Post by The Sandmen on Mar 3, 2014 19:22:33 GMT -5
Forrest Griffin looks a bit uneasy. Hopefully this doesn't affect his performance.
Shane Carwin is calm in his corner. He looks convinced of his abilities.
This is the first time they meet inside the cage
It's hard to say who will be winning this fight. The specialized media doesn't have a favourite either.
Forrest Griffin comes with a 2 fight losing streak.
The referee of the bout is Dan Miragliotta.
Round 1
The bell announces the first round!
Griffin leads with a punch
Shane Carwin avoids it and lands flush with a counter uppercut!
Forrest Griffin attempts a sweep single...
Forrest Griffin catches Shane Carwin's far ankle and trips him to the mat! Slick takedown by Griffin.
Forrest Griffin is in closed guard over Carwin
Carwin measures the resilience of Griffin's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in Griffin's side.
Forrest Griffin is in closed guard over Carwin
Griffin tries to improve his position on the ground as he sits on his knees and tries to break the closed guard.
Forrest Griffin fakes a few punches and then slips one leg to get the half mount.
Forrest Griffin is in half guard over Carwin
Griffin is taking this opportunity to rest.
Forrest Griffin is in half guard over Carwin
Griffin tries to get a side mount...
He frees his leg and is now controlling Carwin from the side mount!
Forrest Griffin is in side mount over Shane Carwin
Carwin tries to move on the ground and shows Forrest Griffin a crack in his guard which he uses for a big elbow!
Bang! Carwin's forehead receives a strong elbow that rocks his head against the mat! Dan Miragliotta knows he may be calling off the fight soon!
Forrest Griffin is in side mount over Shane Carwin
Carwin is moving on the ground...
Ouch! That was a headbutt! Did he do that intentionally?
Dan Miragliotta didn't see that!
Forrest Griffin is in side mount over Shane Carwin
Forrest Griffin looks to pass to mount...
Carwin creates space and scrambles back to his feet.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Amway Arena (Orlando, Florida) are cheering for the fighters.
Carwin looks for angles as he throws a few jabs that are countered by Forrest Griffin's punches
Griffin is on the receiving end of a great combo by Carwin.
A high kick from Forrest Griffin
grazes Carwin's head, but he seems okay.
Shane Carwin goes with a looping right hand while Forrest Griffin jumps back and jabs
That one hits but Griffin seems unaffected, countering with a few punches of his own. Great exchange here.
Shovel hook by Forrest Griffin
tags Carwin.
Carwin has a small cut in his Left cheek
Carwin cornermen are yelling for his man to escape from the ground as Griffin can finish a fight on the ground with some good pounding if you give him the chance.
Griffin tries to grapple
He puts Carwin in a double underhook!
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Carwin tries to take Forrest Griffin down... Griffin stumbles backwards and Shane Carwin launches a few punches...
One swing hits hard Griffin's jaw!
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Shane Carwin shoots and grab Forrest Griffin's ankle trying to take him down with a Heel Trip Reversal
Carwin scoop up Forrest Griffin's ankle with one hand and pushes his body with another forcing Griffin to the mat
Shane Carwin is in open guard over Griffin
Carwin moves on the ground
Shane Carwin moves to side mount
The clock says 3:25 in the 1 round
Shane Carwin is in side mount over Forrest Griffin
Forrest Griffin attempts to trap Shane Carwin in his guard.
Forrest Griffin manages to switch to full guard.
Shane Carwin is in open guard over Griffin
Griffin tries to close his guard around Carwin
He is not able to do it
Shane Carwin is in open guard over Griffin
Carwin moves on the ground
Shane Carwin moves to side mount
Shane Carwin is in side mount over Forrest Griffin
Shane Carwin looks to pass to mount...
Carwin slides his knee across and achieves the mount position! Tough spot for Forrest Griffin.
The clock says 4:05 in the 1 round
Shane Carwin is in full mount over Forrest Griffin
Shane Carwin fakes some punches
then lands a big punch to Griffin's face!
Shane Carwin is in full mount over Forrest Griffin
Carwin suddenly holds Forrest Griffin's arm and tries an armbar!
Griffin can break the lock and now he is in a closed guard over Shane Carwin!
Forrest Griffin is in closed guard over Carwin
Forrest Griffin doesn't want to continue the fight in this position and tries to get back on his feet
He moves fast and now he is standing
Dan Miragliotta halts the fight to stand up Forrest Griffin. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Amway Arena (Orlando, Florida) are cheering for the fighters.
Solid low kick from Forrest Griffin.
Carwin deflects it.
Carwin tries to get some advantage after his opponent miss move...
Carwin launches a hook to the body
Forrest Griffin moves aside looking for a counter...
Griffin jumps over his opponent and tries to grapple
Forrest Griffin pushes his opponent against the fence in a plum position
The fighters are clinching.
Carwin tries to take Forrest Griffin down... Griffin stumbles backwards and Shane Carwin launches a few punches...
One swing hits hard Griffin's jaw!
The referee separates the fighters as the buzzer sounds.
Close round. It could go to either fighter.
Round 2
The clock says 0:10 in the 2 round
Shane Carwin leans forwards and tries to grapple with Griffin
Griffin wants to mantain the distance and ducks that one.
Shane Carwin gets sloppy and Forrest Griffin tries to take advantage...
Some nice shots from Forrest Griffin
that stun Carwin.
Shane Carwin goes with a looping right hand while Forrest Griffin jumps back and jabs
Carwin only hits air and the subsequent exchange is fruitless.
The clock says 0:35 in the 2 round
Carwin fakes a punch and shoots a takedown!
Forrest Griffin didn't see it coming and has been put on the ground!
Shane Carwin is in open guard over Griffin
Shane Carwin throws down elbows...
Griffin is not making himself an easy target.
Shane Carwin is in open guard over Griffin
Pitty-pat punches from Carwin
They're bothering Griffin even though they aren't hurting him.
Shane Carwin is in open guard over Griffin
Shane Carwin aggressively and repeatedly punches Griffin.
Good job by Griffin blocking and slipping the blows.
Shane Carwin is in open guard over Griffin
You can hear the excitement from the crowd. Shane Carwin can end the fight with his ground and pound.
Shane Carwin tries to pass to half guard...
Forrest Griffin's closes his guard to prevent the pass.
Shane Carwin is in closed guard over Griffin
Shane Carwin is looking to pass Forrest Griffin's guard...
Shane Carwin gets his hips free and moves to half guard.
Shane Carwin is in half guard over Griffin
Carwin sits over his knees and pushes away Griffin's leg!
Shane Carwin is able to put away his leg and then jumps to side mount.
Shane Carwin is in side mount over Forrest Griffin
Forrest Griffin attempts to trap Shane Carwin in his guard.
Forrest Griffin manages to switch to full guard.
The clock says 1:50 in the 2 round
Shane Carwin is in closed guard over Griffin
Carwin works on the ground with his fingers over Griffin's face
Griffin shakes his head and continues fighting on the ground.
Shane Carwin is in closed guard over Griffin
Griffin measures the resilience of Carwin's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in Carwin's side.
The clock says 2:15 in the 2 round
Shane Carwin is in closed guard over Griffin
Shane Carwin wants to finish his opponent on the ground
Carwin drills Forrest Griffin's face with a huge right hand! What an impact!
The clock says 2:25 in the 2 round
Shane Carwin is in closed guard over Griffin
Griffin cornermen are yelling for his man to escape from the ground as Carwin can finish a fight on the ground with some good pounding if you give him the chance.
Shane Carwin hovers above Griffin
Good punches to Griffin's body.
Crushing shot to Griffin's body! He's holding his side
The clock says 2:35 in the 2 round
Shane Carwin is in closed guard over Griffin
Carwin is in closed guard... Griffin tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! He is now in full mount over Shane Carwin!
The clock says 2:45 in the 2 round
Forrest Griffin is in full mount over Shane Carwin
Carwin tries to move on the ground and escape from the full mount!
Forrest Griffin doesn't want to lose his adventageous position and he struggles to mantain the full mount.
Forrest Griffin is in full mount over Shane Carwin
Carwin measures the resilience of Griffin's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Griffin blocks the hits as he works on the ground.
Forrest Griffin is in full mount over Shane Carwin
Carwin measures the resilience of Griffin's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in Griffin's side.
Forrest Griffin is in full mount over Shane Carwin
The fight was awfully one sided. Matchmakers should take this into account for future fights.
Griffin tries to keep hs position while looking to maybe begin a pounding session...
Forrest Griffin controls the situation despite Shane Carwin efforts for escaping from the full mount.
Forrest Griffin is in full mount over Shane Carwin
Carwin tries to escape from the full mount...
Forrest Griffin is not caught off guard and moves to side mount to keep his superior position.
The clock says 3:40 in the 2 round
Forrest Griffin is in side mount over Shane Carwin
Carwin tries to show some ground skills
Griffin uses his strength to keep Griffin at a disadvantage
Shane Carwin gets sloppy and Forrest Griffin tries to take advantage...
Griffin tries to move to full mount!
Nice move. He is in full mount now.
Forrest Griffin is in full mount over Shane Carwin
Forrest Griffin doesn't want to continue the fight in this position and tries to get back on his feet
He moves fast and now he is standing
Dan Miragliotta halts the fight to stand up Forrest Griffin. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Amway Arena (Orlando, Florida) are cheering for the fighters.
Forrest Griffin tries to take the fight to the ground with a one leg takedown...
Shane Carwin jumps backwards and frees his leg.
The clock says 4:15 in the 2 round
Griffin launches a furious low kick!
Carwin receives a hard blow on his left leg!
The clock says 4:25 in the 2 round
Shane Carwin fakes a punch and launches himself over Forrest Griffin
Griffin counters with a few fake punches and then backpedals
Carwin is holding Forrest Griffin's right leg... He's trying to take him down.
Forrest Griffin shows great balance while pushing away Shane Carwin
Griffin tries to get some advantage after his opponent miss move...
Shane Carwin launches a body shot
Griffin dodges and catches him with a hard cross.
Carwin's Left eye is beginning to swell
Carwin avoids a dangerous strike from Griffin
and fends him off with feel-out punches.
Carwin is hurt... He should be looking to avoid more damage or he will lose this fight.
Carwin grabs Forrest Griffin
He lifts him up and slams him hard to the mat!
Shane Carwin is in open guard over Griffin
Carwin tries to improve position.
Griffin adjusts and closes his guard.
Carwin misses a step and Forrest Griffin sees an opportunity to counter him!
Griffin tries to close his guard around Carwin
He succeeds!
The ref stops the action. The round is over.
Close round. It could go to either fighter.
Round 3
Shane Carwin circles around Griffin
Shane Carwin moves forward looking for some grappling action
Griffin pushes his opponent and keep the fight at striking range
Shane Carwin is taking out his mouthpiece to breathe...
Carwin grabs his opponent by the waist and tries to take the fight to the ground
Griffin struggles... Shane Carwin is unable to take him down
Carwin clumsily fails here and it's time for Forrest Griffin to fight back!
Quick hook by Forrest Griffin
Good shot! Carwin has reasons to be worried.
Griffin tries to grapple
He puts Carwin in a double underhook!
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Carwin grapple with Forrest Griffin and tries a Inner leg Sweep
Forrest Griffin managed to maintain his balances and move away from Carwin
Forrest Griffin fakes a punch and launches himself over Shane Carwin
Great move by Griffin who pushes his opponent under a troublesome thai clinch
The fighters are clinching.
Griffin tries to take Shane Carwin down... Carwin stumbles backwards and Forrest Griffin launches a few punches...
One swing hits hard Carwin's jaw!
The clock says 1:20 in the 3 round
The fighters are clinching.
Griffin struggles and launches a few punches to Carwin's head
Those punches are hitting! Carwin covers his head!
The fighters are clinching.
Shane Carwin pushes away Griffin trying to keep the fight at striking range
Griffin doesn't want to break the clinch as he still is grappling with Shane Carwin
Griffin tries to get some advantage after his opponent miss move...
Forrest Griffin gets control of Shane Carwin's neck and attempts a guillotine!
Shane Carwin shakes him off and staves off danger.
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Griffin grapple with Shane Carwin and tries a Inner leg Sweep
Shane Carwin falls hard on the mat with Forrest Griffin on top of him
The clock says 2:00 in the 3 round
Forrest Griffin is in closed guard over Carwin
Griffin tries to escape from closed guard...
Griffin struggles to liberate his leg and jumps to half guard!
Forrest Griffin is in half guard over Carwin
Carwin measures the resilience of Griffin's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Griffin blocks the hits as he works on the ground.
Poorly executed technique. Forrest Griffin looks to counter!
Forrest Griffin tries to pass Shane Carwin's guard...
Forrest Griffin manages to get his leg free and moves to side mount.
Forrest Griffin is in side mount over Shane Carwin
Griffin works on the ground with his fingers over Carwin's face
He seems to have encountered the eye! What a classless move!
Dan Miragliotta didn't see that!
The clock says 2:30 in the 3 round
Forrest Griffin is in side mount over Shane Carwin
Griffin tries to move to full mount!
Nice move. He is in full mount now.
Forrest Griffin is in full mount over Shane Carwin
Shane Carwin tries to roll to his side and trap Forrest Griffin in his guard...
Forrest Griffin rolls him over and takes his back!
Griffin is in rear mount over Carwin
Forrest Griffin slides his arm under Shane Carwin's chin and locks in a rear naked choke!
Shane Carwin pushes up and slides Forrest Griffin's arm over his chin.
Griffin is in rear mount over Carwin
Forrest Griffin throws his leg over Shane Carwin's arm leaving him with only one arm to defend himself from Forrest Griffin's rear naked choke attempt!
Griffin is locking that Rear Naked Choke...
Carwin struggles to free himself
That Rear Naked Choke looks tight...
That Rear Naked Choke looks tight...
Carwin struggles to free himself
Griffin is locking that Rear Naked Choke...
That Rear Naked Choke from Forrest Griffin appears to be unbreakable
Carwin struggles to free himself
Carwin's Left cheek is bruised after the punishement he's received!
Crippling lock!
Shane Carwin cannot defend with only one arm and taps to the choke!
Winner is Forrest Griffin by Submission (Rear Naked Choke) at 3:18 Round 3
Statistics: Forrest Griffin
Punches 11/14 (79%)
Kicks 2/3 (67%)
Clinch strikes 4/7 (57%)
Takedowns 1/2 (50%)
GnP strikes 3/3 (100%)
Submissions 3/3 (100%)
Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)
Time on the ground 446 s
Statistics: Shane Carwin
Punches 6/13 (46%)
Kicks 0/0 (0%)
Clinch strikes 3/8 (38%)
Takedowns 1/2 (50%)
GnP strikes 11/26 (42%)
Submissions 1/1 (100%)
Clinch Attempts 0/1 (0%)
Time on the ground 446 s
Carwin did amazing in this fight, and I am not sure if Bulldozers has been around long enough to appreciate what Carwin accomplished here. Griffin is a former champion, and Carwin came really damned close to finishing him here. Good show from Carwin. He gets a few upgrades into his offense, he could be a beast.
Shane Carwin is calm in his corner. He looks convinced of his abilities.
This is the first time they meet inside the cage
It's hard to say who will be winning this fight. The specialized media doesn't have a favourite either.
Forrest Griffin comes with a 2 fight losing streak.
The referee of the bout is Dan Miragliotta.
Round 1
The bell announces the first round!
Griffin leads with a punch
Shane Carwin avoids it and lands flush with a counter uppercut!
Forrest Griffin attempts a sweep single...
Forrest Griffin catches Shane Carwin's far ankle and trips him to the mat! Slick takedown by Griffin.
Forrest Griffin is in closed guard over Carwin
Carwin measures the resilience of Griffin's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in Griffin's side.
Forrest Griffin is in closed guard over Carwin
Griffin tries to improve his position on the ground as he sits on his knees and tries to break the closed guard.
Forrest Griffin fakes a few punches and then slips one leg to get the half mount.
Forrest Griffin is in half guard over Carwin
Griffin is taking this opportunity to rest.
Forrest Griffin is in half guard over Carwin
Griffin tries to get a side mount...
He frees his leg and is now controlling Carwin from the side mount!
Forrest Griffin is in side mount over Shane Carwin
Carwin tries to move on the ground and shows Forrest Griffin a crack in his guard which he uses for a big elbow!
Bang! Carwin's forehead receives a strong elbow that rocks his head against the mat! Dan Miragliotta knows he may be calling off the fight soon!
Forrest Griffin is in side mount over Shane Carwin
Carwin is moving on the ground...
Ouch! That was a headbutt! Did he do that intentionally?
Dan Miragliotta didn't see that!
Forrest Griffin is in side mount over Shane Carwin
Forrest Griffin looks to pass to mount...
Carwin creates space and scrambles back to his feet.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Amway Arena (Orlando, Florida) are cheering for the fighters.
Carwin looks for angles as he throws a few jabs that are countered by Forrest Griffin's punches
Griffin is on the receiving end of a great combo by Carwin.
A high kick from Forrest Griffin
grazes Carwin's head, but he seems okay.
Shane Carwin goes with a looping right hand while Forrest Griffin jumps back and jabs
That one hits but Griffin seems unaffected, countering with a few punches of his own. Great exchange here.
Shovel hook by Forrest Griffin
tags Carwin.
Carwin has a small cut in his Left cheek
Carwin cornermen are yelling for his man to escape from the ground as Griffin can finish a fight on the ground with some good pounding if you give him the chance.
Griffin tries to grapple
He puts Carwin in a double underhook!
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Carwin tries to take Forrest Griffin down... Griffin stumbles backwards and Shane Carwin launches a few punches...
One swing hits hard Griffin's jaw!
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Shane Carwin shoots and grab Forrest Griffin's ankle trying to take him down with a Heel Trip Reversal
Carwin scoop up Forrest Griffin's ankle with one hand and pushes his body with another forcing Griffin to the mat
Shane Carwin is in open guard over Griffin
Carwin moves on the ground
Shane Carwin moves to side mount
The clock says 3:25 in the 1 round
Shane Carwin is in side mount over Forrest Griffin
Forrest Griffin attempts to trap Shane Carwin in his guard.
Forrest Griffin manages to switch to full guard.
Shane Carwin is in open guard over Griffin
Griffin tries to close his guard around Carwin
He is not able to do it
Shane Carwin is in open guard over Griffin
Carwin moves on the ground
Shane Carwin moves to side mount
Shane Carwin is in side mount over Forrest Griffin
Shane Carwin looks to pass to mount...
Carwin slides his knee across and achieves the mount position! Tough spot for Forrest Griffin.
The clock says 4:05 in the 1 round
Shane Carwin is in full mount over Forrest Griffin
Shane Carwin fakes some punches
then lands a big punch to Griffin's face!
Shane Carwin is in full mount over Forrest Griffin
Carwin suddenly holds Forrest Griffin's arm and tries an armbar!
Griffin can break the lock and now he is in a closed guard over Shane Carwin!
Forrest Griffin is in closed guard over Carwin
Forrest Griffin doesn't want to continue the fight in this position and tries to get back on his feet
He moves fast and now he is standing
Dan Miragliotta halts the fight to stand up Forrest Griffin. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Amway Arena (Orlando, Florida) are cheering for the fighters.
Solid low kick from Forrest Griffin.
Carwin deflects it.
Carwin tries to get some advantage after his opponent miss move...
Carwin launches a hook to the body
Forrest Griffin moves aside looking for a counter...
Griffin jumps over his opponent and tries to grapple
Forrest Griffin pushes his opponent against the fence in a plum position
The fighters are clinching.
Carwin tries to take Forrest Griffin down... Griffin stumbles backwards and Shane Carwin launches a few punches...
One swing hits hard Griffin's jaw!
The referee separates the fighters as the buzzer sounds.
Close round. It could go to either fighter.
Round 2
The clock says 0:10 in the 2 round
Shane Carwin leans forwards and tries to grapple with Griffin
Griffin wants to mantain the distance and ducks that one.
Shane Carwin gets sloppy and Forrest Griffin tries to take advantage...
Some nice shots from Forrest Griffin
that stun Carwin.
Shane Carwin goes with a looping right hand while Forrest Griffin jumps back and jabs
Carwin only hits air and the subsequent exchange is fruitless.
The clock says 0:35 in the 2 round
Carwin fakes a punch and shoots a takedown!
Forrest Griffin didn't see it coming and has been put on the ground!
Shane Carwin is in open guard over Griffin
Shane Carwin throws down elbows...
Griffin is not making himself an easy target.
Shane Carwin is in open guard over Griffin
Pitty-pat punches from Carwin
They're bothering Griffin even though they aren't hurting him.
Shane Carwin is in open guard over Griffin
Shane Carwin aggressively and repeatedly punches Griffin.
Good job by Griffin blocking and slipping the blows.
Shane Carwin is in open guard over Griffin
You can hear the excitement from the crowd. Shane Carwin can end the fight with his ground and pound.
Shane Carwin tries to pass to half guard...
Forrest Griffin's closes his guard to prevent the pass.
Shane Carwin is in closed guard over Griffin
Shane Carwin is looking to pass Forrest Griffin's guard...
Shane Carwin gets his hips free and moves to half guard.
Shane Carwin is in half guard over Griffin
Carwin sits over his knees and pushes away Griffin's leg!
Shane Carwin is able to put away his leg and then jumps to side mount.
Shane Carwin is in side mount over Forrest Griffin
Forrest Griffin attempts to trap Shane Carwin in his guard.
Forrest Griffin manages to switch to full guard.
The clock says 1:50 in the 2 round
Shane Carwin is in closed guard over Griffin
Carwin works on the ground with his fingers over Griffin's face
Griffin shakes his head and continues fighting on the ground.
Shane Carwin is in closed guard over Griffin
Griffin measures the resilience of Carwin's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in Carwin's side.
The clock says 2:15 in the 2 round
Shane Carwin is in closed guard over Griffin
Shane Carwin wants to finish his opponent on the ground
Carwin drills Forrest Griffin's face with a huge right hand! What an impact!
The clock says 2:25 in the 2 round
Shane Carwin is in closed guard over Griffin
Griffin cornermen are yelling for his man to escape from the ground as Carwin can finish a fight on the ground with some good pounding if you give him the chance.
Shane Carwin hovers above Griffin
Good punches to Griffin's body.
Crushing shot to Griffin's body! He's holding his side
The clock says 2:35 in the 2 round
Shane Carwin is in closed guard over Griffin
Carwin is in closed guard... Griffin tries to roll on the ground!
Nice reversal! He is now in full mount over Shane Carwin!
The clock says 2:45 in the 2 round
Forrest Griffin is in full mount over Shane Carwin
Carwin tries to move on the ground and escape from the full mount!
Forrest Griffin doesn't want to lose his adventageous position and he struggles to mantain the full mount.
Forrest Griffin is in full mount over Shane Carwin
Carwin measures the resilience of Griffin's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Griffin blocks the hits as he works on the ground.
Forrest Griffin is in full mount over Shane Carwin
Carwin measures the resilience of Griffin's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in Griffin's side.
Forrest Griffin is in full mount over Shane Carwin
The fight was awfully one sided. Matchmakers should take this into account for future fights.
Griffin tries to keep hs position while looking to maybe begin a pounding session...
Forrest Griffin controls the situation despite Shane Carwin efforts for escaping from the full mount.
Forrest Griffin is in full mount over Shane Carwin
Carwin tries to escape from the full mount...
Forrest Griffin is not caught off guard and moves to side mount to keep his superior position.
The clock says 3:40 in the 2 round
Forrest Griffin is in side mount over Shane Carwin
Carwin tries to show some ground skills
Griffin uses his strength to keep Griffin at a disadvantage
Shane Carwin gets sloppy and Forrest Griffin tries to take advantage...
Griffin tries to move to full mount!
Nice move. He is in full mount now.
Forrest Griffin is in full mount over Shane Carwin
Forrest Griffin doesn't want to continue the fight in this position and tries to get back on his feet
He moves fast and now he is standing
Dan Miragliotta halts the fight to stand up Forrest Griffin. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in Amway Arena (Orlando, Florida) are cheering for the fighters.
Forrest Griffin tries to take the fight to the ground with a one leg takedown...
Shane Carwin jumps backwards and frees his leg.
The clock says 4:15 in the 2 round
Griffin launches a furious low kick!
Carwin receives a hard blow on his left leg!
The clock says 4:25 in the 2 round
Shane Carwin fakes a punch and launches himself over Forrest Griffin
Griffin counters with a few fake punches and then backpedals
Carwin is holding Forrest Griffin's right leg... He's trying to take him down.
Forrest Griffin shows great balance while pushing away Shane Carwin
Griffin tries to get some advantage after his opponent miss move...
Shane Carwin launches a body shot
Griffin dodges and catches him with a hard cross.
Carwin's Left eye is beginning to swell
Carwin avoids a dangerous strike from Griffin
and fends him off with feel-out punches.
Carwin is hurt... He should be looking to avoid more damage or he will lose this fight.
Carwin grabs Forrest Griffin
He lifts him up and slams him hard to the mat!
Shane Carwin is in open guard over Griffin
Carwin tries to improve position.
Griffin adjusts and closes his guard.
Carwin misses a step and Forrest Griffin sees an opportunity to counter him!
Griffin tries to close his guard around Carwin
He succeeds!
The ref stops the action. The round is over.
Close round. It could go to either fighter.
Round 3
Shane Carwin circles around Griffin
Shane Carwin moves forward looking for some grappling action
Griffin pushes his opponent and keep the fight at striking range
Shane Carwin is taking out his mouthpiece to breathe...
Carwin grabs his opponent by the waist and tries to take the fight to the ground
Griffin struggles... Shane Carwin is unable to take him down
Carwin clumsily fails here and it's time for Forrest Griffin to fight back!
Quick hook by Forrest Griffin
Good shot! Carwin has reasons to be worried.
Griffin tries to grapple
He puts Carwin in a double underhook!
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Carwin grapple with Forrest Griffin and tries a Inner leg Sweep
Forrest Griffin managed to maintain his balances and move away from Carwin
Forrest Griffin fakes a punch and launches himself over Shane Carwin
Great move by Griffin who pushes his opponent under a troublesome thai clinch
The fighters are clinching.
Griffin tries to take Shane Carwin down... Carwin stumbles backwards and Forrest Griffin launches a few punches...
One swing hits hard Carwin's jaw!
The clock says 1:20 in the 3 round
The fighters are clinching.
Griffin struggles and launches a few punches to Carwin's head
Those punches are hitting! Carwin covers his head!
The fighters are clinching.
Shane Carwin pushes away Griffin trying to keep the fight at striking range
Griffin doesn't want to break the clinch as he still is grappling with Shane Carwin
Griffin tries to get some advantage after his opponent miss move...
Forrest Griffin gets control of Shane Carwin's neck and attempts a guillotine!
Shane Carwin shakes him off and staves off danger.
Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
Griffin grapple with Shane Carwin and tries a Inner leg Sweep
Shane Carwin falls hard on the mat with Forrest Griffin on top of him
The clock says 2:00 in the 3 round
Forrest Griffin is in closed guard over Carwin
Griffin tries to escape from closed guard...
Griffin struggles to liberate his leg and jumps to half guard!
Forrest Griffin is in half guard over Carwin
Carwin measures the resilience of Griffin's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Griffin blocks the hits as he works on the ground.
Poorly executed technique. Forrest Griffin looks to counter!
Forrest Griffin tries to pass Shane Carwin's guard...
Forrest Griffin manages to get his leg free and moves to side mount.
Forrest Griffin is in side mount over Shane Carwin
Griffin works on the ground with his fingers over Carwin's face
He seems to have encountered the eye! What a classless move!
Dan Miragliotta didn't see that!
The clock says 2:30 in the 3 round
Forrest Griffin is in side mount over Shane Carwin
Griffin tries to move to full mount!
Nice move. He is in full mount now.
Forrest Griffin is in full mount over Shane Carwin
Shane Carwin tries to roll to his side and trap Forrest Griffin in his guard...
Forrest Griffin rolls him over and takes his back!
Griffin is in rear mount over Carwin
Forrest Griffin slides his arm under Shane Carwin's chin and locks in a rear naked choke!
Shane Carwin pushes up and slides Forrest Griffin's arm over his chin.
Griffin is in rear mount over Carwin
Forrest Griffin throws his leg over Shane Carwin's arm leaving him with only one arm to defend himself from Forrest Griffin's rear naked choke attempt!
Griffin is locking that Rear Naked Choke...
Carwin struggles to free himself
That Rear Naked Choke looks tight...
That Rear Naked Choke looks tight...
Carwin struggles to free himself
Griffin is locking that Rear Naked Choke...
That Rear Naked Choke from Forrest Griffin appears to be unbreakable
Carwin struggles to free himself
Carwin's Left cheek is bruised after the punishement he's received!
Crippling lock!
Shane Carwin cannot defend with only one arm and taps to the choke!
Winner is Forrest Griffin by Submission (Rear Naked Choke) at 3:18 Round 3
Statistics: Forrest Griffin
Punches 11/14 (79%)
Kicks 2/3 (67%)
Clinch strikes 4/7 (57%)
Takedowns 1/2 (50%)
GnP strikes 3/3 (100%)
Submissions 3/3 (100%)
Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%)
Time on the ground 446 s
Statistics: Shane Carwin
Punches 6/13 (46%)
Kicks 0/0 (0%)
Clinch strikes 3/8 (38%)
Takedowns 1/2 (50%)
GnP strikes 11/26 (42%)
Submissions 1/1 (100%)
Clinch Attempts 0/1 (0%)
Time on the ground 446 s
Carwin did amazing in this fight, and I am not sure if Bulldozers has been around long enough to appreciate what Carwin accomplished here. Griffin is a former champion, and Carwin came really damned close to finishing him here. Good show from Carwin. He gets a few upgrades into his offense, he could be a beast.