes no progress.
Condit misses a step and Dan Henderson sees an opportunity to counter him!
Dan Henderson launches a few punches to Condit's cheek from the guard.
Those punches sure are annoying because Condit tries to cover his face,
Carlos Condit is in open guard over Henderson
Condit has a high cardio that helps him make great performances.
Carlos Condit tries to pass to half guard...
Dan Henderson can't prevent his opponent from passing. Condit looks to work from half guard.
Carlos Condit is in half guard over Henderson
Carlos Condit pushes Henderson's leg and tries to move to full mount.
Nice move by Condit who is in full mount! Henderson is in trouble now!
Carlos Condit is in full mount over Dan Henderson
Henderson tries to move on the ground and escape from the full mount!
Carlos Condit doesn't want to lose his adventageous position and he struggles to mantain the full mount.
The clock says 2:10 in the 1 round
Carlos Condit is in full mount over Dan Henderson
Carlos Condit tries to finish the fight with an armbar from the top
That armbar looks tight...
Punishing hold!
Henderson is smart enough to avoid the submission attempt
Carlos Condit is in full mount over Dan Henderson
Dan Henderson launches a few punches to Condit's cheek from the guard.
Carlos Condit uses his head to cover the punches and presses his skull forward.
Dan Henderson gets sloppy and Carlos Condit tries to take advantage...
Dan Henderson tries to roll to his side and trap Carlos Condit in his guard...
Dan Henderson gets his hips out and gets to full guard.
Carlos Condit is in closed guard over Henderson
Carlos Condit tries to pass Dan Henderson's guard...
Carlos Condit passes momentarily but Dan Henderson regains full guard.
Carlos Condit is in closed guard over Henderson
Condit struggles on the ground and tries to break Dan Henderson's guard...
Carlos Condit is in Henderson open guard now
Carlos Condit is in open guard over Henderson
Condit throws a few hammer fists to the face of Dan Henderson
Solid shots!
Carlos Condit is in open guard over Henderson
Condit moves on the ground..
He gets half guard.
Carlos Condit is in half guard over Henderson
Carlos Condit pushes Henderson's leg and tries to move to full mount.
Nice move by Condit who is in full mount! Henderson is in trouble now!
The clock says 3:15 in the 1 round
Carlos Condit is in full mount over Dan Henderson
Condit fakes a few punches and after a brief struggle he catches Dan Henderson's arm and tries an armbar!
Henderson hold his own hand and breaks Condit's lock. He rolls over himself and launches over Carlos Condit.
The clock says 3:25 in the 1 round
Dan Henderson is in side mount over Carlos Condit
Carlos Condit attempts to trap Dan Henderson in his guard.
Dan Henderson keeps control and remains in side mount.
The clock says 3:30 in the 1 round
Dan Henderson is in side mount over Carlos Condit
Carlos Condit attempts to trap Dan Henderson in his guard.
Carlos Condit manages to switch to full guard.
Dan Henderson is in open guard over Condit
Condit tries to close his guard around Henderson
He succeeds!
Dan Henderson is in closed guard over Condit
Carlos Condit was tooling Dan Henderson for the whole fight. I don't know if it's because Dan Henderson lack of fighting spirit or just of skill.
Henderson is in closed guard... Condit tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! He is now in full mount over Dan Henderson!
Carlos Condit is in full mount over Dan Henderson
Carlos Condit aggressively and repeatedly punches Henderson.
He needs to do something soon or the referee will stop the fight!
Carlos Condit is in full mount over Dan Henderson
Carlos Condit tries to open Henderson's guard...
Great bombs from the top by Carlos Condit. Henderson is unable to cover himself now!
Henderson's Forehead is bruised after the punishement he's received!
Carlos Condit is in full mount over Dan Henderson
Carlos Condit takes a deep breath as he passes his arm over Dan Henderson shoulder and pushes his left arm againts the mat!
Dan Henderson breaks that americana attempt!
Poorly executed technique. Dan Henderson looks to counter!
Henderson measures the resilience of Condit's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in Condit's side.
Carlos Condit is in full mount over Dan Henderson
Dan Henderson tries to roll to his side and get to half guard...
Carlos Condit rolls Dan Henderson to his stomach and takes his back!
Condit is in rear mount over Henderson
Dan Henderson doesn't want to continue the fight in this position and tries to get back on his feet
He can't do it because of Condit's moves.
Condit is in rear mount over Henderson
Carlos Condit tries to get his arm under Dan Henderson's chin but can't do it. He locks his arms over Dan Henderson's neck and tries to finish him with a neck crank!
Dan Henderson easily defends the attempt.
Condit is in rear mount over Henderson
Henderson tries to stand up!
Condit doesn't allow him!
Steve Mazzagatti tells the fighters to go to their corners as the round is over.
The round is for Condit, who walks calmly to his corner.
Round 2
The clock says 0:10 in the 2 round
Condit is holding Dan Henderson's right leg... He's trying to take him down.
Dan Henderson shows great balance while pushing away Carlos Condit
Dan Henderson launches a body shot
Condit evades.
Condit moves forward looking for some action
Carlos Condit shows some wrestling skills as he put his opponent in a double overhook!
The fighters are clinching.
Condit launches a few hard punches to Dan Henderson's ribs!
Dan Henderson's ribs shows the damage! Carlos Condit is working his opponent ribs!
Henderson ribs are getting hammered, they look bad!
The fighters are clinching.
Condit tries to take Dan Henderson down... Henderson stumbles backwards and Carlos Condit launches a few punches...
One swing hits hard Henderson's jaw!
The fighters are clinching.
Condit tries to take Dan Henderson down... Henderson stumbles backwards and Carlos Condit launches a few punches...
One swing hits hard Henderson's jaw!
The fighters are clinching.
Condit takes a break to breathe while holding Dan Henderson.
Steve Mazzagatti sees a lack of activity in the clinch and separates the fighters.
Condit has a high cardio that helps him make great performances.
Dan Henderson throws a combo
Carlos Condit ducks under and catches him with a counter straight! Henderson swings again, only to get countered once more! Henderson is looking bad here!
Crisp uppercut by Condit followed by a hard jab
Dan Henderson stumbles back.
Henderson launches a stiff jab!
That barely hits Condit's face but it seems like one finger has poked his eye! Does the referee see that?
Steve Mazzagatti didn't see the foul!
Henderson is swinging for the fences!
A hit that almost breaks Condit's jaw!
Carlos Condit attempts to cut off Henderson with punches
Henderson reels from the strikes.
Lightning fast low kick from Condit!
Henderson blocks that kick with his leg.
Quick hook by Carlos Condit
Good shot! Henderson has reasons to be worried.
Henderson's Left eye is beginning to swell
Condit pushes Dan Henderson and moves away from him. He seems to be recovering his breath.
High kick from Carlos Condit!
Henderson seems to be done!
The clock says 2:35 in the 2 round
Dan Henderson attempts a sweep single...
Carlos Condit was ready and shrugs off the takedown attempt.
Dan Henderson gets sloppy and Carlos Condit tries to take advantage...
Carlos Condit fakes a move and launches a liver kick!
That almost wrenches Dan Henderson! I'm sure that his liver will be sore tomorrow.
An overhand right from Carlos Condit that looked like it was capable of destroying a brick wall!
Bang! Henderson's stops that one with his face! How is Henderson standing?!
Carlos Condit closes the distance with his opponent wanting some action.
A bad move from Dan Henderson
allows Condit to land a solid head kick.
There is a small laceration on Dan Henderson's Chin
Henderson seems a bit groggy... his movements are not very coordinated now.
Carlos Condit fakes a move and launches a liver kick!
That almost wrenches Dan Henderson! I'm sure that his liver will be sore tomorrow.
The two exchange wildly
Condit is connecting with a few punches
Condit goes for a low kick..
Faster than a blinking eye, he follows up with a high kick!
Henderson's Right eye is beginning to swell
Henderson has a small cut in his Right eye
Bone shattering straight left hand from Dan Henderson!
Condit ducks under...
Henderson throws a one-two combo then fakes a move to fire a big right hand on the chin!
Condit's defense muffles the blows.
Condit is trying to counter now!
Condit is holding Dan Henderson's right leg... He's trying to take him down.
Dan Henderson loses balance and goes to the ground.
Carlos Condit is in side mount over Dan Henderson
Carlos Condit looks to mount Dan Henderson...
Carlos Condit slides his knee across and gets to mount.
Carlos Condit is in full mount over Dan Henderson
Dan Henderson tries to roll on the ground...
Condit knows how to keep his advantage on the ground.
Carlos Condit is in full mount over Dan Henderson
Dan Henderson tries to roll to his side and trap Carlos Condit in his guard...
Carlos Condit keeps good control and remains in full mount.
Carlos Condit is in full mount over Dan Henderson
Condit fakes a few punches and after a brief struggle he catches Dan Henderson's arm and tries an armbar!
That Armbar from Carlos Condit appears to be unbreakable
That Armbar from Carlos Condit appears to be unbreakable
Crippling lock!
Henderson Hyper-extended his arm
You can see the pain reflected in Henderson's eyes...
That Armbar from Carlos Condit appears to be unbreakable
Punishing hold!
Henderson struggles to free himself
Henderson Hyper-extended his arm
Steve Mazzagatti breaks Carlos Condit's lock! This is over! Henderson didn't want to tap but the ref decided he wouldn't be able to escape from it!
Winner is Carlos Condit by Submission (Armbar) at 4:33 Round 2
Statistics: Carlos Condit
Punches 18/21 (86%)
Kicks 7/8 (88%)
Clinch strikes 5/10 (50%)
Takedowns 2/3 (67%)
GnP strikes 16/21 (76%)
Submissions 5/5 (100%)
Clinch Attempts 0/1 (0%)
Time on the ground 258 s
Statistics: Dan Henderson
Punches 4/12 (33%)
Kicks 0/0 (0%)
Clinch strikes 1/1 (100%)
Takedowns 0/2 (0%)
GnP strikes 4/8 (50%)
Submissions 0/0 (0%)
Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)
Time on the ground 258 s
Man, Henderson is close to excellence. I wish he would get the attention he needs to go up to the next level. I don't tihnk it would take much, just sort of a trajectory - like if he was going to focus on wrestling, he could do that, or striking, or whatever. But I feel he has no direction and just kinda sometimes comes in and sometimes doesn't. Still tough though.